
2017-06-22 13:47赵鸣飞邢开雄王宇航王国义左婉怡康慕谊
生态学报 2017年10期

赵鸣飞,邢开雄,王宇航,王国义,薛 峰,左婉怡,康慕谊,*

1 北京师范大学地表过程与资源生态国家重点实验室, 北京 100875 2 北京师范大学资源学院, 北京 100875


赵鸣飞1,2,邢开雄1,2,王宇航1,2,王国义1,2,薛 峰1,2,左婉怡1,2,康慕谊1,2,*

1 北京师范大学地表过程与资源生态国家重点实验室, 北京 100875 2 北京师范大学资源学院, 北京 100875

群落构建机制是生态学的中心议题之一。对山地植被beta多样性格局及其成因的探究有助于加深对此问题的认识。以芦芽山寒温性针叶林群落冠层下植被为研究对象,结合野外调查与室内实验获取的详细数据,运用Mantel检验、普通最小二乘回归和典范对应分析(CCA)等统计方法,探讨了林下植被的beta多样性格局及其成因,结果显示:(1)沿海拔梯度相邻群落间草本层物种周转率呈现递减格局,而灌木层变化规律不明显;(2)灌、草层beta多样性与海拔差异、地理距离呈显著正相关关系,而与局地环境异质性关系不显著。控制海拔作用后发现,灌、草层beta多样性与地理距离关系依然显著,而当消除地理距离的线性影响后,beta多样性与海拔关系也变得不显著(3) CCA模型中,环境因子共解释了物种组成变异的74.4%,其中,海拔、坡度、凋落物厚度、乔木密度与总干面积对林下灌、草植被物种组成具有显著影响,但土壤因子的作用未见显著。综上,生境筛滤与扩散限制共同主导了芦芽山寒温性针叶林冠层下群落构建过程,但扩散限制的影响强于生境筛滤作用。


理解并阐释群落构建机制一直是生态学的核心问题之一[1- 3]。在当前由人类活动所主导的全球气候变化、生物第六次大灭绝背景下,对该问题的研究显得尤为紧迫[4-5]。探索群落间物种多样性的空间变化格局,也即beta多样性的成因,是解决该问题的关键所在。“生态位理论”和“群落中性理论”已成为解释物种共存机制的两种主流观点。前者认为“生境筛滤(environmental filtering)”以及种间相互作用等确定性因素决定群落的构建[2],而后者则强调与随机因素有关的空间过程,“扩散限制(dispersal limitation)”同样能够刻画群落物种组成与时空动态[6]。目前,学界倾向于将二者整合起来,共同对beta多样性成因给予定量解释[7- 10]。然而,环境因子自身往往具有地理结构[11],这种天然的空间自相关属性使得分离上述两类作用存在困难[8,10, 2]。因此,在不同的研究尺度下区分二者的“作用力”大小已成为当今生态学界的研究热点[8-9,13]。



1 材料与方法

1.1 研究区概况

研究区位于山西省西北部吕梁山脉北端芦芽山(38°36′—39°02′N, 111°46′—112°54′E),其主峰荷叶坪海拔2783 m。该地域属暖温带半湿润区,气候的大陆性特征显著,夏季凉爽多雨,冬季寒冷干燥。年平均气温5—8℃,1月平均气温-12—-8℃,7月平温20—25℃,无霜期130—170 d;年降水量350—500 mm,主要集中于6—8月。芦芽山植被具有明显的垂直地带性,低中山以暖温带落叶阔叶林和灌草丛为主;海拔1750—2600 m一带覆盖着茂密的寒温性针叶林,其建群种由青杄(Piceawilsonii)、白杄(Piceameyeri)和华北落叶松(Larixprincipis-rupprechtii)组成;2450 m以上开始出现亚高山灌丛草甸,直至峰顶[20]。对应植被带变化,土壤亦呈垂直地带性分布,从低海拔起依次为:山地褐土、山地淋溶褐土、棕色森林土和亚高山草甸土[19]。

1.2 样地设置及取样方法

野外样地布设于海拔1800—2650 m的典型针叶林带,从下至上,海拔每升高50 m设置20 m×30 m样地一个(进一步划分为6个10 m×10 m样格),共计17个。对样方内胸径大于3 cm的乔木进行每木调查,记录其树名、胸径、高度和枝下高等特征。选择两个对角位置的10 m×10 m样格作为灌木样方,调查其内灌木种类、高度和盖度(注:最高处两个样地未发现灌木种)。于每样格中间位置设置1 m×1 m草本样方(共6个),统计其种类、盖度与高度。同时利用GPS记录样地经纬度、海拔高度,并利用罗盘记录其坡度、坡向等信息。分析时依余弦公式[21]将坡向转换为0—1之间的数据,以反映生境的干湿程度。在进行植被调查的同时,于每一样格随机选取3个点(共18个重复),使用钢尺测量凋落物厚度。利用环刀收集0—20 cm层土壤样品,带回实验室经风干、研磨过筛后,分别采用“湿燃烧法”、“凯氏定氮法”和“钼锑抗比色法”测定土壤有机碳、全氮与全磷含量。调查记录到维管植物166种,其中乔木15种、灌木24种、草本127种。

1.3 统计分析1.3.1 物种周转率与环境距离

本研究利用物种“有-无”的二元数据,通过计算样地间Simpson相异性指数(beta-sim) 来度量物种周转率[22],也即beta多样性。其计算公式如下:

beta-sim=min(b,c)/[a+ min(b,c)]



