
2020-05-21 02:32
世界建筑导报 2020年2期



总体规划及建筑设计:Laguarda.Low Architects



Client: OCT Group

Project Type: Urban Cultural, Tourism & Retail Complex

Master Plan and Architectural Design: Laguarda.Low Architects

Landscape Design: SWA

Technical Support and Construction Documents: SADI, etc.

深圳欢乐海岸是华侨城集团开发、建设和运营的一个开创性、代表性的城市文旅商综合体项目,由美国Laguarda.Low Architects(简称LLA)建筑设计公司主持完成总体规划和建筑设计。项目建成运营七年来获得巨大成功,成为深圳的又一个重要的地标和文旅休闲目的地,享誉中外。其独特的场所体验感、业态构成、以及品质个性,使得以深圳欢乐海岸为典型代表的“欢乐海岸”品牌成为华侨城集团近年来大举扩张进军文化旅游地产和城镇化建设领域的重要领军品牌之一。


Shenzhen OCT Happy Harbor represents a new type of urban development, which has been fast gaining momentum in recent years in China.In fact, it is the first of this type of so-called Urban Cultural, Tourism & Commercial Complex, with great success.It is an urban lifestyle destination providing a rich program; ranging from cultural and tourism facilities to retail, office, hotel and residential components.

Apart from OCT’s traditional strength in art, performance entertainment and tourism operation associated with real estate development, the project’s master plan and architectural design also played key roles in the huge success of Shenzhen OCT Happy Harbor.

In master plan, Laguarda.Low Architects (also known as LLA) created a series of interesting public spaces and domains varying in size, shape, design and functions.项目总体规划布局开合有度,疏密有致。地块中央为一较大的湖面,开阔豁朗,气度自成,可举行龙舟竞赛等水上活动。湖的南岸为沙滩和水秀剧场,东端是临水俏立的华会所,主要业态则集中布置在湖的北侧和东侧,北区为O’Plaza Mall购物中心,坐落其上有万豪行政公寓酒店以及办公楼,东区为开敞式街区商业,水道蜿蜒穿行其中,店铺错列两岸,取名曲水湾,主要为餐饮酒吧街区、以及中影院线和华侨城自有品牌的蓝汐精品酒店。地块东北角广场为项目主入口,梦幻造型的创展中心位于广场西南角,宣示着项目的独特品质。项目建筑设计总体为现代风格,亦融合了中国传统建筑文化元素。现代是富有内容的温暖的现代,传统是经过提炼的富有新意的传统,两者和谐并存,相得益彰。



The overall circulation connects all public spaces and function groups of buildings to create intrigue and exciting sense of place.Located at the center of the site is a man-made lake, surrounded by various functions and structures.To its south is the open outdoor Water Show Theatre and to the east, the elegant Club House with an open view of the lake.Most of the Happy Harbor program is concentrated on the north and east sides of the lake.The north complex includes the O’Plaza shopping mall, with Marriot Executive Apartment hotel and office tower sitting on top of it.East to the lake is a village type of development consisting of F&B, boutique hotel and cinema.A winding waterway runs through the middle, thus the name, Winding Water Bay.

The architecture of Shenzhen Happy Harbor is modern, giving it a clear,contemporary identity.However, this modern architecture is warm and friendly,with great details and rich material selection.Winding Water Bay incorporates carefully chosen elements and building materials of traditional Chinese architecture, including wooden louvers, screens, and brick masonry, but expresses them in a modern way.

While the architectural design of the shopping mall and its luxurious roof top garden provides a stylish and comfortable shopping setting, the primary goals of the Winding Water Bay design were to engage the natural setting, F&B facilities and human activities in a tightly knit serious of richly landscaped human scale and friendly sequences.It drew inspiration from traditional Chinese water towns.The experience of traveling through or walking alongside the canals is carefully choreographed.This is in great contrast with the central lake waterfront, which is open, spacious, relaxing and leisurely.

作 品:景观设计