
2008-05-15 10:31郑卫红
中学英语之友·高三版 2008年4期





1. break A. bread B. meat C. tea D. great

2. machine A. chat B. toothache C. watch D. mustache

3. fellow A. how B. knowledge C. shower D. shadow

4. north A. smooth B. month C. southern D. weather

5. tooth A. cook B. tool C. book D. good



1. The students were studying in ____ classroom when all of ____

sudden, the lights went out.

A. /; / B. the; a C. a; the D. the; /

2. ——Is Mr. Fan there? There is something I really need to talk to him about.

——No, he is out. ____?

A. Whats that B. What do you want to say

C. Can I take a message for him D. Can you trust me

3. There was a lot of fun at yesterdays party. You ____ have come, but why didnt you?

A. must B. shouldnt C. neednt D. ought to

4. Since 1999, the number of foreign students at German universities ____ from 113,000 to almost 200,000.

A. has increased B. have increased

C. are increased D. was increased

5. Some people think that the family is the most important influence ____ young adults.

A. on B. by C. in D. with

6. Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, completely ____ to the outside world.

A. having been lost B. to be lost

C. losing D. lost

7. ____ I am thinking about is how to attract many more tourists.

A. That B. Which C. What D. How

8. She told me she hadnt enjoyed the film, but I decided to go and see it ____.

A. after all B. in all C. all the same D. above all

9. He called her names, so she wont forgive him ____ he makes an apology to her.

A. although B. once C. if D. unless

10. His sudden look of fear made ____ clear that he had something to do with the matter.

A. him B. this C. it D. that

11. ——Is Tom still smoking?

——No. By next Saturday he ____ for a whole month without

smoking a single cigarette.

A. will go B. will have gone

C. goes D. has been going

12. I want to buy that kind of cloth because I ____ the cloth ____ well.

A. have told; washes B. have been told; washes

C. was told; washed D. have been told; is washed

13. Today, when I think of my friend, I remember the way her face ____ when she saw the picture of a handsome fellow.

A. cheered up B. shone up C. stood up D. lit up

14. The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience ____ in benches, chairs or boxes.

A. to seat B. seated C. seating D. seat

15. ——She joined a football team last fall and was recently made captain.

——Never ____ shed ever have that much energy.

A. I had thought B. I would have thought

C. could I have thought D. will I have thought



When we read books we seem to enter a new world. This new world can be similar to the one we are living in, or it can be very __1__. Some stories are told __2__ they were true. Real people who live in a __3__ world do real things; in other words, the stories are about people just like us doing what we do. Other stories, such as the Harry Potter, are not __4__. They are characters and creatures that are very different from us and do things that would be __5__ for us.

But there is more to books and writing than this. If we think about it, even realistic writing is only__6__. How can we tell the difference between what is real and what is not real? For example, when we read about Harry Potter, we __7__ seem to learn something about the real world. And when Harry studies magic at Hogwarts, he also learns more about his real life than __8__. Reading, like writing, is an action. It is a way of __9__. When we read or write something, we do much more than simply look at words on a page. We use our __10__ which is real—and our imagination—which is real in a different way—to make the words come to life in our minds.

Both realism and fantasy __11__ the imagination and the “magic” of reading and writing to make us think. When we read __12__ realistic, we have to imagine that the people we are reading about are just like us, even though we __13__ that we are real and they are __14__. It sounds __15__, but it works. When we read, we fill in missing information and __16__ about the causes and effects of what a character does. We help the writer by __17__ that what we read is like real life. In a way, we are writing the book, too.

Most of us probably dont think about what is going on in our __18__ when we are reading. We pick up a book and lose __19__ in a good story, eager to find out what will happen next. Knowing how we feel __20__ we read can help us become better readers, and it will help us discover more about the real magic of books.

1. A. possible B. easy C. new D. different

2. A. that B. what C. whether D. as if

3. A. usual B. normal C. certain D. common

4. A. realistic B. reasonable C. moral D. instructive

5. A. difficult B. impossible C. important D. necessary

6. A. thinkable B. designed C. imagined D. planned

7. A. doB. make C. have D. are

8. A. lessons B. dreams C. experience D. magic

9. A. working B. thinking C. living D. understanding

10. A. knowledge B. skill C. words D. grammar

11. A. make B. get C. use D. have

12. A. a newspaper B. something C. everything D. a story

13. A. find B. learn C. know D. hope

14. A. too B. not C. all D. so

15. A. dangerousB. serious C. strange D. terrible

16. A. talk B. learn C. read D. think

17. A. telling B. pretending C. promising D. guessing

18. A. mindB. life C. world D. society

19. A. heart B. time C. money D. ourselves

20. A. what B. how C. when D. why




A nationwide project will send 6,500 university graduates to serve the poor western countryside as volunteers this year.

