
2020-09-15 16:11
中学生英语·阅读与写作 2020年7期

【新目標英语七年级(下)STEP BY STEP

随堂通Unit 12参考答案】

一、1~5 CAAAC 6~10 BCACB

二、1~5 TFFTF

三、1~5 FADCE

四、1. 我父亲是个好司机,他开车很快。

2. When we got there, it was already ten oclock.

3. 我们先在水里游了一个小时的泳。

4. In the afternoon my mother and I enjoyed the sunshine on the beach.

5. 我和父母这个周末会去看你的。



一、1~5 BCCAB

二、6~10 CACAB 11~15 CABAC

三、A) 16~20 FFFFT B) 21~25 CACCB

C) 26~30 BECAF

D) 31. favorite stars

32. their photos

33. relaxed

34. good at

35. too difficult

四、36. On vacation.

37. The water bottles and paper bags on the beach.

38. About two hours.

39. Put up a sign.

40. Two large bowls of beef noodles.



一、1~5 BCBAB

二、6~10 ACBCA 11~15 CACBC

三、A) 16~20 TFFFT B) 21~25 BABCA

C) 26~30 BDEFA

D) 31. visit other places

32. relax

33. lucky

34. live far from

35. cool wind

四、A) 36. To spend vacation with him.

37. Its very hot in the city.

38. By train.

39. At four.

40. About three kilometers.


Saturday, May 5th     Fine

Today, I went to the small island not far from my home with my friends. Its in the middle of the river. We had a picnic there. We got up very early in the morning. We went to the island by boat. First, we sang and danced. Then we had our lunch. After that, we played football. We went home very late. Though we were very tired, we still felt happy. What a wonderful picnic we had today!



一、1~5  CBCCB

二、6~10 BCBAC 11~15 ABCAB

三、A) 16~20 TFTFT B) 21~25 BAACB

C) 26~30 DBECA

D) 31. because

32. nice food

33. get over

34. any food

35. glad

四、A) 36. In the street.

37. Every weekend.

38. He is a student.

39. 25 dollars.

40. Old Henry didnt want the children to play soccer near his house.


Hello, Im Wang Juan. I had a busy but happy weekend. On Saturday morning, I went to a bookstore with my mom. I bought some books about history there. In the afternoon, I played volleyball with my friends at the park. The next morning, I stayed at home and did my homework. I went to the movies with my brother on Sunday afternoon. The movie was very interesting.

Cultural adaptation and content validity of a Chinese translation of the ‘Person- Centered Primary Care Measure’: findings from cognitive debriefing