Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab

2021-03-21 19:39
时代英语·高一 2021年5期


1. aim  n.  目标;目的;瞄准


John has only one aim in life—to be a film star.


Take careful aim at the lion.



He took aim at the bird, but missed.


aim  v.  瞄准;力求达到;力争做到

He aimed his gun at the bird, but did not fire.


(1)aim后一般接at doing sth,有时其后也接for,表示希望达到某个目标。

They’re aiming at training everybody.


We should aim for the best results.


(2)aim后接不定式,表示“想要做某事”(有时可与aim at doing sth互换)。

He aims to become (= at becoming) a computer expert.



Everybody should be given the chance to achieve their aims.


2. equipment  n.  设备;装备

(1)equipment和facility都可译作“设备;器材”,但equipment是不可数名词,指用于某一特殊目的的东西、供给品、装备等。如:a piece of equipment;basic kitchen equipment;medical/office equipment。

(2)facility是可数名词,常用复数形式。facilities指为特殊活动或目的所提供的种种便利,包括设施、场所和服务等。如:production facilities;facilities for study;facilities for travel;sports facilities;shopping/banking/ cooking facilities。

3. form  vi. & vt.  形成;产生;养成;培养

n.  形式;类型、表格

One of the most important tasks for a school is to help form a child’s character.


Flowers appeared, but fruits failed to form.


The disease can take several different forms.


Music is not like most other art forms.


fill out/complete a form  填表


form good habits  养成好习惯

4. boil  vt.  煮;煮沸

The water was bubbling and boiling.


Boil plenty of salted water, and then add the spaghetti.


boil down  煮濃;熬浓

boil up  把(液体或食物)烧开

5. react  vi.  起反应;(对……)做出反应;回应

Local residents have reacted angrily to the news.


How did Wilson react to your idea?


(1)react with  和……起化学反应/发生物理变化

Iron reacts with water and air to produce rust.


(2)react against  反对;反抗

He reacted strongly against artistic conventions of his time.


6. astonished  adj.  吃惊的;惊愕的

(1)be astonished at/by  对……感到惊讶

I was astonished at his behavior.


(2)be astonished to find/hear/learn/see...  吃惊地发现/听到/知道/看见……

We were astonished to hear that their football team had won the champion.


(3)be astonished that...  惊讶于……

She seemed astonished that I had ever been to Paris.


7. conclusion  n.  结论

(1)come to/draw/reach a/the conclusion  得出结论

I’ve come to the conclusion that he’s not the right person for the job.


We can draw some conclusions from our discussion.


It took me some time to reach the conclusion.


(2)in conclusion  最后;总之

In conclusion, I would like to thank you for all you have done for me.


conclude  vt.  断定;推断出;得出结论

8. used to do  过去(常常)做某事

We’re eating out more often than we used to.


Did they use to play football?


(1)be used to doing sth  习惯做某事

I am used to going to school by bus.


(2)be used to do  被用来做(表示被动)

Wood is used to make paper.


9. add... to...  往……加入……

If you add five to five, you get ten.


Please add my name to the list.


Will you add more sugar to your coffee?


(1)add in  包括;把……加进去

Don’t forget to add me in.


(2)add up to  加起来等于;总计

The costs added up to 1,000 dollars.


(3)add to  使(数量、程度)增加;使(规模)扩大

The bad weather only added to our difficulties.


10. be supposed to  应当;理应

在be supposed to中,to是动词不定式符号,不是介词,其后要跟动词原形。

(1)当be supposed to的主语是“人”时,意为“应该;被期望”,它可以用来表示劝告、建议、义务、责任等,相当于情态动词should。

Everyone is supposed to wear a seat belt in the car.


Teachers are supposed to treat all the students alike.


(2)be supposed to后接“have+过去分词”,表示“应该做某事而没做(到)”。

You are supposed to have handed in your homework by now.


He is supposed to have arrived an hour ago.


(3)be supposed to的否定结构为be not supposed to,意为“不被许可;不应当”。

You are not supposed to walk on the grass.


You are not supposed to smoke on the bus.


11. be proud of  为……感到骄傲/自豪

You will be proud of me.  你会以我为荣的。

It’s nothing to be proud of.  这没有什么可骄傲的。


A little boy did not like the look of the barking dog.