The volunteers will work in poverty-stricken(贫困不堪的) counties for one or two years to help develop education, health care, agriculture, culture and other sectors.

The new group of volunteers will join last years group, who are midway through their two-year stints(期限), bringing the number of university graduates serving the west during 2006-07 to about 10,000.

Co-sponsored(共同主办的) by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China and three ministries, the project aims to introduce talented university graduates to the western regions of the country and reduce the increasing unemployment problem.

Over the past three years, at least 40,000 university graduates have served the west as volunteers, and 392 poverty-stricken counties have benefited.

This year, volunteers are expected to work in sectors including education, health care, agriculture, legal aid, grassroots procuratorates, courts and financial development. The latter two sectors are recent additions to the project.

During their service term, the volunteers will receive a 600-yuan (US$75) monthly allowance(补助), insurance and a health check-up.

The volunteers will also get assistance to land jobs or pursue further study when they finish their service.

The project has helped more than 4,500 of 7,200 volunteers find jobs after their service in western China.

To encourage more university graduates to get involved in the project, the organizers are strengthening their efforts to assist volunteers in finding employment afterwards.

“We will set up a database of these volunteers, gather employment information for them, provide professional training, and set up a fund(基金) for those who want to start their own businesses in the west,” said Wang Xuefeng, an official with the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China.

1. So far, ____ university graduates have served in western China as


A. at least 6,500 B. more than 7,200

C. about 10,000 D. not less than 40,000

2. After finishing their service in the west poverty-stricken counties, the volunteers ____.

A. will get a sum of money as a reward

B. will continue working in the local government

C. will be offered some help to find jobs by the project

D. will go to America to get a further study

3. In 2006, the new group of volunteers will work in ____ sectors.

A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7

4. Whats the main idea of this passage? ____.

A. 6,500 university graduates heading west as volunteers

B. The volunteers in western China

C. The development of the poor western countryside

D. The increasing unemployment problem in China


Happiness is a subjective feeling and has no necessary connection with wealth. Therefore, 70% of Chinas citizens have feelings of happiness. According to www.horizonkey.coms latest survey results from its “2005 research report on the index of qualifies of life of Chinese citizens”, the three most important sources for happiness in life for both urban and rural citizens are family harmony, physical health and economic stability.

The survey analysis concludes that wealth and happiness does not have any necessary connection. Economic status is an important but not the only factor contributing to happiness. Personal economic situation, degree of satisfaction in terms of working status and social security coverage all have relatively high degree of connection with feelings of happiness.

This illustrates the close degree of association between satisfaction of ones basic living conditions and happiness. Physical health also has a significant impact on ones feelings of happiness. Projected competitiveness in the future, living standard forecast and estimated future earning changes also have great influences on ones current feelings of happiness. Furthermore, a sense of belonging to society is also an important factor towards feelings of happiness.

What is quite interesting is that this survey also finds the facts contrary to the saying “happy people are alike, while unhappy people are quite dissimilar”. Whether urban or rural citizens, the greatest factor towards unhappiness is poverty, with 54.6% and 66.4% respectively choosing this as the main reason for unhappiness.

In addition, when comparing urban citizens with those in rural areas, more of the former feel unhappy because of poor housing conditions (39.5%), unemployment among friends and relatives (38%) and lack ofsatisfaction at work (27.2%). By comparison, more rural citizens feel unhappy because of health issues (26.9%), problems with children (15.5%) and lack of knowledge and skills (10.7%) compared to their urban citizens.

1. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? ____.

A. If a person has a higher economic status, he must have feelings of happiness

B. If a person doesnt have enough knowledge, he will not have

feelings of happiness

C. If a person has a good job, he must have feelings of happiness

D. Even if a person is very poor, he can also have feelings of


2. The main reason why both urban and rural citizens have happiness in life is that ____.

A. they live in a very developed socialist country

B. they have harmonious family, physical health and stable income

C. they can make a lot of money every month

D. they all have a big house and a car of their own

3. The underlined word “this” in the fourth paragraph refers to ____.

A. wealth B. money C. poverty D. education

4. From the whole passage, we can know that ____.

A. happiness is the thing that everyone wants most of all

B. happiness means the same to everyone

C. people can get happiness only by making money

D. happiness only belongs to those who have power


Qingdaos First Female Bodyguard Turns Out

A 20-year-old girl has become the first female bodyguard in the coastal city Qingdao.

