2012新项目New Projects in 2012

2012-07-07 10:20
中国气象科学研究院年报 2012年0期

课题名称Title项目类别Project/Fund执行期间Duration负责人Principal Investigator多组分气溶胶活化及其对云和降水影响的数值研究Numerical research on multi-componant aerosols activation and its effect on cloud and precipitation基金委青年项目NSFC, youth program 2013—2015 周春红Zhou Chunhong中尺度对流系统中层云区闪电活动特征研究 基金委青年项目NSFC, youth program 2013—2015 王飞Wang Fei闪电CPT事件的宽带综合观测及其物理过程研究The broadband comprehensive observation and the research of physical process for CPT event generated by lightning discharge基金委青年项目NSFC, youth program 2013—2015 张阳Zhang Yang我国derecho发生发展的统计特征和数值模拟研究Statistical characteristics and modeling study of the development of derechos in China基金委青年项目NSFC, youth program 2013—2015 夏茹娣Xia Rudi亚洲-太平洋涛动季节变化与热带印度洋海温异常的联系及其机理The relationship and the mechanism between Asian-Pacific Ocillation seasonal variation and tropical Indian Ocean surface temperature基金委青年项目NSFC, youth program 2013—2015 陈军明Chen Junming我国冬季南方雨雪与亚洲大陆大气热状况Winter rainfall and snowfall in southern China and Asian atmospheric thermal condition基金委青年项目NSFC, youth program 2013—2015 南素兰Nan Sulan北极涛动和ENSO的相互作用及其对我国冬季气候的协同影响Interaction between Arctic Oscillation and ENSO and their combined impact on the winter climate in China基金委青年项目NSFC, youth program 2013—2015 左金清Zuo Jinqing利用NCEP CFSv2后报资料研究欧亚大陆春季积雪异常对中国夏季降水预报的影响Influence of Eurasian spring snow anomalies on the prediction of summer rainfall over China in NCEP CFSv2基金委青年项目NSFC, youth program 2013—2015 左志燕Zuo Zhiyan空气质量模式中化学反应机理简化及应用研究Simplify and application research of chemical reaction mechanism of the air quality model基金委青年项目NSFC, youth program 2013—2015 程艳丽Cheng Yanli我国大气中新氢氟碳化物观测方法研究Study on observation of background new hydrofluorocarbons concentrations in China基金委青年项目NSFC, youth program 2013—2015 姚波Yao Bo双参数层云微物理方案在气候模式中的应用及气溶胶间接效应的初步研究Application of a two-moment stratiform cloud microphysics scheme in climate model and preliminary study of aerosol indirect effect基金委青年项目NSFC, youth program 2013—2015 王志立Wang Zhili湿地(稻田和芦苇)土壤CO2排放对冻融过程的响应机制Response mechanisms of soil CO2emission from paddy rice and reed marsh to freeze-thaw process基金委青年项目NSFC, youth program 2013—2015 周莉Zhou Li基于实测数据的南极冰盖表面物质平衡模拟与新算法建立Modelling and updated algorithm for Antarctic surface mass balance based on the in-situ measurements基金委青年项目NSFC, youth program 2013—2015 丁明虎Ding Minghu冰川特殊下垫面对高山区降水的影响研究Infuence of glacial cooling effect on alpine precipitation基金委面上项目NSFC, general program 2013—2016 张东启Zhang Dongqi气溶胶辐射对华北区域性持续重度污染天气影响的模拟研究The simulation study of the impacts on severe air pollution weahter due to aerosol radiation in North China基金委面上项目NSFC, general program 2013—2016 王宏Wang Hong飑线中尺度三维精细结构的双多普勒雷达研究Study on the three-dimensional fne structure of the squall line with dual-Doppler radar.基金委面上项目NSFC, general program 2013—2016 周海光Zhou Haiguang青藏高原东南缘异常大气垂直结构对下游暴雨天气的影响Impact of abnormal vertical structure in the atmosphere over southeast edge of the Tibetan Plateau on the downstream rainstorm基金委面上项目NSFC, general program 2013—2016 施晓晖Shi Xiaohui

