
2016-11-30 03:15撰稿浅由
疯狂英语·初中天地 2016年11期





1Police Officer Breaks Car Window to Rescue Lifelike Baby Doll


A New Hampshire[新罕布什尔州]police officer Jason Short smashed[打碎]a car window to “rescue” a lifelike[逼真的]doll he believed was a real baby.

“It was draped[盖住]with a light blanket[毯子], and I could see little feet out with shoes and a bottle of milk,” Short said. But then he found out it was a doll.

The “reborn” doll, owned by Carolynne Seiffert, which Short“rescued” was named Ainsley and valued at more than $2,000.

Seiffert owned about 40 of the dolls, which she purchased[购买]to cope with the loss of her son.

“I’ve been laughed at and embarrassed[感到窘困]by all the fuss[小题大作]. You can’t know how people choose to deal with their losses in life,” she said.


2Seagull Helped Itself to the Ice Cream


A student who snapped[快摄]a photo of her ice cream on Brighton[布莱顿]beach was left in a flap[慌乱]after a seagull[海鸥]swooped[猛扑]down to steal it.

Tara, 23, from Thailand, was ready to enjoy the treat[招待]on a trip over the Bank Holiday weekend. But the brazen[厚颜无耻的]bird helped itself to a beak full.

Then she wrote on Instagram: “Only 3 seconds, then it’s gone. I hope the bird took that ice-cream’s cone[卷筒]too and used it to build its nest.”


3The Friendly Cat Helped the Lost Tourist Find the Way Back


A Hungarian[匈牙利的]man became disorientated[迷失方向的]while exploring the mountains near the town of Gimmelwald[吉梅尔瓦尔德]. He has revealed[透露]how he could found his way back to his hostel.

The way was following a black and white cat, and after following for a short while, they reached the path that would take him straight back down the mountain into the valley.

It turns out that the best way for a lost traveller to get down a mountain in Switzerland[瑞士]is by following a local cat.


4Little Pigs Become Tigers?


The Sriracha Tiger Zoo[是拉差龙虎园]in Thailand is famous for its unique attractions, but its most famous exhibit[展品]is its coupling of pigs and tigers.

A mother tiger lost her babies and she was so sad. So the zoo keepers and vets wrapped the piglets[小猪]in tiger skin and placed the babies around the mother tiger. Surprisingly, they got along well with each other.

Would the little pigs become cubs[幼兽]or just pork chops[猪排]?


5Seeking Escape from Home: Man Robs Bank, Goes Straight to Jail


Lawrence John Ripple, 70, told his wife following a fight on Friday that“he’d rather be in jail[监禁]than at home.”

After writing a note stating that he had a gun and wanted money, Ripple walked to a bank in Kansas City, and then handed it to the teller[出纳员].

The teller gave him nearly $3,000. Instead of making a hasty[匆忙的]getaway[逃走], Ripple took a seat in the lobby[大厅]and admitted to a security guard that he was the suspect[嫌疑犯]. Then he was taken into custody[拘留].

The reason why he did this was because he wanted to escape from home and avoid his wife!

浅由有话说:Excuse me?去抢劫银行就是为了坐牢?我只听说过因为没有钱吃饭,所以犯罪被抓进监狱里,就为了可以吃上免费的饭。但是为了逃避老婆、不想回家而去犯罪,这真真是第一次听说!但是,俗话说得好,退一步,海阔天空。你们好歹也那么大年纪,都老夫老妻了,就不要那么冲动了嘛!万事好商量。况且,即便不想回家,也不能影响公共秩序呀!

All That Is Interesting

陈春芳 山村脱贫领路人