
2020-03-18 03:28JoannaC.Lee
歌剧 2020年11期

Joanna C.Lee








Joan: China has been leading the world in fullystaged productions, and Im so glad to share the news that Japan just presented a new fully-staged opera, A Dream of Armageddon. Composed by Dai Fujikura (a Japanese composer now living in London) with libretto by Harry Ross, this world premiere was directed by Linda Steier and conducted by the New National Theater Tokyos Artistic Director of Opera, Kazushi ōno.

Valery: With an orchestra, chorus and soloists, the rehearsal period must have been long and complicated, given all the policies on mask-wearing, social distancing and quarantines. I see from photos that everyone was wearing a mask in rehearsal—from conductor to soloists, orchestra to chorus, as well as backstage personnel.

Joan: A Dream of Armageddon is based on a 1901 story by H.G. Wells touching on the uncertainties of humanity and war, of danger and escape, of dream and reality. Although Wells wrote this story more than a century ago, the sense of modernity—deriving from a conversation between two strangers on an hourlong train ride—is clearly relevant to todays world.

Valery: Before the COVID pandemic, it was possible that strangers would speak on a train. I doubt this could happen today. However, I read on the New National Theatre Tokyos website that Fujikura and Ross have been longtime collaborators for two decades, and theyve always dreamt of setting an opera on a train.

Joan: Indeed, Harry Ross read H.G. Wells from a young age. But he wasnt aware of this story until Fujikura mentioned it to him. When Fujikura received the commission from the New National Theatre Tokyo (as early as 2017), he immediately thought of A Dream of Armageddon because of the train scene!

Valery: Adaptation requires tremendous skill. I read that the composer and librettist open the opera with a cappella chorus. In fact, members of the chorus not only play the roles of train commuters (in the early scenes) but also later on, as soldiers in an army.

Joan: Opera productions are always complex. As I mentioned earlier, musicians normally resident in Japan are joined by artists flying in from America, England, Australia and Germany. Director Linda Steier assembled an amazing production team too—veterans of contemporary opera who worked together in Basel in 2016, in Karlheinz Stockhausens epic Donnerstag aus Licht, which won Opernwelts Production of the Year.
