Pursue virtue and knowledge;be true to ourselves

2019-01-12 07:40西安外国语大学
疯狂英语·新悦读 2019年1期

西安外国语大学 孟 洁


From World War to revolution and eventually rebirth, Forever Young is the story of four generations going through a hundred years of modern Chinese history.Each generation facesitsown unique challenges.Up against the trials and suffering of the Cultural Revolution,and one's duty to nation in time of war,they are faced with choosing their individual paths through history.But as the challenges and crisis of each generation may differ as time changes,what was learned in the past cannot help but effect the choices that are made in the future as it ispassed downfrom generation to generation.And that is the universal message thatbeing true to yourselfis precious.It is the source of strength that inspires one to become the person they want to be,to march forward as far as their hearts desire,into the future.

The ending of the movie reminds us that no matter what we go through in life,we should never forget our own value.We all experience difficult times and are susceptible(易受影响的)to forgetting who we are.The ending moves us by reminding us that we are precious no matter what we've gone through and no matter what we are forced to deal with.It is an important reminder to everyone living in an ever-changing world.

The message of the movie is very impressive and is something that everyone can feel andrelate to.We all go through life with certain outside expectations and influences,but it's when we listen to our inner voice,we all feel happiest.

Reading Check

Forever Young is about four 1.______,who were all faced with choosing their individual 2.______,going through a hundred years of 3._____Chinese history.What impressed the audience most was that in no case should we forget our own 4.______and listen to our 5. voice______.

Language Study

Difficult sentences

1.Up against the trials and suffering of the Cultural Revolution,and one's duty to nation in time of war,they are faced with choosing their individual paths through history.


【点石成金】本句是一个复合句。主句为they arefacedwith...;句中,upagainst意为“面临……”,Up against...在句中是介词短语作状语。

2.The ending moves us by reminding us that we are precious no matter what we've gone through and no matter what we are forced to deal with.


【点石成金】本句是由一个主句和两个从句构成的。no matter what在句中引导让步状语从句,意为“无论什么……”。remind sb that意为“提醒某人……”。

Using Language

Ⅰ.Important phrases in the text

1.up against面临

2.pass down使世代相传;流传

3.be true to yourself做真实的自己;忠于自己

4.go through 经历;遭受

5.be forced to do被迫做某事

6.relate to与……有关;了解

Ⅱ.Complete the following sentences in correct forms with the phrases given above.

1.It is important and uncommon that pay no attention to what others think and ______.

2.Now we know what we are ______,how do we get out of this trap and go on?

3.The boss sincerely apologized to the staff who ______his violent temper on the day he left.

4.Working as we want and not ______anything that we don't really want to do is beautiful and unrealistic.

5.There should be some small warm and touching stories ______from generation to generation in the ancient town.

6.Many people often divide these things and fail to find how they ______one another.

Cultural Background


Gu Qingsheng, the guardian of Shennongjia 古清生,神农架的守护者