On The Influence of Krimt

2018-07-28 10:00刘希琛
世界家苑 2018年5期

Through studying the intriguing decorative elements in Gustav Krimt's paintings,we can improve the creativity and richness of our art creation.It is important to explore the combination of new decorative elements and oil painting,to enhance the bearing capacity of the cultural level of decorative elements.More important is to uncover the artistic features of Nanjing brocade and the spirit of contemporary artists in the spirit of oil painting,and to explore the aesthetic of the people can cause a resonance.

G.Krimt has been involved a wide range of art fields,and in his paintings there are the coexistence of figurative and abstract,and the using of the flat-painted expression but with an illusion-like perspective.Instead of copying old artistic ideas,he created a fully new artistic technique.In a unique form of expression,he created a subjective expression to integrate the artistic elements into their works and expressed themselves in a completely new manner,especially the used reference to the art of brocade.

It is greatly inspired me to use my own unique vision to pay attention and express some of the most intense and true feelings in my life that G.Krimt's reference to the elements of Chinese brocade art.My hometown,Nanjing,is regarded as the unity of traditional and modern.I live in this city,breathing the breath of history,feeling the rich humanities and enjoying the picturesque scenery.It has long been difficult to give up the love of the city.

Nanjing brocade is a kind of silk fabrics,which began in the Southern Dynasty and flourished in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.It features of a long history,exquisite patterns,beautiful colors and meticulous weaving,and it is a collection of textiles.Because its colors and lusters are bright and beautiful,it is named after the sky and clouds.Thus,Nanjing brocade is also known as cloud brocade.Its material,weaving and design are exquisite,as well as its brocade patterns are gorgeous.Furthermore its style is elegant.The art of cloud brocade has strong visual penetrating power,and is influenced by Chinese traditional philosophy and color concept.It takes the simple and implicit meaning as the main content,and advocates the symbolic and decorative color of the color.It cannot only provide reference for oil painting in the aspects of schema and color,but also the deep cultural connotation,such as gas rhyme and artistic conception,and so on.It has distinctive Chinese native cultural features.Draw the decorative elements in the Yun Brocade schema and analyze it,and then combine the form features of Krim's oil painting,grasp the inner aesthetic feeling of the contemporary people,integrate the new forms and meanings,and finally achieve the contemporary ideas and visual expression tension,with contemporary meaning and national characteristics of oil paintings.

For the reference of the decorative elements of Chinese brocade,Krim not only drew on the patterns in the Chinese brocade ornamental elements,but also displayed its artistic form in the picture,and repeated and organized is the form characteristic of Chinese pattern."Repetition refers to the appearance of a similar or identical image or unit in a regular pattern that produces a regular combination,giving a simple and neat sense of beauty:the beauty of sequence and the beauty of rhythm can be produced." In the pattern,the pattern is a conscious change and combination of various patterns,and the form is beautiful by changing and adding reasonable arrangement of contents.

Nanjing brocade,in color,in different historical stages and different artistic atmosphere of advocating each one has its own merits.In general,the magnificent and magnificent color matching of the Ming Dynasty and the elegant and elegant color of the Qing Dynasty are all the same as the color painting and decoration art of the palace buildings.The splendid and solemn atmosphere in the palace is mostly red,green,yellow and purple,and the color is mainly red and pink,and the main color is red and pink.Green,green,yellow,purple,black,yellow,gray etc..The color used in Krim's paintings is similar to that of the Chinese brocade,which is a subjective expression of color,not an objective description.On the one hand,it makes the color bright and rich,and on the other hand,the visual tension of the picture is enhanced.His practice and exploration of integrating Chinese artistic elements into western traditional painting has a positive effect on the development of modern European painting.

Tradition and innovation are not the two ends of things,but they are the same and mutual transformation.Tradition must be suitable for the occasion,and the tradition which is out of date is not viable.But if innovation is not based on tradition,it is nothing but a source of no soil.Yun Brocade used the most nationalized color and composition,content and form,the most traditional production methods and techniques,the most simple design concept and so on.For artists of artistic creation,learning the art of cloud brocade,absorbing these knowledge and experience will increase their love for national culture and art,strengthen their own national self-confidence,deepen their own virtues of the products,love and treasure of national products,which will lay a solid foundation for the future creative design.For society,this process is a symbol of national brocade Chinese of national culture,is Chinese common cultural heritage.




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