
2014-07-05 15:16朱红费惠严海霞徐善祥
中国现代医生 2014年17期


[摘要] 目的 研究流程图及鱼骨图在降低开放性创伤手术围手术期感染中的应用效果。方法 分析既往开放性创伤患者围手术期感染的危险因素,制定感染因素鱼骨图及管理感染流程图,将其应用于手术医护人员培训中,观察应用前后医务人员考评分及职业暴露情况。 结果 培训前总评分(82.51±4.89)分、职业暴露8.93%、正确处理71.15%、感染15.98%;培训后分别为(97.36±2.11)分、3.61%、100.00%、5.93%。结论 应用开放性创伤感染危险因素鱼骨图及管理流程图培训后,有助于护理人员更好地掌握防控感染的相关知识,同时降低职业暴露率。

[关键词] 流程图;鱼骨图;开放性创伤;围手术期;感染

[中图分类号] R47 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2014)17-0150-04

Application of flow diagram and fishbone diagram to reduce perioperative infection of open wounds during operation

ZHU Hong1 FEI Hui1 YAN Haixia1 XU Shanxiang2

1.Operation Room, the First Hospital of Ningbo City in Zhejiang Province, Ningbo 315010, China; 2. Department of Orthopedics, the Second People's Hospital of Ganzhou City in Jiangxi Province, Ganzhou 415000, China

[Abstract] Objective To study the flow chart and fishbone diagram open wounds in reducing perioperative infection in the application results. Methods Patients with open wounds previous perioperative risk factors for infection, infection factors to develop a flow chart fishbone diagram and management of infection, surgery will be applied within the health care training, medical personnel observed before and after application of the test scores and occupational exposure situation. Results Before training the total score were (82.51±4.89) points, occupational exposure 8.93%, with proper handling 71.15%, infection 15.98%; After training that respectively were(97.36±2.11) points, with occupational exposure 3.61%, proper handling 100.00%, infection 5.93%. Conclusion The application of risk factors fishbone diagram flow chart of training and management of open wound infection, helping nurses to better grasp the knowledge of infection prevention and control, while reducing the rate of occupational exposure.

[Key words] Flow chart; Fishbone diagram; Open wound; Perioperative period; Infection


1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料


1.2 研究方法

1.2.1 评估开放性创伤的现状 回顾性分析开放性创伤患者围手术期内引起的感染患者及相关护理人员的临床资料。对科内护士进行感染因素及管理感染的办法等相关知识调查后发现,护士并不能完全掌握引起开放性创伤感染的因素;护士对手术感染的管理办法了解有欠缺,目标与程度不明确,造成患者健康知识了解不明确、心理压力过大。同时发现开放性创伤手术工作量较大,患者伤势危急,医务工作者防护意识欠缺,职业暴露率较高,并且发生职业暴露后不能正确及时地处理。

1.2.2 制作感染因素的鱼骨图及管理感染的流程图 (1)2012年10月,组织全科护理人员对开放性创伤围手术期内可能引起感染的因素进行讨论分析,同时回顾性分析患者的临床资料,从多种角度探究感染发生机制及构成要素,从而制定开放性创伤手术围手术期感染的危险因素鱼骨图,见图1。(2)根据图1与《医院感染管理办法》、《突发公共卫生事件应急条例》等防治感染的相关法律法规,总结开放性创伤手术感染控制的流程性管理办法,从而设计出树状结构的管理感染的流程图,见图2。endprint

1.2.3 培训 对10名科内护理人员进行感染因素的鱼骨图的解释及原因分析,使每位护理人员充分理解鱼骨图各项指标的意义,从而严格掌握感染的危险因素。进而对每位护理人员分析开放性创伤手术过程中的注意事项,对流程图的各项工作的展开及步骤应熟练掌握。每周进行3次培训,培训过程中可由护理人员相互交流经验,对工作中可能发生职业暴露的地方应相互指正。

1.3 观察指标


1.4 统计学处理

应用SPSS 16.0统计学软件进行数据分析,计量资料以(x±s)表示,采用t检验,计数资料采用χ2检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。


2.1 应用流程图及鱼骨图进行培训前后考评分比较


表1 应用流程图及鱼骨图进行培训前后考评分比较(x±s,分)

2.2 职业暴露


表2 应用流程图及鱼骨图进行培训前后职业暴露情况比较[n(%)]

2.3 感染情况


表3 应用流程图及鱼骨图进行培训前后患者感染情况比较[n(%)]

3 讨论









[1] Taner M T,Sezen B,Antony J. An overview of six sigma applications in healthcare industry[J]. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance,2007,20(4):329-340.