课题名称Title项目类别Project/Fund执行期间Duration负责人Principal Investigator孟加拉湾热带气旋活动及其对我国天气的影响A study on activity of the Bay of Bengal cyclones and their impacts on China weather基金委面上项目NSFC, general program 2013—2016 李英Li Ying大气CO2浓度升高和增温影响作物需水量变化机理研究Impact mechanism of increases in atmospheric CO2concentration and air temperature on change in crop water requirement基金委面上项目NSFC, general program 2013—2016 俄有浩E Youhao青藏高原对流层BrO的地基MAX-DOAS遥感观测研究Ground-based MAX-DOAS measurements of tropospheric BrO over the Tibetan Plateau基金委面上项目NSFC, general program 2013—2016 马建中Ma Jianzhong华北背景地区有机气溶胶类型及其形成与化学演变特征研究Study on the types, formation and chemical evolution of organic aerosols in the rural area of North China基金委面上项目NSFC, general program 2013—2016 张养梅Zhang Yangmei不同云动力条件和气溶胶背景吸湿性催化剂催化模拟研究Hygroscopic aerosol seeding simulation research under different cloud dynamical conditions基金委面上项目NSFC, general program 2013—2016 楼小凤Lou Xiaofeng单分散催化剂成冰机理的实验研究Experimental study on mono-dispersed seeding agents基金委面上项目NSFC, general program 2013—2016 苏正军Su Zhengjun层状云系过冷水区分布规律的飞机观测和数值模拟研究Aircraft observation and numerical simulation of supercooled water distribution regularities of stratiform clouds基金委面上项目NSFC, general program 2013—2016 周毓荃Zhou Yuquan黑碳气溶胶观测中的光学饱和效应研究Optical saturation effect study during black carbon observation基金委面上项目NSFC, general program 2013—2016 王亚强Wang Yaqiang东亚副热带季风变异机理Variabilities and mechanisms of the East Asian subtropical monsoon基金委创新研究群体项目NSFC, foundation for innovative research groups 2013—2015 张人禾Zhang Renhe洪涝灾害监测预警与防控与应急关键技术研究与应用Research and application of key techniques on observing, early-warning and preventing about food disaster科技部科技支撑计划项目MOST, technology support program 2012—2015 霍治国Huo Zhiguo云量传感器的研制Research and development of cloud cover sensor科技部重大仪器开发专项MOST, special fund for key instrument development 2012—2016 吕伟涛Lü Weitao多源光谱层析及三维数值大气关键技术Key technologies of multi-spectral tomography and three-demension numerical atmosphere科技部863课题MOST, national hi-tech research and development program 2012—2016 周毓荃Zhou Yuquan华北地区臭氧及其前体物时空变化规律与影响机理研究及应用Investigation of the spatio-temporal variations and infuencing factors of ozone and its precursors over North China中国气象局行业专项CMA, special fund for meteorological service 2012—2014 徐晓斌Xu Xiaobin层状云人工增雨作业条件识别和效果分析技术Operation conditions identification and effects analysis of stratiform clouds precipitation enhancement中国气象局行业专项CMA, special fund for meteorological service 2012—2014 周毓荃Zhou Yuquan中国雾霾数值预报系统的业务应用与测试Test and application of China operational haze-fog numerical forecast system中国气象局关键技术集成与应用项目CMA, project of key technology integration and application 2012—2013 张小曳Zhang Xiaoye雷电监测预警技术业务化集成应用Integration and application of lightning monitoring and warning technology中国气象局关键技术集成与应用项目CMA, project of key technology integration and application 2012—2012 姚雯Yao Wen本底N2O观测标气设置、传递体系研究应用Research of standard gases configuration & designation system for background atmospheric N2O observation中国气象局关键技术集成与应用项目CMA, project of key technology integration and application 2012—2012 方双喜Fang Shuangxi气候系统模式改进及其短期气候预测试验研究Improvement of climate system model and its application to short-range climate prediction气科院重点项目CAMS, key program 2012—2014 容新尧Rong Xinyao

NSFC,∶ National Natural Science Foundation of China (国家自然科学基金委员会)MOST∶ Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China (中华人民共和国科技部)CMA∶ China Meteorological Administration (中国气象局)CAMS∶ Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences (中国气象科学研究院)

2012年7月5日,气科院2012年度研究生学位授予仪式暨毕业典礼隆重举行,共有16名博士研究生、45名硕士研究生顺利完成学业。2012年气科院共招收研究生58名,其中硕士研究生45名、博士研究生13名。截至2012年底,气科院有9名在站博士后。On 5 July 2012, the Master Degree Awarding Ceremony, i.e., the Graduation Ceremony of CAMS was held with 16 PhD and 45 MSc degrees conferred. In 2012, CAMS enrolled 58 graduate candidates, including 45 MSc and 13 PhD students. By the end of 2012, there were 9 post-doctoral associates in the CAMS Post-Doctoral Research Station.

2012年9月27日,王怀刚副院长主持召开青年科技人才培养研讨会,与中国气象局人事司领导共同讨论了《中国气象科学研究院选派优秀青年科技人员出国交流暂行办法》。该办法旨在加大青年科技人才培养力度,使其尽快成长为科研业务骨干和学科带头人。On 27 September 2012, CAMS Vice President, Mr. Wang Huaigang hosted the Workshop on Cultivation of Young S&T Talents. He discussed with leaders from CMA Department of Personnel about the “Provisional Regulations for International Exchange of Talented Young S&T from CAMS”, which aimed at enhancing the cultivation of young S&T talents and training them into operational elites as well as leading academic experts.

为宣传研究生培养工作,扩大生源及提高生源质量,2012年9月20日,周广胜副院长带队到南京信息工程大学举办专场招生宣传会,并做了“现代大气科学与中国气象科学研究院--研究生培养、科研与业务就业的连通基地”报告。To introduce CAMS graduate cultivation with the aim of expanding scope of enrollment and improving the quality of graduate candidates, on 20 September 2012, CAMS Vice President Dr. Zhou Guangsheng led a team to Nanjing University of Information Sciences & Technology to hold the Enrollment Promotion. He also made a presentation with the theme “Modern Atmospheric Science and CAMS–Connective Base for Graduate Cultivation, Scientifc Research & Operation and Job-Hunting”.

基于CALIPSO 资料的东亚地区气溶胶 垂直分布特征分析