
2014-04-11 04:11焦晓国周小毛王少丽吴青君张友军
植物保护 2014年3期

易 胜, 焦晓国, 谢 文, 周小毛, 王少丽, 吴青君, 张友军*

(1.湖南农业大学农药研究所,长沙 410128;2.中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所,北京 100081)


易 胜1,2, 焦晓国2, 谢 文2, 周小毛1, 王少丽2, 吴青君2, 张友军2*

(1.湖南农业大学农药研究所,长沙 410128;2.中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所,北京 100081)


关键词烟粉虱; 温度; 寄主植物; 生长发育; 繁殖; 竞争取代

烟粉虱是严重为害蔬菜、花卉和主要田间作物的一种多食性全球重要害虫,是由形态上不易分辨的多种隐种组成的复合种[1-2]。在众多隐种中,仅B/Q隐种烟粉虱是重要外来入侵害虫,B隐种又称“MEAM1”(Middle East-Asia Minor 1),Q隐种又称“MED”(Mediterranean)。B/Q隐种烟粉虱在世界各地分布广泛,但各地分布比例不同且竞争替代结果也复杂多样。在西班牙东南部,Q隐种逐渐取代B隐种[3-4];在美国,B隐种在室外较Q隐种具有竞争优势,相反在温室内,Q隐种较B隐种具有竞争优势;在以色列,B/Q隐种能共存[5];而在东亚及中国大部分地区,Q隐种已经逐渐取代早期入侵的B隐种成为烟粉虱危害的主要致害隐种[6-7]。这说明影响B/Q隐种分布比例和竞争替代结果的因子多样且复杂。先前室内研究表明,B隐种由于非对称性交配干扰而对Q隐种具有竞争优势[8-10];而在西班牙东南部和中国大部,一般把室外Q隐种具有竞争优势归因于Q隐种较B隐种对烟碱类杀虫剂抗性更强[11]。除这些内源影响因子外,外源因子,如气候、温湿度和寄主植物分布等也可能影响两种隐种的竞争替代结果[12-14]。


1 材料及方法

1.1 供试昆虫来源和寄主植物

B隐种2004年采集于北京地区甘蓝(Brassica oleracea‘Jingfeng1’)上,室内用棉花(Gossypium hirsutum‘Baoling DP99B’)继代饲养至今。Q隐种2008年采自一品红(Euphorbia pulcherrima),室内用一品红继代培养至今。每一隐种种群采用外罩防虫网的养虫笼培养(50 cm×40 cm×60 cm),培养条件为(25±2)℃,60%±10%(RH)和L∥D=14 h∥10 h光照。每饲养3代,采用mtCOI引物进行PCR扩增,监测鉴别烟粉虱纯度[31]。

1.2 若虫存活率和发育历期

隐种和寄主植物的组合分为4个处理,BC(B隐种雌虫卵产于棉花上);BP(B隐种雌虫卵产于一品红上);QP(Q隐种雌虫卵产于一品红上)和QC(Q隐种雌虫卵产于棉花上)。把16株无虫的一品红或棉花放入饲养B隐种或Q隐种的养虫笼中接卵,接卵10 h后,把带卵寄主植物从养虫笼中移出。每一植株选取3~4片伸展的叶片并标记。未标记叶片上的卵在双目显微镜下去除。选择叶片下端有卵地方采用记号笔标记,利于跟踪每头烟粉虱由卵到成虫羽化的过程。每选择叶片上卵量大约20~50粒,多余卵量去除。4个处理(BC,BP,QP和QC)中,每一处理采用4株植物分别放入20℃和27℃人工气候箱中培养,培养箱保持RH60%±10%和L∥D=14 h∥10 h光照。当某一寄主上发现有烟粉虱伪蛹时,将该寄主植株采用防虫网罩住,然后每天收集羽化的成虫并冰冻于-20℃冰箱中。计算不同温度下,不同烟粉虱隐种若虫在不同寄主植物上发育历期(卵至成虫)。若虫存活率采用羽化成虫数与初始卵量比值表示。在每一处理中,每一选择叶片为一次重复,每处理12~13个重复。