“It’s all right,” said a gentleman. “Don’t be afraid. Don’t you know the proverb: Barking dogs don’t bite?”

“Ah, yes,” answered the little boy. “I know the proverb, but does the dog know the proverb, too?”




A South Korean man and the 21 ducklings he has been raising as his children ever since they hatched have been breaking the internet with their amazing bond. A video that recently went viral in the western world shows the cute birds following their “mother” on a mountain hike and listening to his every command (指令).

The middle-aged man, whose name is not revealed in the video, has been taking care of his 21 ducklings ever since they were eggs, making sure the incubation (孵化) period went smoothly, and even helping the tiny birds break through their shell when it came time to hatch. He was the first thing they laid eyes on in this world, and he has remained the most important figure in their lives since.

Ducklings naturally follow their mother around, and since the man was the one who acted as their mother, these birds follow him everywhere, even up a mountain. To them it’s only natural, but the middle-aged man considers it training and conditioning for the time when he finally releases (釋放) them into the wild. He would love to raise them all as pets, but knows that wouldn’t be ideal for him or the birds, so he’s making sure that they are strong enough to survive in the wild.

The video shows the ducks following the middle-aged man as he hikes up a mountain outside Seoul, stopping whenever he does and refusing to follow anyone else, even if they give the same “let’s go” command their human mother does. Unless they hear his voice and see him moving, they don’t budge. It’s actually quite remarkable. I mean, it’s one thing to see dogs acting like this, but ducklings? That’s something else.

While it’s not clear what the man does for a living, I’m pretty sure he has a lot of experience with ducks, as at one point he reveals a certificate for “father of ducklings” dated 2005.

1. What can we learn from the video?

A. The ducklings just broke through their shells.

B. The man accidentally saved some ducklings.

C. The ducklings just obeyed the man naturally.

D. The man took pride in his ducklings.

2. What’s the man’s purpose of raising the ducklings?

A. To make a living by performing.

B. To film a video to attract attention.

C. To free them into the wild one day.

D. To make a contribution to a bird reserve.

3. What word can best replace the underlined word “budge” in Paragraph 4?

A. Stop. B. Move.

C. End. D. Fight.

4. What can be the best title for the text?

A. “Father” and “Mother” of Cute Pets

B. Man Raises Ducklings as His “Children”

C. Ducklings Also Regarded as Good Pets

D. Amazing Bond Between Man and Animals


British scientists have discovered the willow trees planted at an angle (角度) could increase sugars for biofuel production.

Willow is fast-growing. It is already used to produce fuels for the renewable heating and power market. In future it could also help to produce biofuel to power vehicles. It has been known that when willows growing in the wild are blown sideways they produce more sugars. But for a while it has not been known why this happens.

Researchers at Imperial College London, led by Dr Nicholas Brereton and Dr Michael Ray of the Department of Life Sciences, have now solved the mystery. When the tree is blown sideways, its genes (基因) produce large numbers of sugar molecules (分子) to straighten the tree upwards.

“This is an important breakthrough. Our study now shows that natural genetic changes are related to these differences. And this could well be the key to unlocking the future for green energy from willow,” said Dr Brereton.

The research was carried out under lab conditions. The willows were grown at an angle of 45 degrees. They were compared to willows which grow naturally straight upwards. The team then looked for the same effect among the willows growing on the Isle of Orkney where strong winds cause the trees to bend at extreme angles. They discovered that the Orkney trees produce five times the amount of sugars found in willows grown in sheltered conditions.

Willow is widely planted across the UK. The results show that biofuel crops such as willows could be grown in climatically challenging conditions where chances of growing food crops are limited.

The study is published in Biotechnology for Biofuels.

5. What may happen when willows are planted in strong winds?

A. They will stop growing.

B. They will grow sideways.

C. Few sugars will be produced.

D. Changes in genes will take place.

6. What can we learn from the text about the Orkney willows?

A. They are unusually rich in sugars.

B. They grow naturally straight upwards.

C. They look taller than ordinary willows.

D. They are stronger than those growing in labs.

7. Farmers living in challenging climate ___ .

A. use biofuel for heating and power

B. are encouraged to grow biofuel crops

C. can plant different kinds of food crops

D. should make their willows grow straight

8. Where does this text probably come from?

A. A personal diary. B. A newspaper ad.

C. A scientific journal. D. A travel magazine.



Once upon a time there lived on the bank of a river a miller (磨坊主). He was  singing happily. People all over the land liked to talk about his pleasant . At last the king  him.

