Departure in the Mulberry Garden

2019-07-20 09:23ByXuShilin
Special Focus 2019年6期

By Xu Shilin

In my hometown, locals often plant mulberry trees in their gardens. A story in a traditional Chinese opera, Departure in the Mulberry Garden, took place here—a tale that moves the audience to tears.

In the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420), the Jin Empire was invaded by King Shi Le’s troops of Later Zhao, one of the Sixteen Kingdoms in Northern China, and commoners fled from their homes. Mr. Deng Bodao escaped from the city of Taiyuan with his son Deng Yuan, his sister-in-law Ms. Jin, and his nephew Deng Fang.

When they unfortunately encountered enemy soldiers, Deng Bodao and the two little boys managed to flee, but they could not find Ms. Jin. As an aged man, Bodao was not able to take care of both boys, and had to make a choice. His son was too small to understand his father and asked, “How could you think of abandoning your own blood?” His nephew cried, “What a tragic fate it is for a father-less boy!” Some audience can’t help but weep when they hear the lyrics of this opera.

Thinking of his brother who passed away with this only one boy left, Deng Bodao made an unexpected decision—he took his son to a mulberry garden and told the boy to climb a tree to pick some edible leaves. When the son was near the tree, the father tied him up with his belt. Bodao tore off a piece of his clothing and wrote on it a plea for help with his own blood. He then put the letter on his wailing son before running to Tongguan, carrying his nephew on his back.

After the departure of the father, the undisciplined Zhao soldiers came to rob the refugees. However, the tied-up son had already passed out and nobody found him. Later when the soldiers left, a woman awoke among the corpses, and it turned out that she was Ms. Jin. Jin found Bodao’s son as well as the letter. The grateful woman untied the boy and brought him to Tongguan, where both of the families were reunited.

The climax of the opera is the part when Deng Bodao is writing the blood letter. The heart-broken father’s aria is thought to be the most touching lyric.

“As a father I have to leave my son behind,

Abandoning my blood for the greater right.

I burst into tears; my heart is more broken

When I bite my finger for blood to write.”

Among the last generation of opera actors who acted the part of Deng Bodao, Yu Shuyan was thought to be the best. You can still hear the recording of Yu’s aria, enjoying his clear and loud voice, and feeling through it the restrained sadness of a father. Although the father’s decision may not be the best or not even understandable in the modern eyes, such art representing humanity in dilemma can still be moving nowadays.

(From Shejiancaomu, Shanghai Joint Publishing Press. Translation: Wang Xiaoke. Illustration: Jia Lin )









(摘自《舌尖草木》生活·读书·新知三联书店 图/贾林)

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