
2018-05-14 21:12
中国-东盟博览(旅游版) 2018年1期


2017年12 月 19 日,泰国国家旅游局宣布在泰国 5 个地区举行“神奇泰国 2018 新年倒计时”庆祝活动,2017年12月31日当晚,南邦府、沙功那空府、罗勇府、普吉岛以及北碧府同时响起了新年钟声。活动体现出了泰国旅游四大主题:魅力、快乐、放松以及美味。泰国国家旅游局局长育他认为,此次活动能让海内外游客体验泰国独特的人文魅力,同时为泰国旅游业注入新的活力。




2017年12月15日,印尼旅游部长阿里夫·亚赫亚在雅加达接受新华社记者专访时说:“中国的‘一带一路倡议和印度尼西亚的‘海洋高速公路建设计划相互支持和对接,将为印尼旅游基础设施发展带来资金,为印尼旅游发展带来机遇。两国旅游业合作的前景广阔。” 据亚赫亚介绍,继2016年中国内地成为印尼最大旅游客源地之后,2017年前10个月到访印尼的中国游客数量已达184万人次。








2017年12月27日,第十二届中国(南宁)国际园林博览会对外发布吉祥物。以南宁市市树扁桃的果实为原型的吉祥物——“友仔”“友女”成为主角。 “友仔”“友女”是南宁特色俚语,意为关系很好的男性、女性朋友。吉祥物以南宁市市树扁桃的果实为原型,寓意第十二届园博会之花花落南宁,并取得圆满成功。在27日的新闻发布会上,园博会筹办工作指挥部还发布了本届园博会LOGO和宣传口号。






2017年12 月 26 日,新加坡樟宜机场宣布 2018 年 1月起全面终止呼叫乘客登机的广播服务,只有紧急事故、孩童走失和航班延误等重要信息,才会通过广播系统通知乘客。随着新措施生效,响彻机场 4 个搭客大厦的广播量将减少一半,为乘客营造更宁静的机场环境。樟宜机场集团同时指出,机场今年的乘客量首次突破 6000 万人次,乘客量未来几年还会继续呈上升趋势。



中国总领馆提醒 谨慎前往巴厘岛旅行


2018 China-Canada Tourism Year was unveiled

Dec. 4, 2017 (CNTA) -- Beijing staged the logo release ceremony for the 2018 China-Canada Tourism Year. Canadian P.M. Justin Trudeau and CNTA Chairman Li Jinzao unveiled the program. Tourism exchange and cooperation has become a new bright spot of China-Canada relations. In 2016, more than 1.4 million visits were made between the countries and both governments extended visa validity to 10 years for each other.

Bullet train starts operating on Xian-Chengdu line

Dec. 7, 2017 (China Daily) -- Xian-Chengdu high-speed railway was officially put into operation on Dec. 6. The 658-km line is the first high-speed railway to pass through the Qinling Mountain. Some 38 trains will operate in the initial phase, 19 on each way. The initial operation speed is 250 kilometer per hour, reducing travel time between Xian and Chengdu to 4 hours and 7 minutes from about 11 hours.

China-ASEAN TCM and Health Tourism Forum was held

Dec. 8, 2017 (China Daily) -- The International Forum on 2017 China-ASEAN Traditional Medicine and Health Tourism was held in Bama Yao Autonomous County, Hechi from Dec. 6 to 9. Themed with “Mass Health, Mass Tourism”, the forum attracted over 350 entrepreneurs, experts and scholars to discuss sustainable development strategies for traditional medicine and health tourism.

Chinese tourists visiting Philippines up 35 pct in first 11 months

Dec. 11, 2017 (Xinhua) -- Data from the Philippine Bureau of Immigration (BI) showed that nearly 800,000 Chinese tourists entered the Philippines from January to November this year, increasing 35 percent on-year compared to 588,945 recorded in the same period in 2016. At present, the BI records show that China is the Philippines third largest sources of foreign arrivals, after South Korea and the United States.

Chengdu tops list as Chinas happiest city for three years running

Dec. 12, 2017 (CGTN) -- Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province, came in first in the annual rank of Chinas 10 happiest cities, according to survey results. The survey, conducted by the weekly magazine Oriental Outlook, is based on 10 metrics, from urban environment to public security. Chengdu has topped the list for the last three years, and Hangzhou and Ningbo, in Zhejiang province came in second and third on the list.

Hong Kong Ocean Park raises admission fee in 2018

Dec. 14, 2017 (Xinhua) -- Hong Kong Ocean Park announced that it will raise admission fee by 9 percent in Jan. 2018. Daytime admission tickets for adults and children will be raised to 480 HK dollars and 240 HK dollars, respectively, while prices for annual passes will remain unchanged. Hong Kong residents can enjoy 2017 rates until Feb. 28. The park recorded a marginal dip in attendance to 5.8 million in the 2016/17 fiscal years.

Singapore kicks off biggest carnival in festive season

Dec. 15, 2017 (Xinhua) -- The Prudential Marina Bay Carnival, formerly timed to be opened on Dec. 8, was put off a week for final approval. Covering an area of 25,000 square meters and featuring over 40 rides and games from around the world, it boasted to be the biggest carnival of its kind held in the city-state. The carnival, which will run until Apr. 1 next year, charged no fee for admission and different fees for different game.

Shanghai to add 100 toilets at tourist sites

Dec. 19, 2017 (Xinhua) -- Shanghai plans to add an extra 100 toilets at tourist sites next year as part of nationwide efforts to spruce up public toilets. According to the Shanghai Municipal Tourism Administration, most of the new toilets will be built in suburban parks and along the riverbanks of Huangpu River. Existing toilets will be renovated and upgraded. The city will also try to provide free toilet paper and develop an app to help locate the nearest toilet.

Mobike partners with Japans LINE messaging service

Dec. 20, 2017 (China Travel News) -- Chinese bike-sharing company Mobike Technology Co., Ltd announced that it has inked a strategic partnership with LINE Corp, the company behind Japans most popular mobile messaging platform, LINE, Japans most popular mobile messaging platform. The companies will integrate Mobike functionality in the LINE app, enabling LINEs 71 million users to sign up and use Mobike directly from LINE. LINE users can access Mobikes bike-sharing services by scanning the QR code on the bikes with their LINE app, and pay using their LINE Pay account or other payment methods.

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