把握今日,为Carpe Diem正名

2018-01-04 21:47ByRomanKrznari
英语学习 2017年11期


“Carpe Diem”盛行于流行文化、社交媒體,但是这样一句拉丁文格言的含义究竟是什么?不同的人似乎有不同的解读。新时代的一些因素将其“劫持”,让人们的行为偏离了这句格言最初的含义。因此,我们需要反思,找回它原本的含义,也找回真正的生活。

Carpe diem—seize the day—is one of the oldest philosophical mottos in western history. First uttered by the Roman poet Horace1 more than 2,000 years ago, it retains an extraordinary resonance in popular culture. The heavy metal band Metallica has rocked audiences around the world with their song “Carpe Diem Baby”, while the actress Judi Dench had carpe diem tattooed on her wrist for her 81st birthday.2

Its a message found in Hollywood films such as Dead Poets Society; in one of the most successful brand campaigns of the last century (Just Do It);3 and in the social media hashtag#yolo (you only live once).

It is remarkable that an expression from a long-dead language4 generates more than 25m online search results. Yet just as striking is the fact that there is not one carpe diem, but many. While usually translated as “seize” the day, the original Latin is sometimes rendered as “harvest”, “pluck” or“enjoy” the day. These variations tell us that carpe diem means different things to different people. For some its about taking a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, while for others it is about indulging in wild hedonism or living calmly in the present moment.5 We might casually use the term carpe diem when chatting with a friend, but how aware are we of its many personalities hidden beneath the surface?

In our age of distraction, where we are checking our phones an average of 110 times a day, grasping these different meanings is more important than ever. They are an antidote to the reality that we are, as Dead Poets Mr Keating (and also Shakespeare) put it, “food for worms”.6 Life is short and our time is running out.

But heres the problem: carpe diem has been hijacked, and the result is that its potential to transform our lives is rapidly slipping away from us. This hijacking is an existential7 crime of the century—and one we have barely noticed. Who, or what, are the hijackers? First, the spirit of “seize the day” has been surreptitiously hijacked by consumer culture, which has recast it as Black Friday shopping sprees and oneclick buying:8 Just Do It has come to mean Just Buy It.

Alongside this is the growing cult of efficiency and time management that has driven us towards hyperscheduled living, turning the spontaneity of Just Do It into a culture of Just Plan It.9endprint

A third hijacker is 24/7 digital entertainment that is replacing vibrant life experiences with vicarious,10 screen-based pleasures. Rather than Just Do It, we increasingly Just Watch It instead.

Finally—and though it might seem counterintuitive—carpe diem has been hijacked by the mindfulness movement.11 While mindfulness has many proven benefits, from reducing stress to helping with depression, one of its unintended consequences has been to encourage the narrow idea that seizing the day is primarily about living in the here and now. Just Do It has become Just Breathe.

Confronted by these four hijackers, the art of seizing the day is vanishing and we urgently need to do something about it, or else risk losing touch with the carpe diem wisdom of humanity that has accumulated over the past two millennia.

My hope is to wake us up to the promise of Horaces maxim so we dont reach our final days looking back on life with regret. The prize it offers is great: nothing less than the gift of radical aliveness or, to borrow a phrase from Henry David Thoreau, the possibility “to live deep and suck out all the marrow from life”.12

The time has come to reclaim carpe diem.

Carpe diem(把握今日)是西方歷史上最古老的哲学格言之一。这句格言最早于两千多年前出自古罗马诗人贺拉斯之口,如今在流行文化中仍然能够引起非同一般的反响。重金属乐队Metallica用一首“Carpe Diem Baby”(《把握今日,宝贝》)让全世界的听众为之摇滚,而女演员朱迪·丹奇在81岁生日之时将这句格言文在了自己的手腕上。

这一信息可以在好莱坞电影《死亡诗社》中找到;可以在上世纪最成功的品牌营销Just Do It(想干就干)中找到;也可以在社交媒体话题标签#yolo(生命只有一次)中找到。

这样一句用早已无人使用的死语言来表达的格言在网络上竟然有两千五百多万条搜索结果,着实令人惊讶。而同样令人惊讶的是这样一个事实:carpe diem并非只有一种意思,而是有着五花八门的含义。虽然这句格言通常被翻译成“把握”今日,但其拉丁原文有时会被译为“收获”、“采摘”或是“享受”今日。这些差别让我们明白carpe diem对于不同人而言有不同的含义:对于一些人而言,这是关于“一生只有一次”的机会,而对于其他人而言,这是关于放纵享乐或是平静地活在当下。我们同朋友聊天时或许会偶尔用到carpe diem,但我们对其隐藏在表面之下的丰富内涵又有多少认识呢?


