
2017-08-03 19:58ByEmreSoyer
英语学习 2017年7期


Who doesnt love a “how to succeed” list? Theyre fun to read and easy to share, which perhaps explains why there are so many of them. And the advice they give often sounds reasonable: The World Economic Forum published a post, in cooperation with Business Insider,1 listing 14 things successful people do before breakfast. It includes items such as drinking water and making your bed. A list that Forbes published claims every successful person shares this quality: “They know when to stay and when to leave.” This list, from Entrepreneur, advises readers to stop seeing problems, and start seeing opportunities; this one, from Inc., encourages readers to give up needing approval and fixating on their weaknesses.2

But as palatable3 as these lists are, they can do damage. There are several reasons why they may be not only useless but also potentially harmful to decision makers, managers, and entrepreneurs.

Evidence is anecdotal4. Most of the advice these lists contain is based on subjective interpretations of personal accounts, not on systematic, scientific analyses. Unless advice has been evaluated through evidence-based methods, you cant judge its validity. In addition, half-baked analyses of anecdotal evidence often blur the lines between cause and consequence. Is someone successful because they avoided meetings, or are they able to avoid meetings because they are successful? A host of behaviors that successful people supposedly share—not caring what others think of them, avoiding meetings, putting first things first, saying no to almost everything—may be luxuries that only the extremely successful can enjoy, and only after they became successful in the eyes of others. Thus some behaviors are what success has brought them, and not the other way around.

Research doesnt always transfer to different contexts. Some lists do draw heavily from research, but academic research is often very context-specific. As often happens with complex problems, the solutions and their applications are more nuanced than the forms theyre presented in and depend heavily on the context and circumstances in which people find themselves.

Failures are silent. In The Black Swan, Nassim Taleb recounts an anecdote Cicero told about the Greek poet Diagoras of Melos.5 When Diagoras was told that praying saves sailors from drowning, he wondered about those who prayed but drowned anyway.

Prayer receives credit for saving sailors because all those who survived prayed. Yet this strategy is utterly useless if those who died also prayed, which is a fair assumption. If everybody prayed and only a few survived, then praying doesnt really matter. It just seems like it does to those who survived and those who can observe them.

This is what social scientists call “survivorship bias6”. Taleb refers to the people who didnt survive as “silent evidence.”These are the outcomes that we dont get to see; their absence leads to a false sense of effectiveness of certain actions. Research suggests that while we are incredibly skilled when it comes to learning from what we can readily observe and experience (such as widely publicized success stories), we are equally incompetent in acknowledging what we dont see (such as vast numbers of obscure failures). This renders us vulnerable to a biased intuition that success is more deterministic than it really is.

In fact, in a situation where there are scores of failed attempts, the more concrete and specific the advice, the more it assumes that the people who didnt succeed are either naive or unintelligent. Analyses based on the successful alone ignore the possibility that many people apply the same strategies but fail.

A key ingredient missing in all these lists, a vital piece of information that decision makers need to judge their actual chances of success, is the base rate. How many people, ideas, organizations entered the game wanting to be successful? How many eventually prospered? The larger the difference between these two figures, the less the value of any specific advice or any version of “common traits of successful people” analysis.

Success is personal. While any given success is specific to a particular person and context, advice often treats it as common and constant, something independent of time and space that we can easily generalize about.

For advice to be relevant, the beginnings, aims, and conditions of those who are analyzed and those who receive the advice should match, at least approximately. Yet our careers, families, social lives, priorities, and visions may differ significantly from those who are hailed as7 successful by a particular expert. Given the things they had to do and give up for success, we might not wish to trade places with them.

Hence, there are opportunity costs to following even harmlessseeming advice. Taken too seriously, it can cause us to make trade-offs that we shouldnt make or to engage in actions that are incompatible with our personality.8 If you decide to get up at 5 AM every morning because a selected group of people does that—but youre actually wired9 to do your best work late at night—then youre hurting your own, specific chances to succeed.

