My Grandparents’ Standard Room

2017-11-27 03:25ByBenErxin
Special Focus 2017年11期

By Ben Erxin

Translation by Zhu Yaguang

My Grandparents’ Standard Room

By Ben Erxin

Translation by Zhu Yaguang

W hen I visited my grandparents as a little girl, I always thought that their bedroom had a strange look. The moment I stepped inside, I felt like I was entering a hotel room. There were two single beds and two bed lamps, with one bedside table in the middle. As I grew up, I gradually understood why they slept in different beds.

My grandma was born in a wealthy and influential family, and she had a childhood sweetheart, a man who left her behind to study abroad and never returned. She kept waiting until she became a “leftover lady” as the locals called it.When she reached 20, her father couldn’t bear to wait any longer, so he immediately married her off to a poor boy who proposed to her.

My grandpa was the poor boy whose family was utterly destitute. He was just 17 at that time. When they first met, Grandma disliked him. Perhaps out of malnutrition, Grandpa was shorter than her, and he walked barefoot even though it was winter. Regardless of how unwilling Grandma was, she accepted the arranged marriage. Later,Grandpa was enlisted in the army, and for several years, Grandma didn’t hear any news from him,and she raised their four children all by herself.After demobilization, Grandpa got a job in the city, and Grandma and the children went with him. However, their life in the city wasn’t entirely satisfactory at that time. According to my dad, he spent his childhood living in a house with some leaks in the wall, and Grandma would always pick wild flowers to insert in the cracks.












In the beginning of the 1990s, my dad was working in another place. One day, he got a telegram from Grandma, which said only, “COME BACK ASAP.”

After reading the telegram, Dad’s chest clenched,and he bought the earliest train ticket and rushed back home on that very night. He was relieved when he saw that Grandpa and Grandma were both safe and sound, waiting for him. But Grandma suddenly embraced him and started sobbing.

It turned out that Grandma asked Dad to come back because Grandpa wanted to sleep in another room. After Dad and his sister pleaded with Grandpa for a long while, he finally agreed to sleep in the same room with Grandma, as it would be convenient for them to look after each other, but they must sleep in different beds. So their room was changed to be like a hotel standard room.

For a long time after that, Grandma couldn’t adapt herself to the new lifestyle. Since their marriage, Grandma had always been the one who“disliked” Grandpa, and she hadn’t expected to be“disliked” or practically “deserted” by him in her old age.

Grandpa didn’t explain why he insisted on sleeping in another bed. As time went by, Grandma gradually became used to sleeping alone, and her quality of sleep also improved. Sometimes, when they couldn’t sleep at night, they would turn on the bed lamp and chat late into the night until one of them fell asleep.

Grandpa died of myocardial infarction when he was 69. After the funeral, Dad was clearing up all the things Grandpa left behind, when he stumbled upon a letter. Grandpa must have written it long ago as the paper had become yellowed. It was a simple letter, with only Grandpa’s last words on it and his suggestions for dealing with their children.However, the last paragraph of the letter left us all in tears.

It turned out that Grandpa knew about his cardiovascular disease early on, and Grandma was the one he was most unwilling to part with. In the letter, he said, “I know you are upset about us sleeping in different beds, but I know I’ll die before you, so I’d rather let you get used to sleeping alone in advance.”♦

(From Mochou, July 2017)


文/本儿心 译/朱亚光
