Unit18New Zealand要点解读

2008-04-29 07:49蔡凤云
中学生英语高中综合天地 2008年4期



1. surroundvt. 包围;围绕

Trees surrounded the lake. 湖的周围长满了树。

They have surrounded the town with troops. 他们出动军队包围了该城。

【联想拓展】surroundingadj. 周围的;附近的n.环境;周围的事物

be surrounded by/with 被……环绕;周围都是

He didnt pay much attention to his sur?鄄roundings.他没有多注意他周围的环境。

Foxes started coming in from the sur?鄄rounding countryside.狐狸开始从附近的乡下跑进来。

2. settle

vt. 1)place or plant firmly and securely安置;安放

He settled himself in the armchair. 他安坐在扶手椅上。

2) to make a place your home定居;移居 The family finally settled in South America. 这家人最后在南美定居下来。

A long time ago, a great number of English people settled in America and Australia. 很久以前,大批英国人到美洲和澳洲定居。

3) to become quiet and calm静下来;安顿下来

The children were noisy but theyve

settled down now. 孩子们刚才很吵闹,不过现在已经安静下了。

4) pay money that one owes 付钱

At last he settled all his bills. 最后他付清了一切账单。

The account is settled at the end of every year. 每年年底结帐。

5) to decide 决定;解决

Weve settled that well stay here three days.我们已经决定在这里住三天。

The question has been settled.这个问题已经解决了。

vi. 1) take up residence定居

I cant make up my mind where to set?鄄tle. 我不能决定定居何处。

2) pass into a lasting, stable condition, position, etc.进入稳定的、持久的状态

The weather has settled at last. 天气终于稳定下来(不再多变)了。

3) (settle to) apply oneself or ones mind to; occupy oneself continuously with致力于

He cannot settle to anything. 他不能专心做任何事。

4) come to rest停;降

A bird settled on the branch. 一只鸟停歇在树枝上。

3. voyagen. 航行;(尤指)航海

The voyage from England to India used to take 6 months. 从英国坐船去印度过去得用六个月的时间。

The large ship, the Titanic with 2,207 people went down on her maiden voyage. 装载2,207人的大船——泰坦尼克号首航就沉入海底。


voyage主要指远距离的水上旅行,也可以指空中旅行意思为“航海、航空、航行”等。只作名词;journey指从一地到另一地,通常指陆地上的远距离“旅行”,有时也可以表示经常走的或长或短的“路程”,只作名词;trip 一般指时间短、距离近的“旅行、远足”,也可以指长途旅行。在非正式用语中可代替journey,只作名词;tour着重指旅行线路比较曲折,常表示“(周游各地的)参观、访问、(巡回)旅游、视察、购物、演出”等意思。可作动词和名词;travel作“旅行、游历”解,一般表示从一地到另一地旅行这一总的概念,常指长时间、远距离的“旅行”,尤指出国旅行,可作动词和名词。其复数形式意思为“旅游笔记”、“游记”。

4. surprising adj.that one does not expect使人惊奇的;出人意外的

Theres nothing surprising about that; it's what everybody expected to happen. 没有什么可惊奇的,这件事的发生是在大家意料之中的。

Is there anything surprising about it? I dont think so.这难道还有什么可奇怪的?我认为没有什么可奇怪的。

【比较】surprised adj. 吃惊的,惊讶的,(对……)感到惊讶的

She looked a little surprised. 她看来有点吃惊的样子。

I should not be surprised if it snowed tonight. 如果今晚下雪我不会感到意外。

You will be surprised at [by] his progress. 你会对他 (意外) 的进步感到惊讶。

I am very surprised to hear of his failure. 我听到他失败的事感到吃惊。

5. relationn. 亲属,亲戚;关系,联系

Hes no relation to me.他不是我的亲戚。

She invited his relations to dinner.她请他的亲人吃饭。

He had no other near relations.他没有其他近亲。

Your answer has no relation to the question. 你答非所问。

They are anxious to develop friendly relations with their neighboring countries.他们急于同邻国发展友好关系。