1.3.2 回归分析与Mantel检验

首先使用普通最小二乘回归分别考察灌木层和草本层beta多样性与海拔差异、地理距离及环境距离之间的相互关系。由于点对数据之间并不独立,使用基于置换检验的Mantel-test作为补充,并利用Partial Mantel-test来分析各距离矩阵对beta多样性的独立影响(9999次置换)。相关性由标准化Mantel系数(基于Pearson相关系数)度量[24]。

1.3.3 排序

利用典范对应分析(Canonical Correspondence Analysis, CCA)综合分析了冠层群落物种组成与环境因子的关系。参与计算的植物种仅包括样方内详细记录有属性数据的95个物种。排序之前,首先依据“膨胀因子”来评估自变量之间可能存在的“多重共线性”。经计算,所有变量的“膨胀因子”均小于10,也即该问题不会显著影响分析结果。定量物种数据矩阵由重要值组成,本文对各灌、草植物种重要值采用统一计算公式如下:



2 结果

2.1 Beta多样性沿海拔方向上的分布格局


图1 相邻样地灌木层和草本层beta多样性沿海拔梯度的分布格局Fig.1 Beta-sim variation between paired-adjacent sampling sites along the elevational gradient for shrubs and herbs图中曲线为Loess拟合趋势线(span=0.75)

2.2 Beta多样性与海拔差异、水平距离及环境距离的相关性



图2 Beta多样性与海拔差异、地理距离、环境距离之间的关系Fig.2 Scatter plots of species dissimilarity against elevational distance, geographical distance and environmental distance图中直线为线性回归拟合线(虚线表示关系不显著)

2.3 群落物种组成与环境因子的关系


3 讨论


表1 Beta多样性与海拔差异、地理距离及环境距离之间的相关性

表2 环境因子与CCA前两排序轴的关系


图3 针叶林群落冠层下植被与环境因子关系的CCA排序图Fig.3 CCA triplot of the understory of boreal coniferous communities related to environmental covariates

单调递减格局(图1),这与多数经验案例相符合[26- 28]。一方面低海拔地区有着相对良好的水热条件,可容纳更多物种共存;另一方面,低海拔地区易受到更大强度的人为干扰,生境异质性更高,从而导致beta多样性增加。当然,递减格局也可以由“Rapoport”法则解释,能够分布在高海拔地区的物种其生态幅较为宽广,因此相邻海拔段的群落物种组成趋同,进而beta多样性降低[29]。




4 结论



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Patterns and determinants of beta diversity in the understory vegetation layers of montane boreal conifer forest in Luya Mountain

ZHAO Mingfei1,2, XING Kaixiong1,2, WANG Yuhang1,2, WANG Guoyi1,2, XUE Feng1,2, ZUO Wanyi1,2, KANG Muyi1,2,*


Ecologists have long been enthusiastic about alpha diversity in montane regions; however, the elevational patterns of beta diversity and underlying crucial processes are still rarely studied. Niche and neutral processes are known to be two key factors in shaping species composition in a community. Although it could be difficult to test independently because of covariability, these two factors could produce competing predictions concerning the pattern of beta diversity between communities with environmental divergence and geographic distance. Our goal was to discover the patterns of species turnover among sites in temperate montane forests, and determine to what extent environmental filtering and limitation of dispersal affect the processes of species assembly. Additionally, we tried to pinpoint the main factors associated with niche filtering, which dominantly control the local floristic composition of the understory. We investigated the coniferous forest communities along the elevational gradient of Luya Mountain, documenting all species encountered and environmental conditions in 1720 m × 30 m plots. For all pairwise sites, we calculated the Simpson′s beta dissimilarity (beta-sim) of species composition and the Euclidean distances of independent variables (elevational, geographical, and environmental) for shrubs and herbs. The Mantel test and its partial version were adopted to analyze data, respectively. Linear trends of beta-sim against all ‘distances’ were obtained by ordinary least square regression. Furthermore, we employed canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) to demonstrate the relationship between species composition and the significant habitat descriptors selected through the Monte Carlo permutation test. The results showed that the turnover of herbaceous species between adjacent sampling sites exhibited a decreasing pattern along the elevational gradient, whereas the pattern of shrubs was irregular. For both shrubs and herbs, beta-sim increased significantly with both elevational and geographical distances, except the environmental distance. After controlling the influence of elevation by the partial Mantel test, the significant correlation between beta-sim and geographic distance was still maintained, but not vice versa. Results of CCA suggested that environmental factors together explained 74.4% of variance in understory species composition, and more specifically, litter thickness, slope, stem density, and basal area were indicated as key factors at the local scale. Nevertheless, there was no significant correlation between community structure and edaphic variables. We therefore concluded that environmental filtering and limitation of dispersal might jointly regulate the patterns of species beta diversity in the understory of boreal coniferous forest within Luya Mountain, with dispersal limitation playing a more important role in community assembly.

elevational gradient; species turnover; community assembly; dispersal limitations; niche filtering

国家自然科学基金 (41271059);科技部科技基础性工作专项 (2011FY110300)

2016- 03- 05; 网络出版日期:2017- 02- 17


*通讯作者Corresponding author.E-mail: kangmy@bnu.edu.cn

赵鸣飞,邢开雄,王宇航,王国义,薛峰,左婉怡,康慕谊.芦芽山寒温性针叶林冠层下植被beta多样性格局及其成因.生态学报,2017,37(10):3327- 3334.

Zhao M F, Xing K X, Wang Y H, Wang G Y, Xue F, Zuo W Y, Kang M Y.Patterns and determinants of beta diversity in the understory vegetation layers of montane boreal conifer forest in Luya Mountain.Acta Ecologica Sinica,2017,37(10):3327- 3334.