Born into a simple working family in 1985, as a child Zhang Jing was very naughty. To bring some discipline(纪律) into her life and channel her energy she took up the Korean martial art at the age of 10.

After finishing junior middle school she announced that she wanted to be a bodyguard. Supported by her parents she completed her education at a police training school in Jinan, Shandong Province.

Physically able and schooled in policing disciplines, Zhang has entered the male dominated—in China at any rate—profession of bodyguards, reports the Peninsula City Daily.

Late Starter Proves Her Penmanship

A woman in her 70s who only learnt to read and write when she was 53, has completed four novels, one of which has been published.

Lan Yunying, 73, grew up in rural poverty in Nanzheng County, Shanxi, and never went to school.

But in 1982 when she finally felt life was easier, she began to teach herself how to read and write with the help of dictionaries.

When she was in her 60s, she began to write novels. One of the four she penned was published in a local magazine, while two of her poems have won prizes in national contests, reports the Chinese Business News.

Womens Federatins Trying to Help Men

Womens Federations have long protected the legal interests of women but in Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong Province, the local federation has branched out.

The Guangzhou Womens Federations has been offering men a special consultative service since last October. So far, more than 80 men have come to the Womens Federations for assistance.

(China Daily, Jan. 6, 2005)

1. The reason why Zhang Jing can become a bodyguard is that ____.

A. she was very naughty as a child

B. she took up the Korean martial art at the age of 10

C. she completed her education at a police training school in Jinan

D. she is physically able and schooled in policing disciplines

2. Lan Yunying learnt to read and write ____.

A. in 1982 B. in 1985 C. in her 60s D. in her 70s

3. We can conclude from the three passages that ____.

A. female bodyguards have become very popular in China now

B. everyone can become a writer if they learn to read and write

C. Womens Federations can help anyone in solving any problems

D. women have got a higher position than ever before in China


With the new holiday season approaching, many young expatriates, especially newcomers, are expecting a visit from abroad by family or friends. According to the Public Security Bureau of China (PSB), if you want your friends or family to stay with you they should register with the police within 24 hours of their arrival.

However, many foreigners think it is troublesome, “What? Even if they are just staying here for the weekend?” said Tom Edmonson, a British man who came to Beijing for four months and shared an apartment with a friend. “I did not hear anything about that. I have not registered where I am staying now, but my friend (flat mate) has registered with the local PSB.” This situation bothers Chen Zhongliang, an official of the Entry and Exit Affairs Management Department of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau. “This is a Chinese regulation and I hope every foreigner will know about it and follow it,” Chen said.

“The whole procedure is simple and it does not take longer than two minutes,” Chen said. “If you rent a local apartment, go to register with your landlord. If you have foreign friends to stay for a few days, just bring them to register.” According to Chen, there are foreigners being fined for non-registration every day.

“Normally, if they did not know about it we might just give a warning the first time,” Chen said. “But if we found out that he/she did it on purpose, they will be fined 200 yuan.” Chen said that when foreigners follow the rules and register where they are staying it is very helpful for the police and also helps reduce foreigner-related crime.

Recently, to make as many foreigners aware of the policy as possible Chen and his colleagues paid visits to over one hundred local PSB stations. The PSB will work together with different communities to make sure foreigners follow the regulations.

“We put up English and Chinese advertising in many communities, Korean language posters in the Wangjing area, as well as brochures to help people understand where to register and what they should bring with them.” “If you have not seen any brochures or posters, or need the polices help anytime, just call 110 and they would transfer the call to us,” Chen said.

1. According to the Public Security Bureau of China (PSB), as a foreigner, if your family or friends come to see you from your country, ____.

A. they must register with the embassy

B. they must register with the local police

C. they should register if they like

D. they should register at the airport

2. Some foreigners wouldnt like to register because ____.

A. it will take them too much time

B. they will have to pay a lot of money for it

C. they think it is troublesome

D. they only stay here for a few days

3. “If the foreigners did not know about the regulation, ____.”

A. they will be fined for 200 yuan

B. they will be given a warning the first time

C. they will not be allowed to stay in China

D. they will be sent back to their own country

4. Whats the main idea of the passage? ____.

A. More and more foreigners like travel to China

B. When the foreigners need help in China, they can call 110

C. Some foreigners are being fined for non-registration every day

D. The foreigners who come to China should register


The young man arrived on the Massachusetts beach early carrying a radio, a shovel, and a strange set of tools: a brick layers trowel, a palette-knife, spatulas, spoons, and a spray bottle.