1. in (with) relation to 关于;和……有关

I have a lot to say in relation to that affair. 关于那件事我有好多话要说。

In relation to what happened yesterday I have something to say.对于昨天发生的事,我有话要说。

2. take possession of 占领;夺取

The soldiers took possession of the village.士兵们占领了村子。

We took possession of the enemys stronghold.我们占领了敌人的要塞。

【联想拓展】in ones possession (=in the possession of sb.)(某物)为某人所占有

in possession of sth.占有某物

come into the possession of sb.(=come into ones possession)被某人占有;落入某人手中

give possession移交所有权, 使完全占有

3. make up 组成;编造;化妆;占

Farm workers make up only a small section of the population. 农工只占人口的一小部分。

He made up a story to fool us.他编造了一个故事来愚弄我们。

She took over 30 minutes to make herself up.她花了30多分钟来化妆。

4. be marked with 有……为标志;以……做标志

The box of eggs was marked with “Care”".这个鸡蛋盒标上了“小心”字样。

The leopards skin is marked with black spots. 豹身上有黑斑纹。

5. refer to 提到;参考;查阅;针对;提交(某人或某机关)作决定(处理)

In his speech, he didnt refer to the problem at all.在他的演讲中,他丝毫未涉及那个问题。

If you have any problems, refer to the guidebook. 如果你有问题,请参阅旅游指南。

The scientists refer to the discovery as the most exciting development in this field. 这位科学家提到这一发现时,说它是这个领域中最令人兴奋的新发展。

6.turn to变成;求助;转向

The ice turned to water. 冰化成水。

I had to turn to the dictionary for help. 我只得求助于词典了。

After he left the university, he became a teacher, but later turned to journalism.大学毕业后,他先当了老师,但后来转了行,干新闻工作了。

【联想拓展】turn into变成;变得 turn in 上交;归还turn on 打开turn away转过脸去;转换方向;不准……入内;不让……参加;turn down 拒绝turn up露面;到达


1. The ocean and seas surrounding the islands are deep blue and many of New Zealands cities lie on a bay and have a natural deep harbour.环绕岛屿的海洋呈深蓝色,新西兰的许多城市在海湾旁边,有着天然的深水港口。

1) 句中的surrounding是现在分词作定语。现在分词作定语,与所修饰的名词具有逻辑上的主谓关系,相当于一个主动语态的定语从句。如本句中的surrounding the islands可改为which surround the islands。例如:

Most of the workers living(=who live)in these new houses were ship builders.在这些新房子里居住的大多是造船工人。

They built a highway leading(=which leads)into the mountains.他们修建了一条通往山里的公路。

2)句中的lie作“位于”解。lie后接介词in /on /to +the方向名词,可表达不同的位置:

“lie in +the +方向名词”表示“位于某地区范围的内部”;“lie on +the +方向名词”表示“两地区的毗邻关系(接壤)”,或表示“在……畔”;“lie to +the +方向名词”表示在某地之外的方向,并不强调接壤。例如:

Shanghai lies in the east of China. 上海在中国东部。

Guangdong lies on the south of Hunan. 广东在湖南以南。

London lies on the River Thames. 伦敦在泰晤士河畔。

“lie + to the +方向名词”中的to the常可省略,构成副词性的词组,在句中作状语。这种副词性表示方向的词组如果表示“有某一事物”还可倒装。例如:

Japan lies to the east of China.(=Japan lies east of China.)日本在中国的东边。

North of the city lies a railway. 城市北边有一条铁路。

2. New Zealand has a population of about 3.8 million people, of which about 14 Percent are Maori.新西兰大约有380万人口,其中大约百分之四十是毛利人。

of which about 14 percent are Maori是“介词+关系代词”结构,“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句涉及到介词与先行词之间的关系以及介词与动词的一些固定搭配,介词后面的关系代词只能用which或whom。当先行词是“物”时,介词后面的关系代词用which;当先行词是“人”时,介词后面的关系代词用whom。例如:

