
2016-03-22 09:08


China, Iraq Establish Strategic Partnership

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi of Iraq agreed at their meeting in Beijing last December to enhance bilateral relations and establish a China-Iraq strategic partnership.

Xi Jinping said that China, within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative, is willing to strengthen the docking of the two sides’ development strategies. China will thus help Iraq consolidate reconstruction in such key areas as energy, electricity, communications and infrastructure. It will moreover encourage and support Chinese enterprises’ undertaking of large-scale project constructions more relevant to Iraq’s national economy and its people’s livelihood. China is also agreeable to investment and financial cooperation, to training more of the talents Iraq urgently needs to promote its economic and social development, and to providing more exchange opportunities that enable Iraqi youths, scholars, media, and think tank operatives to visit China. Haider al-Abadi said that Iraq welcomes greater investment from Chinese enterprises, and that the country will do its utmost to provide the necessary guarantees in this respect.

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang stated in his talks with Haider al-Abadi that China firmly supports Iraq in safeguarding its national sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity. China, together with Iraq, is ready to deepen political mutual trust and promote cooperation in all sectors, to enhance people-to-people and cultural exchanges, and to enrich the connotation of the China-Iraq strategic partnership by promoting bilateral cooperation in various fields to achieve more fruitful achievements. Iraq appreciates China’s long-term support of Iraq’s economic development and social stability, Haider al-Abadi said. He added that the country is ready to expand and deepen bilateral friendly cooperative relations.

China Sends Congrats on Official Launch of Serbian Section of Hungary-Serbia Railway Project

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang conveyed last December his congratulations on the official launch of the Serbian section of the Hungary-Serbia railway project. Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic attended and addressed the launch ceremony.

Li Keqiang said in his letter that the launch of the Hungary-Serbia railway – a flagship trilateral cooperation project between China, Serbia, and Hungary – signifies an important advance in the cooperation between the three countries. China’s practical cooperation with Central and Eastern European countries has reached a new historical starting point that will promote infrastructure construction and connectivity in the region, increase local people’s benefits, and facilitate the European integration process. It will also help to achieve more efficient docking of China and Europe’s development strategies, and deepen China-EU cooperation in production capacity, investment, and other key areas of mutual benefit and win-win results.

Aleksandar Vucic said in his address that the launch of this project is another major breakthrough in Serbia-China practical cooperation. It constitutes full manifestation of the two countries’ enhanced strategic partnership and hence carries great significance as regards in-depth development of the “16+1”cooperation. Serbia is ready to work steadily together with its partner China to ensure the goal of opening the Hungary-Serbia railway by 2018, Vucic said.

China and Nepal Pledge Expanded Cooperation

Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao met last December in Beijing with visiting Nepalese Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Kamal Thapa.

Li said that China supports Nepal’s efforts to safeguard national independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity. He added that China is willing to expand cooperation in connectivity, energy, industrial capacity, post-disaster reconstruction, and tourism through joint efforts with Nepal’s new cabinet, so pushing the comprehensive cooperative partnership to a new high.

Thapa said that Nepal is now at a critical stage of political and social transition. The new cabinet will maintain Nepal’s longstanding one-China policy, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries, and share development opportunities.

During their talks on December 25, 2015 Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Kamal Thapa agreed to maintain high-level exchanges, speed up work to restore quakedisrupted areas, and facilitate petroleum and gas cooperation.

China, U.K. Integrate Development Strategies

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met in Beijing on January 6, 2016 with British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond.

Li Keqiang said that China is willing to maintain high-level visits with Britain, integrate the two countries’ development strategies, and enhance cooperation in areas including innovation, finance, and nuclear energy. He also called on both sides to step up coordination of international affairs and jointly safeguard regional stability and world peace. Hammond said that Britain is thrilled at the opportunities that China’s economic transition brings in promoting cooperation in nuclear energy, finance, science and technology, innovation, and medicine.

During their meeting on January 5 Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Philip Hammond pledged more cooperation in industry, finance, culture, and visa facilitation. Wang and Hammond agreed they should integrate their development strategies, notably China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Britain’s aim to upgrade its infrastructure, as well as their plans to revitalize manufacturing. The two sides also agreed to conduct closer communication within international organizations such as the United Nations.