One final caveat10: Its not just personal “how to succeed” lists that suffer from these sorts of problems; its also company-level“how to win” guides. A main reason why is that times change, the world evolves, and technology advances. As a result, most advice for success, especially in business, is going to be obsolete sooner than one would like. The world is always changing. And so are the secrets of success.

Its easy to define a situation as a success or a blunder11 once it has happened. Thats why abilities like recognizing opportunities or knowing when to stay and when to leave seem so magical. One can analyze these episodes in hindsight, with laser-sharp precision,12 but the rest of us have to face them in the uncertain, ever-changing future.














1. The World Economic Forum: 世界经济论坛,是一个非营利性基金会,成立于1971年,总部设在瑞士日内瓦,因每年冬季在瑞士滑雪胜地达沃斯举办年会而闻名(故又称“达沃斯论坛”),论坛聚集全球工商、政治、学术、媒体等领域的领袖人物,讨论世界面临的最紧迫问题;Business Insider:商业内幕,美国一家商业和娱乐新闻网站。

2.《福布斯》(Forbes)、《企业家》(Entrepreneur)和《Inc.》都是美国知名商业杂志;fixate: 专注于。

3. palatable: (想法、方法等)合意的,可接受的。

4. anecdotal: 轶事的,传闻的。

5. The Black Swan:《黑天鹅》,美国金融业人士、风险分析师纳西姆·尼古拉斯·塔勒布的金融理论著作,书中研究了高度不可能事件以及不可预期事件的强大影响力;Cicero: 西塞罗,古罗马著名政治家和演说家。

6. survivorship bias: 幸存者偏差,是一种认知偏差,其逻辑谬误表现为过分关注于人或物从某些经历中幸存,而忽略了不在视界内或没有幸存的人或物。

7. hail sth. as: 称赞,把……誉为。

8. trade-off: 权衡,协调;incompatible:不协调的,不一致的。

9. be wired to: 天生就。

10. caveat: 警告,告诫。

11. blunder: 大错,愚蠢的错误。

12. hindsight: 事后聪明,事后领悟;lasersharp: 精准的。laser是“激光”,有“最准的尺”之称。


∷秋叶 评


当然,过来人的经验之谈并非完全没有参考价值,有时对于刚入门者确有启蒙功效。目前学校比较流行的一个做法是,考上名牌大学的毕业生回校给尚在拼搏的学弟学妹谈高考成功经验,职场成功人士受到毕业大学的邀请回母校办职场讲座,上座率还相当高。曾有人郑重地向鲁迅这位“成功人士”讨教“文章做法”与“青年必读书目”,记得他的回答是“没有,也从未留意过”,“少读,或者不读线装书”。讨教者一定会觉得这个一向被赞为“青年导师”的鲁迅先生的回答是敷衍了事。不过,鲁迅先生的“戏言”中其实含有真意:文章怎么做?见仁见智。西谚说“风格即人(le style, cest lhomme)”,哪能一律?至于读什么书?爱好不同,起点不一,岂能强求?与其開列一通,让人无所适从,还不如干脆不说,以免误人子弟。从古到今,我们从未听说哪位是通过模仿“大师”的文章做法与熟读他们开出的必读书单成为作家学人的。这里似乎可以借用电视里常见的八个字:专业表演,切勿模仿。



目前的“成功学”,据笔者所知,仅研究成功者的案例,这种视野是极为狭隘的,因为成功者的背后有千千万万的失败者,他们也许做过跟成功者同样的事情,但却被当成了垫脚石。不研究这些人,我们怎能知道成功者的独特性呢?因此唯比较才能得出较为公允的结论。此外,我们还要把“成功”放在一个较长时段里去观察,而不是把暂时的成功当成真正的成功。毕竟,笑到最后的人,才是笑得最好的(He who laughs last laughs best)。

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