
2013-10-16 10:30党红凯李瑞奇李雁鸣孙亚辉张馨文刘梦星
植物营养与肥料学报 2013年5期

党红凯, 李瑞奇, 李雁鸣*, 孙亚辉, 3, 张馨文, 刘梦星

(1 河北农业大学农学院, 河北省作物生长调控重点实验室,河北保定 071001; 2 河北省农林科学院旱作农业研究所,河北衡水 053000; 3 河北联合大学轻工学院,河北唐山 063000)


党红凯1, 2, 李瑞奇1, 李雁鸣1*, 孙亚辉1, 3, 张馨文1, 刘梦星1

(1 河北农业大学农学院, 河北省作物生长调控重点实验室,河北保定 071001; 2 河北省农林科学院旱作农业研究所,河北衡水 053000; 3 河北联合大学轻工学院,河北唐山 063000)

超高产; 冬小麦; 氮素; 吸收; 积累; 分配

1 材料与方法

1.1 试验地概况

2年中均选用4个冬小麦新品种,并采用审定时推荐的适宜基本苗。2004年为石麦14、石麦12、冀丰703、石新828,10月4日播种,翌年5月6日开花,6月11日收获; 2005年为特麦1号、石新531、石新828、石麦12,10月6日播种,翌年5月7日开花,6月12日收获。每个品种的总面积均为1 hm2,分为面积相等的3个地块(3333 m2),取样时作为3次重复。2年的籽粒产量均达到或接近超高产(9000 kg/hm2)水平(表4)。

1.2 测定项目和方法

各主要时期在每个品种各重复中按5点法取样,每个样本苗期取样50株,拔节后取样30株。将植株按叶片、叶鞘、茎秆(拔节期开始)、穗(孕穗期开始,开花后10 d以后不包括籽粒)、籽粒分解,105℃烘箱中杀青30 min,然后降温至80℃烘干至恒重,冷却后称量各器官重量,并根据取样株数和每公顷基本苗数计算每公顷该器官的总重量,用于计算氮的总积累量。土壤速效氮含量采用碱解定氮法[11]。植株全氮含量用比色法[11],U2001型紫外分光光度计测定。

1.3 数据处理与统计分析




采用Microsoft Excel 2000处理数据,采用DPS2000数据处理系统进行统计分析和差异显著性检验。

2 结果与分析

2.1 小麦植株体内氮浓度的变化动态

表1 小麦不同器官总干物质中的氮含量(%,干重)Table 1 N contents in different parts of wheat (dry matter)

注(Note): DAA—Days after anthesis. 同列数据后字母相同表示每年度4个品种间在0.05水平差异不显著 Values followed by the same letter within a column are not significantly at the 0.05 level among the four cultivars at the same growing year.

2.2 小麦地上部各器官对氮的吸收积累和分配

2.2.1 地上部各器官中氮的积累量 由表2可见,在拔节期以前的各生育时期,不同品种同类器官中氮积累量的差异较大,拔节以后品种间的差异逐渐变小。不同品种各器官氮积累量达到最高值的时期有所不同,叶片和叶鞘中氮的积累量在拔节期、孕穗期或开花期达到最高值,茎秆氮的积累量在孕穗期或开花期达到最高值,穗部均在开花期达到最高值,籽粒氮的积累量在成熟期最高。除籽粒以外的各器官氮积累量达最高值后,即随生育进程逐渐降低。各器官氮积累量比较,生育前期叶片中最高,生育后期籽粒中最高。成熟期不同器官中氮的积累量表现为籽粒>叶片>茎秆≥叶鞘≥穗部。成熟期不同品种各器官中氮的积累量仍存在一定差异,2005年冀丰703和石新828籽粒氮积累量显著高于石麦14和石麦12的,2006年特麦1号籽粒氮积累量显著高于其他3个品种。

2.2.2 不同生育时期氮在各器官中的分配 由表3可见,不同品种各生育时期同类器官中氮的分配率差异较小。生育前期氮在叶片中的分配率最高,孕穗期之前一般都在50%以上,但拔节期以后呈下降趋势,成熟期均降到8%以下。冬前和起身期氮在叶鞘中的分配率较高,以后也逐渐降低。氮在茎秆中的分配率2005年以开花期最高,2006年在孕穗期最高,最高值出现后即逐渐降低。穗部的氮素分配率在开花期最高,之后逐渐降低。氮在籽粒中的分配率,从开花后10 d到成熟期逐渐增高,成熟期达到80%以上。成熟期氮在不同器官的分配顺序为:籽粒>叶片≥茎秆≥叶鞘≥穗部。

2.3 小麦不同生育阶段氮的净吸收和净转移


3 讨论


表2 不同生育时期氮在地上部器官中的积累量(kg/hm2)Table 2 Accumulated amounts of N in above-ground parts of wheat at main growth stages

注(Note): DAA—Days after anthesis. 同列数据后字母相同表示每年度4个品种间在0.05水平差异不显著 Values followed by the same letter within a column are not significantly at the 0.05 level among the four cultivars at the same growing year.

