
2015-03-23 04:04禹定臣郝东山
原子与分子物理学报 2015年5期

禹定臣, 郝东山

(1.黄淮学院信息工程学院, 驻马店 463000; 2.郑州工业应用技术学院信息工程学院, 新郑 451150)


禹定臣1, 郝东山2

(1.黄淮学院信息工程学院, 驻马店 463000; 2.郑州工业应用技术学院信息工程学院, 新郑 451150)


激光等离子体通道天线; 传输模式; 辐射特性; 耦合; 多光子非线性Compton散射

1 引 言


2 天线设计及工作原理


图1 等离子体通道天线示意图Fig.1 Sketch map of plasma channel antenna

3 天线传播特性


图2 等离子体通道天线电磁模型Fig.2 Electromagnetic model of plasma channel antenna























图3 电性有耗介质下传输模式衰减常数随介质损耗的变化Fig.3 Changes on attenuation constant of propagation model along dielectric loss under electric dielectric

图4 磁性有耗介质下传输模式衰减常数随介质损耗的变化Fig.4 Changes on attenuation constant of propagation model along dielectric loss under magnetism dielectric

图5 传输模式相移常数随周围介质介质损耗的变化Fig.5 Changes on phase moving constant of propagation model along near dielectric loss


图6 传输模式相移常数随等离子体频率的变化Fig.6 Changes on phase moving constant of propagation model along plasma frequency

图7 通道周围为电性有耗气体介质时,传输模式衰减常数随等离子体频率的变化Fig.7 Changes on attenuation constant of propagation model along plasma frequency dielectric loss under electric dielectric near channel

图8 通道周围磁性为有耗气体介质,模式衰减常数随等离子体频率的变化Fig.8 Changes on model attenuation constant along plasma frequency under magnetism dielectric near channel

4 天线辐射特性


图9 单极式等离子体通道天线示意图Fig.9 Sketch map of channel antenna of single polar laser plasma

图10 驻波对称振子式等离子体通道天线示意图Fig.10 Sketch map of channel antenna of laser plasma of standing wave symmetry oscillation



























对单极天线取ωcp=31.4 GHz,νcp=4 GHz,a=2 mm,ω=500 MHz,L=λ/4、λ/2、λ时,E面辐射方向和f(φc)随φc=φ+Δφ变化如图10和11所示.由图10知,0

图11 单极式天线的fcΦ随Φ的变化Fig.11 Changes on f cΦ of single polar antenna


图12 对称振子式天线方向图随天线长度的变化Fig.12 Changes on direction map of symmetry oscillation along antenna length

图13 对称振子式天线方向图随等离子体密度的变化Fig.13 Changes on direction map of symmetry oscillation along plasma density

图14 对称振子式天线方向图随通道半径的变化Fig.14 Changes on direction map of symmetry oscillation along channel radius

5 结 论



2)等离子体耦合频率ωcp/ω=0.7附近, 衰减常数随耦合频率增大而急剧增大.

3)随单极式天线长度增加, 其辐射方向图主瓣宽明显减小, 最大辐射方向由180°向90°方向明显移动,主瓣和第一副瓣方向系数均明显增大.对称振子式天线长度0

4)随电子密度增大, 辐射方向主瓣由2瓣变为1瓣, 最大辐射方向由0°和180°方向转向90°方向, 主瓣明显变宽.

5)随等离子体通道半径增大, 辐射方向主瓣由2瓣变为1瓣, 最大辐射方向由0°和180°方向转向90°方向, 主瓣更宽.


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Influences of Compton scattering on the properties of laser plasma channel antenna

YU Ding-Chen, HAO Dong-Shan

( 1. College of Information Engineering, Huanghuai University, Zhumadian 463000, China; 2. College of Information Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Industrial Technology, Xinzheng 451150, China )

By using the model of multi-photon nonlinear Compton scattering and the numerical computing means, the properties of the propagation and radiation of laser plasma channel antenna are studied. The results show that the attenuation constant of the propagation model THnmis clearly increased along the increases of the dielectric loss near the channel and the propagation model step number. The causes are that the electric field and magnetic field in and outside the channel are increased by Compton scattering, the collision frequency between the particle and particle is increased, and even more energies are absorbed by the even molecules ionized by Compton scattering. The phase moving constant is clearly decreased by the electric loss dielectric along the increasing model step number. This is dus to the possibility on the capture of the high step model by the coupling electric field. Near 0.7 coupling plasma frequency, the attenuation constant is acutely increased along the increasing frequency. The cause are that the 2nd and 3rd step ionizations of the medium molecule are taken by Compton scattering, and the even more electrons are sharply accelerated by the coupling electric field. The numbers of the main and vice piece, the widths and the maximum radiation directions in the map of the antenna radiation direction are clearly changed along the increasing antenna length. The cause are that because of the scattering,the antenna frequency is creased, the radiation wave length is decreased, the probability particle ionization is increased, and the energy and radiation wave frequency composition are increased.

Laser plasma channel antenna; Propagation model; Radiation characteristic; Coupling; Multi-photon nonlinear Compton scattering



禹定臣(1970—), 男,副教授,硕士,主要从事信号传输技术研究.