1.3 雌虫产卵量和寿命

寄主植物和隐种4种组合如前所述。把刚羽化的雌雄成虫配对,采用微虫笼接于寄主植物叶片下端,每植株接一个微虫笼,每处理在20℃或27℃条件下重复23~25次。每天观察雌虫存活状态,每隔2 d把微虫笼位置转移一次,记载每次雌虫产卵量。

1.4 数据统计方法

以隐种、温度和寄主植物为固定因子,采用普通线性模型(GLM)测定不同因子对烟粉虱若虫存活率、发育历期、雌虫产卵量和寿命的影响。若虫存活率数据在统计前采用平方根反正弦变换,所有数据采用SPSS 11.5(SPSS Inc,Chicago,IL,USA)进行统计分析。

2 结果与分析

2.1 若虫存活率和发育历期


表1 温度和寄主植物对B/Q隐种若虫存活率的影响Table 1 Effects of temperature and host plants on immature survivorship(egg to adult)of B and Q sibling species of B.tabaci

图1 温度和寄主植物对B/Q隐种若虫存活率(means±SD)的影响Fig.1 Immature survivorship(means±SD)of B and Q sibling species of B.tabaci as affected by temperature and host


表2 温度和寄主植物对B/Q隐种若虫发育历期的影响Table 2 Effects of temperature and host plants on immature development time(egg to adult)of B and Q sibling species of B.tabaci

图2 温度和寄主植物对B/Q隐种若虫发育历期(means±SD)的影响Fig.2 Developmental time(means±SD)(egg to adult)of B and Q sibling species of B.tabaci as affected by temperature and host

2.2 雌虫产卵量和寿命


图3 温度和寄主植物对B/Q隐种雌虫产卵量(means±SD)的影响Fig.3 Fecundity(means±SD)of B and Q sibling species of B.tabaci as affected by temperature and host


表3 温度和寄主植物对B/Q隐种雌虫产卵量的影响Table 3 Effects of temperature and host plants on female lifetime fecundity of B and Q sibling species of B.tabaci

表4 温度和寄主植物对B/Q隐种雌虫寿命的影响Table 4 Effects of temperature and host plants on female adult longevity of B and Q sibling species of B.tabaci

图4 温度和寄主植物对B/Q隐种雌虫寿命(means±SD)的影响Fig.4 Female longevity(means±SD)of B and Q sibling species of B.tabaci as affected by temperature and host

3 结论与讨论






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中图分类号:Q 968







Combined effects of temperature and host plants on the development and reproduction of B and Q sibling species of Bemisia tabaci

Yi Sheng1,2, Jiao Xiaoguo2, Xie Wen2, Zhou Xiaomao1, Wang Shaoli2, Wu Qingjun2, Zhang Youjun2
(1.Institute of Pesticide Science,Hunan Agricultural University,Changsha 410128,China;2.Institute of Vegetables and Flowers,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China)

AbstractIn the present study,we conducted a reciprocal cross experiment with two hosts(cotton and poinsettia)between B and Q sibling species of Bemisia tabaci to investigate the combined effects of rearing temperature(20℃and 27℃)and host plants on development and several life history traits of B and Q B.tabaci.We found that the survivorship of B.tabaci immatures(egg to adult),irrespective of B and Q,was independent of rearing temperature and host plants.Females and males of either biotype reared at 27℃developed substantially faster than those at 20℃.However,female lifetime fecundity and female adult longevity at 20℃were significantly higher than those at 27℃on both host plants.Cotton was more suitable for either B or Q relative to poinsettia.Q gains advantages over B in terms of higher lifetime fecundity and female adult longevity,except slower development at the same rearing temperature and on the same host,which may at least in part shed some light on the displacement of B by Q.

Key wordsBemisia tabaci; temperature; host plant; development; reproduction; competitive displacement