但问题是:carpe diem已经遭到劫持,结果就是其改变我们生活的潜力正在快速从我们身边溜走。这种劫持是本世纪的一种存在主义的犯罪,而且对这种犯罪我们几乎毫无觉察。这些劫匪是谁,或者说,是什么?首先,“把握今日”的精神偷偷被消费文化所劫持,变成了黑色星期五购物狂欢和一键购买:Just Do it(想干就干)成了Just Buy It(想买就买)。

与此同时,效率至上和时间管理的风潮也使我们过上了日程爆满的生活,将Just Do It(想干就干)的自发、随性变成了Just Plan It(想计划就计划)的文化。

第三个劫匪就是全年无休的数字娱乐,我们丰富多彩的生活经历被间接的、来自屏幕的愉悦所取代。Just Do It(想干就干)逐渐变成了Just Watch It(想看就看)。

最后,尽管似乎有悖常理,但carpe diem已经被正念运动所劫持。尽管正念有许多已被验证的好处,无论是减压还是缓解抑郁,但其中一个未曾料到的结果就是正念鼓励了“把握今日基本等同于活在当下”这样一个狭隘的理念。Just Do It(想干就干)变成了Just Breathe(呼吸就行了)。

在这四大劫匪的挟持之下,“把握今日”的艺术正在消失,而我们必须赶紧做些什么,不然我们就有可能与人类过去两千多年所积累起来的carpe diem的智慧失之交臂。endprint


是时候夺回carpe diem啦。

1. Horace: 昆图斯·贺拉斯·弗拉库斯(公元前65年—公元前8年),罗马帝国奥古斯都统治时期著名的诗人、批评家、翻译家,代表作有《诗艺》等。

2. Metallica: 金属乐队,是美国殿堂级的重金属乐队,于1981年在美国洛杉矶组建;Judi Dench: 朱迪·丹奇(1934— ),英国著名演员,她演绎的经典角色为007系列电影中的M夫人。

3. Dead Poets Society: 《死亡诗社》(1989),讲述了一个传统学校的老师用反传统的方法来教学生们诗歌、文学、生活的故事,是主演罗宾·威廉姆斯的经典之作;Just Do It:“想做就做”,是耐克公司著名广告语。

4. 虽然拉丁语通常被认为是一种死语言,但有少数基督宗教神职人员及学者仍然可以流利使用拉丁语。罗马天主教传统上用拉丁语作为正式会议的语言和礼拜仪式用的语言。

5. indulge in: 使(自己)沉湎于,纵情享受;hedonism: 享乐主义。

6. antidote: 解药,对抗的手段。注:关于“蛆虫的食物”,电影中基丁老师的台词为:“Because we are food for worms, lads. Because, believe it or not, each and every one in this room is one day going to stop breathing, turn cold and die.”;莎士比亞在《哈姆雷特》第四幕第三场中写道:克劳狄斯向哈姆雷特询问波洛涅斯的下落,哈姆雷特回答 “At supper… Not where he eats, but where he is eaten. A certain convocation of politic worms are een at him. Your worm is your only emperor for diet. We fat all creatures else to fat us, and we fat ourselves for maggots…”

7. existential: 存在主义的。

8. surreptitiously: // 秘密地,偷偷摸摸地;recast: 重塑,改写;Black Friday: 黑色星期五,指每年感恩节之后的第一天,标志着圣诞购物期的开始,是美国每年最盛大的购物狂欢节之一;spree: 狂欢,无节制的狂热行为。

9. cult: 狂热崇拜,热潮;hyper-: 表示“超出,过度”;spontaneity: 自发(性),自然(性)。

10. 24/7: 是一天24小时,一星期7天的缩写,即全天候提供服务的意思;vicarious: // 间接体验的。

11. counter-intuitive: 违反直觉的;mindfulness: 正念训练,是来源于东方佛教思想并结合了西方心理疗法的心理训练方法。正念指的是注意力维持在当下,意识到当下正在发生什么并采取一种接纳但不作评判的态度。

12. Henry David Thoreau: 亨利·戴维·梭罗(1817—1862),美国作家、哲学家、废奴主义及自然主义者,其思想深受爱默生影响,提倡回归本心,亲近自然,其代表作《瓦尔登湖》记载了他在瓦尔登湖畔的隐逸生活;marrow: 精髓,精华。endprint