In the dark street, there wasnt a single person to whom she could turn for help.在漆黑的街上,没有一个人她可以求助。

This is the reason for which(=why) he left the company. 这就是他离开公司的原因。

He will never forget the day on which (=when) he went there. 他永远忘不了去那儿的那一天。

3. New Zealand wine is of high quality and is sold all over the world.新西兰葡萄酒品质极高,销往世界各地。

句中of high quality是“of+抽象名词”结构,这种结构相当于名词所对应的形容词。可用来表示:

1)be of 后接size(大小)、weight(重量)、length(长度)、shape(形状)、age(年龄)、quality(质量)、height(高度)、colour(颜色)等,表示人或事物的特征。例如:

Both of them were of middle height. 他们俩都是中等个了。

The flowers in the garden are of different colours. 花园里的花颜色各异。

2)be of 后接use(用处)、importance(重要)、help(帮助)、value(价值)等抽象名词,说明主语的性质,相当于同根的形容词。例如:

The meeting to be held tomorrow is of great importance(=very important). 明天举行的会议很重要。

The medicine is of no use(=useless). 这药无效。




1) 用来指代人。说明某人的身份或者做某事的人;指代婴孩或儿童;在不清楚某人性别时,也可用it,尤其在问答的形式中更为常见。例如:

-Who is it?

-Its me.

-Look, someone is coming. Who can it be?

-It may be the headmaster.

2) it和one,that 的比较:it代替上文中提到过的人或事物。指代人时,一般用于小孩或身份不十分明朗的人。one表示泛指,that和it 表示特指。that与所指名词为同类,但不是同一个,而it 与所指名词为同一个。

I cant find my hat. I think I must buy one.(不确定)

The hat you bought is bigger than that I bought yesterday. (同类但不是同一个)

I cant find my hat. I dont know where I put it.(同一物)

3) it 作为无人称动词的主语,表示天气,时间,距离,环境情况等等。这时的it 不指某个具体的东西。没有明确的含义。译成汉语可不必译出来。

It is a lovely day, isnt it?

Whats the date today? Its the eleventh, October.

It is three years since I joined the army.

It was nearly midnight when she came back.


It is not easy to finish the work in two days. (it指代to finish the work)

It took thousands of people many years to build the Great Wall. (it指代to build…)

It is no use crying over spilt milk. (it指代 crying over …)

It is a pity that you didnt read the book. (it指代that从句)

He thinks it very important to learn English well. (it指代to learn English well)

The teacher thinks it no good reading without understanding. (it指代reading without understanding)

I have made it clear that nobody is allowed to smoke here. (it指代that从句)


1. He didnt make ______ clear when and where the meeting would be held (2007 天津卷)

A. thisB. that C. it D. these

【解析】答案为C。句中it作形式宾语,真正的宾语是when and where the meeting would be held。

2. _______ worries me the way he keeps changing his mind.(2007 山东卷)

A. This B. ThatC. What D. It

【解析】答案为D。it作形式主语,代替the way he keeps changing his mind。

3. I prefer a flat in Inverness to ____in Perth, because I want to live near my Moms.(2005天津卷)

A. oneB.thatC. it D.this

【解析】答案为A。one表示泛指,此处指a flat,that和it 表示特指。

4. The doctor advised Vera strongly that she should take a holiday, but _____ didnt help. (2005全国卷Ⅱ)

A.itB.sheC.which D.he

【解析】答案为A。it代替上文中提到过的事“The doctor advised Vera strongly that…”。

5. We needed a new cupboard for the kitchen. So Peter made ______ from some wood we had. (NMET 2004)

A. itB. one C. himselfD. another

【解析】答案为B。one表示泛指,此处相当于a cupboard. it 表示特指。

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