表3 不同生育时期氮在地上部不同器官中的分配率(%)Table 3 Percentages of N stored in different parts of wheat at main growth stages

注(Note): DAA—Days after anthesis. 同列数据后字母相同表示每年度4个品种间在0.05水平差异不显著 Values followed by the same letter within a column are not significantly at the 0.05 level among the four cultivars at the same growing year.

表4 小麦植株氮的总积累量和100 kg籽粒吸收量Table 4 Total N accumulation in wheat plants and N adsorption for 100 kg grain yield

注(Note): DAA—Days after anthesis. 同列数据后字母相同表示每年度4个品种间在0.05水平差异不显著 Values followed by the same letter within a column are not significantly at the 0.05 level among the four cultivars at the same growing year. “平均”行的小写字母表示2年度4个品种平均值的差异显著性The small letters in rows “Mean” show the significance between the averages of the four cultivars in each growing year.

表5 不同生育时期小麦植株氮的积累百分率 (%)Table 5 The accumulative percentages of N in wheat plants at main growth stages

注(Note): DAA—Days after anthesis. 同列数据后字母相同表示每年度4个品种间在0.05水平差异不显著 Values followed by the same letter within a column are not significantly at the 0.05 level among the four cultivars at the same growing year.“平均”行的小写字母表示2年度4个品种平均值的差异显著性The small letters in rows “Mean” show the significance between the averages of the four cultivars in each growing year.

表6 小麦植株各器官氮的净吸收与净转移Table 6 Net absorption and transfer of N of different organs of wheat

注(Note): 正值表示积累量Plus values mean net absorption; 负值表示转移量Negative values mean net transfer. 同列不同小写字母表示同一测定项目或器官两年度间在0.05水平差异显著Different small letters in the same column mean that the same parameter or organ between the two years are significant at the 0.05 level.


3.3 超高产冬小麦氮素吸收关键期与施肥的关系

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DANG Hong-kai1, 2, LI Rui-qi1, LI Yan-ming1*, SUN Ya-hui1, 3, ZHANG Xin-wen1, LIU Meng-xing1

(1CollegeofAgronomy,AgriculturalUniversityofHebei/KeyLaboratoryofCropGrowthRegulationofHebeiProvince,Baoding,Hebei071000,China; 2DrylandFarmingInstitute,HebeiAcademyofAgricultureandForestrySciences,Hengshui,Hebei053000,China; 3CollegeofLightIndustry,HebeiUnitedUniversity,Tangshan,Hebei063000,China)

In order to clarify the characteristics of nitrogen nutrition in winter wheat with yields of above 9000 kg/ha, field experiments were conducted in Gaocheng County, Hebei Province during 2004-2006. Eight winter wheat cultivars: Shimai14, Jifeng703, Shimai12 and Shixin828 during 2004-2005, and Temai1, Shimai12, Shixin531 and Shixin828 during 2005-2006, were used for the experiments. Plant samples were collected at 8 growth stages and the nitrogen contents in different parts of wheat were determined. The results showed that the N contents in the tested parts of wheat were in the range of 0.22%-3.35% (dry weight). The highest nitrogen contents and accumulation were occurred in leaf blades during the early growing period and in grains during the mature period. The total amount of accumulated N in whole plants were in the range of 232.48 to 285.18 kg/ha, the amount of N needed for forming 100 kg of grain yield was in the range of 2.63 to 3.13 kg. Before booting stage, more than 50% of the absorbed N was stored in leaf blades, and in maturity stage, more than 80% of the N was stored in grains in all the cultivars. 68.02%-73.31% of the nitrogen in grains at maturity stage came from the redistribution from vegetative organs. From seedling emergence to erecting stage, jointing to booting stage, and anthesis to maturity stage are important for winter wheat to absorb nitrogen. According to the characteristics of nitrogen absorption and accumulation, it is essential for winter wheat to yield 9000 kg/ha in Hebei Plain that the soil total N be higher than 0.75 g/kg, and the total fertilizing N be about 260 kg/ha.

supper-highly yielding; winter wheat; nitrogen; absorption; accumulation; distribution



党红凯(1979—),男,河北巨鹿人,博士,助理研究员,主要从事作物节水节肥栽培生理研究。E-mail:wheatcrop@126.com * 通信作者 E-mail:liym315@126.com




桃树氮素营养研究进展(2) ——桃树的氮素贮藏与循环利用