My Hometown

2016-11-11 10:15
中学生英语·阅读与写作 2016年10期


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陈传光 男,中学一级教师,江苏省赣榆县罗阳中学,从事教育教学工作十余载。江苏省教育学会会员,连云港市优秀教育园丁,赣榆县优秀班主任。有多篇论文在各杂志期刊上发表并获奖。曾获全国中学生新课程英语语言能力竞赛优秀辅导教师一等奖。

My Hometown

In the east of China, there is a small city—Jinhua. It is my hometown and I was born there.

Jinhua is not only ancient but also modern. It has a long history. It is hot in summer and cold in winter. There are many places of interest in Jinhua. There are a lot of old buildings, mountains, lakes and rivers there. And the River Wu flows across① Jinhua. Every year thousands of Chinese and foreigners visit Jinhua. It is really a nice place to visit.

My hometown is a beautiful city. On each side of the roads, there are some tall trees and beautiful flowers. The roads are also very clean. You can usually see white clouds in the blue sky. If you come here, you will love it. And there are also many delicious foods here, such as Jinhua ham, oranges and so on.

In a word, Jinhua is the best city in my eyes. I love Jinhua, and I am pride② that Im from Jinhua.

江苏省赣榆县罗阳中学七(5)班 杨纪龙

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① across改为through。across表示“从事物表面通过”,而through表示“从事物内部通过”;

② pride改为proud。pride是名词,意为“骄傲,自豪”,而proud是形容词,意为“骄傲的,自豪的”。

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