“I’ll go down and  with him,” he said. “Perhaps he can tell me how to be .”

As soon as he stepped into the mill, he heard the miller , “I envy (羡慕) nobody, for I’m as happy as I can be. And nobody envies me.”

“You’re , my friend,” said the king. “I envy you, and I would gladly change  with you if I could only be as light-hearted as you are.”

The miller smiled, and  to the king. “I’m sure I couldn’t think of changing places with you, sir,” he said.

“Now  me,” said the king, “what makes you so   here in your dusty mill, while I, who am king, am sad and in  every day.”

The miller smiled and said, “I don’t know why you are sad, but I can  tell you why I’m glad. I earn my own bread, I love my family and my friends, and I don’t need to  a penny. Why should I not be happy? For every day the river  my mill, and the mill grinds (碾碎) the  that feeds my family.”

“Say no more,” said the king. “ where you are, and be happy still. Your dusty cap is more valuable than my  crown. Your mill does more for you than my  can do for me. If there were more such men as you, what a good place this  would be!”

1. A. seldom B. never C. sometimes D. always

2. A. tastes B. holidays C. ways D. meals

3. A. heard about B. thought of

C. cared about D. learned of

4. A. work B. talk C. live D. walk

5. A. rich B. happy C. free D. polite

6. A. singing B. shouting C. laughing D. crying

7. A. weak B. rude C. foolish D. wrong

8. A. farms B. horses C. places D. seats

9. A. moved B. bowed C. pointed D. went

10. A. tell B. offer C. remind D. pass

11. A. busy B. poor C. cheerful D. kind

12. A. fact B. trouble C. silence D. danger

13. A. easily B. slowly C. quickly D. successfully

14. A. give B. spare C. borrow D. collect

15. A. cleans B. shakes C. washes D. turns

16. A. meat B. egg C. corn D. cake

17. A. Stay B. Sleep C. Study D. Lie

18. A. red B. new C. big D. golden

19. A. company B. office C. store D. kingdom

20. A. factory B. world C. village D. street


Scientists are interested in whether the sense of smell is related to pain. They are also curious about  it is the same for both sexes. Now, the study has proved that for women,  (please) smells reduce pain. For men, there is almost no change.

Dr Finkelstein has been studying smells  1999. He says that scientists have already collected data from 40 volunteers. He adds that this year, scientists will test another 60 volunteers and will be in a better position  (analyze) the results.

One  (explain) is that women’s sense of smell is  (well) developed than that of men, and is linked to  (recognize) the smell of babies. Scientists  (use) to believe that mothers recognize their children by sight only. Now they have become  (convince) that the sense of smell also helps. However, why pleasant smells do not reduce pain in men remains  puzzle for scientists.

1.                2.                3.                4.                5.

6.                7.                8.                9.                10.




Many animals recognize their food because they see it. So do humans. When you see an apple or a piece of chocolate you know that these are things you can eat. You can also use other senses when you choose your food. You may like it because it smells good or because it tastes good. You may dislike some types of food because they do not look, smell or taste very nice. Different animals use different senses to find and choose their food. A few animals depend on only one of their senses, while most animals use more than one sense.

Although there are many different types of food, some animals spend their lives eating only one type. The giant panda eats only one particular type of bamboo. Other animals eat only one type of food even when given the choice. A kind of white butterfly will stay on the leaves of a cabbage, even though there are plenty of other vegetables in the garden. However, most animals have a more varied diet (多樣化饮食). The bear eats fruits and fish. The fox eats small animals, birds and fruits. The diet of these animals will be different depending on the season.

Humans have a very varied diet. We often eat food because we like it and not because it is good for us. In countries such as France and Britain, people eat foods with too much sugar. This makes them overweight, which is bad for their health. Eating too much red meat and animal products, such as butter, can also be bad for the health. Choosing the right food, therefore, has become an area of study in modern life.