He walked down near the water—the tide was out—put down the radio and tuned it to soft rock. Then he shoveled wet sand into a pile nearly four feet high and as many feet across. Then he created a rectangular(长方形的) shape.

After that, he set to work with palette-knife, spatulas, and spoons. He shaped a graceful tower, topped walls, fashioned beautiful bay windows, and carved out big front gate.

The man knew his sand. He smoothly finished some surfaces and embroidered(雕刻) artistic designs on others. As the shapes began to dry, he gently kept them slightly wet with water from the spray bottle, in case they might break in the wind.

All this took hours. People gathered. At last he stood back, obviously satisfied with a castle worthy of the Austrlian countryside or Disneyland.

Then he gathered his tools and radio and moved them up to drier sand. He had known for a while what many in the rapt(全神贯注的) crowd still overlooked: the tide was coming in. Not only had he practiced his art with confidence and style, he had done so against a powerful, immutable(不可抗拒的) deadline.

As the crowd looked on, water began to lap at the base of the castle. In minutes it was surrounded. Then the rising flood began to eat into the base, walls fell, the tower fell, and finally the gates arch fell. More minutes passed, and small waves erased bay windows and battlements—soon no more than a small part was left.

Many in the crowd looked terribly sad; some voiced fears and discouragement. But the sculptor(雕塑家) remained calm. He had, after all, had a wonderful day, making beauty out of nothing, and watching it return to nothing as time and tide moved on.

1. In this selection, why did the sculptor start early in the day? ____.

A. He knew the tide was out on this particular morning

B. It gave time for the crowd to gather

C. He needed the sun to help dry the sand

D. It was easier to begin with only a few people around

2. Which of the following best shows that the sculptor was an expert? ____.

A. He attracted a large crowd

B. He created beautiful details

C. He was able to finish his work

D. He showed satisfaction on his face

3. In this selection, what does the incoming tide signal? ____.

A. It is time to begin working

B. It is the busiest time of the day

C. It is the end of a days work

D. It is time for lookers-on to leave

4. How did the lookers-on react when the tide began to come in? ____.

A. They tried to save the sand castle

B. They were disappointed to see the art ruined

C. They were nervous about their own belongings

D. They helped the artist finish the castle

5. The reader can tell that the sculptors reward for his work is ____.

A. payment for his work B. attention from the crowd

C. fame as an artist D. personal satisfaction


Man: The time has come to say goodbye.

Woman: So soon. __1__

Man: __2__

Woman: It certainly has been a pleasure seeing you again and talking

about old days.

Man: __3__ And I really want to thank you for spending so much time showing me the sights.

Woman: __4__ It gave me a chance to get away from my everyday work and do something a little different.

Man: __5__

Woman: Oh, yes. Thats our present plan unless something bad comes up. I should be there in early September.

M: Ill be expecting you.

A. Ive had a nice time.

B. It seems as if you just got here.

C. But I have to leave here now.

D. Oh, it was fun for me, too.

E. Are you sure you can make it?

F. I feel that way, too.

G. Will you be out to see me next year as you promised?




1. As ____(教育家), they are famous for theories on how to bring up children.

2. We have a ____(强大的) country, that is, the Peoples Republic of China.

3. ____(毕业) from Peking University, he went abroad for further study.

4. I ____(坚定地) believe that this boy will have a bright future.

5. Hearing the news, he left the meeting room with great ____(愤怒).

6. They are ____(忍受) a tough time since their father laid off last year.

7. The official spokesmans ____(沉默) made everyone present confused.

8. Im going to the hospital tomorrow to have my knee ____(检查) again.

9. My father gave me his ____(宝贵的) watch as my birthday present.

10. He ____(答应) her that he would be here at 6 oclock this evening.


Chinese students are often busy in study, especially before they go 1.____

to college. Being a primary school student, every child is hoped to 2.____

go to college and usually seen loading with a heavy schoolbag.3.____

Go to middle school means more exercises and exams. They spent4.____

little time on fun. It is too much for them. But, they have to face5.____

with the challenge of the college entrance examination. But once 6.____

becoming university students, some students are addicted to playing 7.____

that they cant graduate. Measures must be done so that students 8.____

can enjoy their life while learning in primary and middle schools. 9.____

At college, students should learn enough to make a living before10.____ graduation.




Parents and Kids