[2] Blatnik J A,Krpata D M,Novitsky Y W,et al. Does a history of wound infection predict postoperative surgical site infection after ventral hernia repair[J]. The American Journal of Surgery,2012,203(3):370-374.

[3] Greif R,Akca O,Horn E P,et al. Supplemental perioperative oxygen to reduce the incidence of surgical-wound infection[J]. New England Journal of Medicine,2000,342(3):161-167.

[4] Zerr MBA,Kathryn J,Furnary M D,et al. Glucose control lowers the risk of wound infection in diabetics after open heart operations[J]. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery,1997, 63(2): 356-361.

[5] Chen L F,Arduino J M,Sheng S,et al. Epidemiology and outcome of major postoperative infections following cardiac surgery: Risk factors and impact of pathogen type[J]. American Journal of Infection Control,2012,40(10):963-968.

[6] McGirt M J,Parker S L,Lerner J,et al. Comparative analysis of perioperative surgical site infection after minimally invasive versus open posterior transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion: Analysis of hospital billing and discharge data from 5170 patients: Clinical article[J]. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine,2011,14(6):771-778.

[7] Haga H,Fukushima N. Historical consideration of the widespread infection of the hepatitis C virus in Japan and use of a fishbone diagram to investigate the cause[J]. The Journal of Japanese History of Pharmacy,2010,46(1):21-28.

[8] 曹新平. 鱼骨图和流程图在开放性创伤手术感染管理中的应用[J]. 护理学杂志,2013,28(2):3-5.

[9] 权爱莲. 颅内动脉瘤破裂出血急诊手术配合的流程管理[J]. 护理学杂志,2009,24(12):60-61.

[10] Poon K C,Lee H Y,Yau W H. Predictive factors for the existence of foreign body following fish bone ingestion: a prospective study[J]. Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine,2010,17(2):132-141.

[11] Tamm E P,Szklaruk J,Puthooran L,et al. Quality initiatives: planning,setting up,and carrying out radiology Process improvement projects[J]. Radiographics,2012,32(5):1529-1542.

[12] 张春斐,张红枫,朱亮德,等. 六西格玛管理方法降低高压蒸汽灭菌后湿包发生率[J]. 解放军护理杂志,2010,27(2):144-146.

[13] 夏晓燕. 应用六西格玛方法改进妇产科门诊流程[D]. 南方医科大学,2008.

[14] Wei G S,Jackson J L,O'malley P G. Postmenopausal osteoporosis risk management in primary care: How well does it adhere to national practice guidelines[J]. Journal of the American Medical Women's Association,2003,58(2):99-104.

[15] Yoshida J,Koda S,Nishida S,et al. Association between occupational exposure levels of antineoplastic drugs and work environment in five hospitals in Japan[J]. Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice,2011,17(1):29-38.

[16] Vandenplas O,Dressel H,Wilken D,et al. Management of occupational asthma: Cessation or reduction of exposure? A systematic review of available evidence[J]. European Respiratory Journal,2011,38(4):804-811.



[1] Taner M T,Sezen B,Antony J. An overview of six sigma applications in healthcare industry[J]. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance,2007,20(4):329-340.

[2] Blatnik J A,Krpata D M,Novitsky Y W,et al. Does a history of wound infection predict postoperative surgical site infection after ventral hernia repair[J]. The American Journal of Surgery,2012,203(3):370-374.

[3] Greif R,Akca O,Horn E P,et al. Supplemental perioperative oxygen to reduce the incidence of surgical-wound infection[J]. New England Journal of Medicine,2000,342(3):161-167.

[4] Zerr MBA,Kathryn J,Furnary M D,et al. Glucose control lowers the risk of wound infection in diabetics after open heart operations[J]. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery,1997, 63(2): 356-361.

[5] Chen L F,Arduino J M,Sheng S,et al. Epidemiology and outcome of major postoperative infections following cardiac surgery: Risk factors and impact of pathogen type[J]. American Journal of Infection Control,2012,40(10):963-968.

[6] McGirt M J,Parker S L,Lerner J,et al. Comparative analysis of perioperative surgical site infection after minimally invasive versus open posterior transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion: Analysis of hospital billing and discharge data from 5170 patients: Clinical article[J]. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine,2011,14(6):771-778.

[7] Haga H,Fukushima N. Historical consideration of the widespread infection of the hepatitis C virus in Japan and use of a fishbone diagram to investigate the cause[J]. The Journal of Japanese History of Pharmacy,2010,46(1):21-28.

[8] 曹新平. 鱼骨图和流程图在开放性创伤手术感染管理中的应用[J]. 护理学杂志,2013,28(2):3-5.

