Effective ways to conserve forests

2021-02-25 08:58重庆谈增胜
疯狂英语·新读写 2021年2期

重庆 谈增胜



1. deforestation /ˌdiːˌfɒrɪ΄steɪʃn/ n. 滥伐森林

2. cubic /΄kjuːbɪk/ adj. 立方的

3. rotational /rəʊ΄teɪʃənl/ adj. 交替的;轮流的

4. friction /΄frɪkʃn/ n. 摩擦

5. negligence /΄neɡlɪdʒəns/ n. 疏忽

Forests are critical to life on earth. 1.6 billion people rely on them directly for food, shelter, fuel and income. But they are rapidly disappearing all over the world,alarming many people.How can we prevent this global crisis? Here are some effective ways to conserve forests.

Planned and regulated tree-cutting

The commercial felling of trees is one of the main reasons for deforestation.According to an estimate, about 1,600 millioncubicmeters of wood has been used for various purposes in the world. If trees are cut down at this level,their revival cannot be possible. Therefore, cutting should be regulated.

“Sustainable yield” method

This technique is adopted by many countries. In regulated cutting, only one-tenth of the forest area is selected for use, and therotationalsystem is always followed for their protection.The time gap between these cuttings is helpful in the regrowth of trees.


The “sustainable yield”method also requires that every tree that gets cut down must be replanted. Similarly, any tree that gets burned down due to forest fires or mining activities must also get replanted. This may be done by natural or artificial methods.

Control forest fires

Forest fires also contribute to deforestation.Forest fires occur in the following ways.

Natural disasters: Some forest fires are caused by nature through lightning, or trees rubbing against each other during a strong wind and creatingfriction. We can do the least about it.

Manmade: Most forest fires are due to humannegligence. There are ways to prevent this from happening such as:

●Do not make open fires

●Do not throw your cigarette on the ground

●Maintain electricity wires properly

●Take the help of proper equipment and trained staff to put out forest fires.

Following these steps can save up to 21.5 million acres of timber annually. Forest fires are currently the main cause of deforestation in the USA.

Prevent forest fires

You can help prevent forest fires by educating others about the causes of forest fires and also about the ways to prevent a forest fire. Join an organization that works to protect our forests.

At the end of the day, the only way that we can combat deforestation is by joining together and raising awareness. If every person on earth decided to start caring about our forests today,the problem would be solved. Unfortunately,many people are ignorant of what is happening,while many others simply do not care. Do not be one of these people. Rather, fight to save our planet!

In short, we need our forests, and our forests need us!



Do you have any other ways to conserve forests apart from the ways mentioned in the text?



Sentence for writing

The commercial felling of trees is one of the main reasons for deforestation. 商业砍伐树木是滥伐森林的主要原因之一。

【信息提取】“one of +复数名词”意为“……之一”。





世界森林日(World Forest Day),又被译为“世界林业节”。 这个纪念日是1971年,在欧洲农业联盟特内里弗岛大会上,由西班牙提出倡议并得到一致通过的。 同年11月,联合国粮农组织(FAO)正式予以确认——以引起各国对人类的 “绿色保护神”——森林资源的重视。 通过协调人类与森林的关系,人类可以实现森林资源的可持续利用。

善待森林,无异于善待人类自己。 相信没有人愿意看到“森→林→木→十”的结局。


Ⅰ. 热词积累

1. forest 森林

2. trees 树

3. afforestation 植树造林

4. deforestation 滥伐森林

5. destruction 破坏

6. vegetation 植被

7. timber 木料

8. desertification 沙漠化

9. green belts 绿化带

10. forest ecosystems 森林生态系统

11. forest conservation 森林保护

12. forest fires 森林火灾

13. temperate forests 温带森林

14. tropical forests 热带森林

15. natural resources 自然资源

16. nature conservation 自然保护

17. non-renewable resources 不可再生资源

18. sustainable development 可持续发展

19. commercial felling of trees 商业砍伐

20. make room for farmland 为农田腾出空间

Ⅱ. 话题佳句

1. Human beings have cleared nearly half of the world's forests.


2. People from the forest often invest most in protecting and restoring it.


3. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people.


4. Forests provide a wide range of environmental,social and economic benefits that improve our quality of life.


5. But what would happen if we let many of these lands return back to forests—and how much climate-warming carbon would they absorb?

但是如果我们让这许许多多的土地重新变成森林,那么又会发生什么呢? 它们会吸收多少导致气候变暖的碳?

6. In short, we need our forests, and our forests need us!


7. It is high time that human beings should take effective measures to protect forests.


8. Forests are critical to life on earth. People rely on them directly for food, shelter, fuel and income.

森林对地球上的生命至关重要。 人们直接依靠它们获得食物、住所、燃料和收入。

9. Around the world, Conservation International monitors forests to both ensure their health and to ensure the long-term success of our work.

在世界各地,保护国际基金会监测森林,以确保其健康, 并确保我们的工作取得长期成功。

10. Protecting the world's forests should be our very first priority in fighting global warming and climate change.


11. Knowing the economic value of the benefits that forests provide can make forests' contribution to livelihoods and economies visible, enabling smarter decisions.


12. Apart from its medical applications, forest bathing offers people around the world a chance to reconnect with nature—and take a breath of fresh air.


Ⅲ. 读后创写

你校正在举行主题为“保护森林” 的英语作文比赛,请你写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:

1. 森林资源现状;

2. 保护措施。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Forest conservation