[9] 权爱莲. 颅内动脉瘤破裂出血急诊手术配合的流程管理[J]. 护理学杂志,2009,24(12):60-61.

[10] Poon K C,Lee H Y,Yau W H. Predictive factors for the existence of foreign body following fish bone ingestion: a prospective study[J]. Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine,2010,17(2):132-141.

[11] Tamm E P,Szklaruk J,Puthooran L,et al. Quality initiatives: planning,setting up,and carrying out radiology Process improvement projects[J]. Radiographics,2012,32(5):1529-1542.

[12] 张春斐,张红枫,朱亮德,等. 六西格玛管理方法降低高压蒸汽灭菌后湿包发生率[J]. 解放军护理杂志,2010,27(2):144-146.

[13] 夏晓燕. 应用六西格玛方法改进妇产科门诊流程[D]. 南方医科大学,2008.

[14] Wei G S,Jackson J L,O'malley P G. Postmenopausal osteoporosis risk management in primary care: How well does it adhere to national practice guidelines[J]. Journal of the American Medical Women's Association,2003,58(2):99-104.

[15] Yoshida J,Koda S,Nishida S,et al. Association between occupational exposure levels of antineoplastic drugs and work environment in five hospitals in Japan[J]. Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice,2011,17(1):29-38.

[16] Vandenplas O,Dressel H,Wilken D,et al. Management of occupational asthma: Cessation or reduction of exposure? A systematic review of available evidence[J]. European Respiratory Journal,2011,38(4):804-811.



[1] Taner M T,Sezen B,Antony J. An overview of six sigma applications in healthcare industry[J]. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance,2007,20(4):329-340.

[2] Blatnik J A,Krpata D M,Novitsky Y W,et al. Does a history of wound infection predict postoperative surgical site infection after ventral hernia repair[J]. The American Journal of Surgery,2012,203(3):370-374.

[3] Greif R,Akca O,Horn E P,et al. Supplemental perioperative oxygen to reduce the incidence of surgical-wound infection[J]. New England Journal of Medicine,2000,342(3):161-167.

[4] Zerr MBA,Kathryn J,Furnary M D,et al. Glucose control lowers the risk of wound infection in diabetics after open heart operations[J]. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery,1997, 63(2): 356-361.

[5] Chen L F,Arduino J M,Sheng S,et al. Epidemiology and outcome of major postoperative infections following cardiac surgery: Risk factors and impact of pathogen type[J]. American Journal of Infection Control,2012,40(10):963-968.

[6] McGirt M J,Parker S L,Lerner J,et al. Comparative analysis of perioperative surgical site infection after minimally invasive versus open posterior transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion: Analysis of hospital billing and discharge data from 5170 patients: Clinical article[J]. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine,2011,14(6):771-778.

[7] Haga H,Fukushima N. Historical consideration of the widespread infection of the hepatitis C virus in Japan and use of a fishbone diagram to investigate the cause[J]. The Journal of Japanese History of Pharmacy,2010,46(1):21-28.

[8] 曹新平. 鱼骨图和流程图在开放性创伤手术感染管理中的应用[J]. 护理学杂志,2013,28(2):3-5.

[9] 权爱莲. 颅内动脉瘤破裂出血急诊手术配合的流程管理[J]. 护理学杂志,2009,24(12):60-61.

[10] Poon K C,Lee H Y,Yau W H. Predictive factors for the existence of foreign body following fish bone ingestion: a prospective study[J]. Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine,2010,17(2):132-141.

[11] Tamm E P,Szklaruk J,Puthooran L,et al. Quality initiatives: planning,setting up,and carrying out radiology Process improvement projects[J]. Radiographics,2012,32(5):1529-1542.

[12] 张春斐,张红枫,朱亮德,等. 六西格玛管理方法降低高压蒸汽灭菌后湿包发生率[J]. 解放军护理杂志,2010,27(2):144-146.

[13] 夏晓燕. 应用六西格玛方法改进妇产科门诊流程[D]. 南方医科大学,2008.

[14] Wei G S,Jackson J L,O'malley P G. Postmenopausal osteoporosis risk management in primary care: How well does it adhere to national practice guidelines[J]. Journal of the American Medical Women's Association,2003,58(2):99-104.

[15] Yoshida J,Koda S,Nishida S,et al. Association between occupational exposure levels of antineoplastic drugs and work environment in five hospitals in Japan[J]. Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice,2011,17(1):29-38.

[16] Vandenplas O,Dressel H,Wilken D,et al. Management of occupational asthma: Cessation or reduction of exposure? A systematic review of available evidence[J]. European Respiratory Journal,2011,38(4):804-811.


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