1. We can infer from Paragraph 1 that humans and animals

___ .

A. depend on the same sense in choosing food

B. choose food by their look and smell

C. choose food in similar ways

D. eat entirely different food

2. What animal eats only one type of food?

A. The white butterfly. B. The small bird.

C. The bear. D. The fox.

3. When will animals change their choice of food?

A. The season changes.

B. The food color changes.

C. They move to different places.

D. They are attracted by different smells.

4. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. French and British food is good.

B. Food is chosen for a good reason.

C. Some people have few choices of food.

D. Some people care little about healthy diet.


Human beings use animals for a wide variety of purposes, including research. By studying animals, it is possible to learn information that cannot be learned in any other way. Animals are used in research when there is a need to find out what happens in the whole living body. There are four main reasons why animals are used in research.

Adding to scientific knowledge through basic biological research helps us understand how living things work, and use that understanding for the benefit of both humans and animals. The study of animals is an important part of the whole research process. The bodies of animals are like humans’ in the way that they perform many important functions such as breathing, movement, sight, and hearing. To treat disease, doctors and scientists must understand how the healthy body works.

Humans and animals share hundreds of illnesses, so animals can act as models for the study of human illness. For example, rabbits suffer from emphysema (肺气肿), a lung problem that makes it hard to catch their breath. Dogs suffer from cancer, bleeding disorders and so on. Cats suffer from some of the same vision loss as humans. From such models we learn how disease affects the body and more.

Once researchers learn more about a particular disease, animals are used to develop and test the treatments. For example, medicines for Parkinson’s disease have been developed by using animal models with Parkinson’s-like symptoms (症状). Models such as these are an important part of using biological research to solve real medical problems.

New medicines need testing because researchers must test both the beneficial and the harmful effects of a medicine on a living body. A medicine must be tested in a suitable animal model before clinical trials (臨床试验) in humans can take place.

5. According to Paragraph 2, why are animals used in research?

A. They may be healthier than humans.

B. Their bodies are simpler than humans’.

C. They may have the same diseases as humans.

D. Their bodies are like humans’ in many functions.

6. How does the author support his statement in Paragraph 3?

A. By listing figures.

B. By giving examples.

C. By comparing humans with animals.

D. By showing some research findings.

7. The author mentions Parkinson’s disease to ___ .

A. introduce a new discovery of medicine

B. prove that animals have the same disease

C. explain how to use animals for testing new medicines

D. give more information about Parkinson’s symptoms

8. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. Testing a new medicine on animals is a must.

B. Not all new medicines can be tested in animals.

C. New medicines must be first tested in animal models.

D. Not all medicines have both beneficial and harmful effects.



Evaluating Sources (来源) of Health Information

Making good choices about your own health requires reasonable evaluation (评估). A key first step in bettering your evaluation ability is to look carefully at your sources of healthy information. Reasonable evaluation includes knowing where and how to find relevant information, how to separate fact from opinions, how to recognize poor reasoning, and how to analyze information and the reliability of sources.

Go to the original source. Media reports often simplify the results of medical research. Find out for yourself what a study really reported, and determine whether it was based on good science. Think about the type of study.

Watch for misleading language. Some studies will find that a behavior “contributes to” or is “associated with” an outcome; this does not mean that a certain course must lead to a certain result.  Carefully read or listen to information in order to fully understand it.

Use your common sense. If a report seems too good to be true, probably it is. Be especially careful of information contained in advertisements.  Evaluate “scientific” statements carefully, and be aware of quackery(江湖骗术).

Friends and family members can be a great source of ideas and inspiration, but each of us needs to find a healthy lifestyle that works for us.

Developing the ability to evaluate reasonably and independently about the health problems will serve you well throughout your life.

A. Make choices that are right for you.

B. The goal of an ad is to sell you something.

C. Be sure to work through the critical questions.

D. And examine the findings of the original research.

E. Distinguish between research reports and public health advice.

F. Be aware that information may also be incorrectly explained by an author’s point of view.

G. The following suggestions can help you sort through the health information you receive from common sources.

1.                2.                3.                4.                5.


There was a time when Whitney didn’t have a lot of friends. She was a bit shy. She never really wanted to be popular,  did want to have someone to share secrets and laughs . All through high school,  she didn’t find a lot of comfort or companionship (友誼).

When it came to going to college, Whitney  felt nervous. She was going to be rooming with a  classmate and living in a town 300 miles away from home. There wouldn’t be a single person she  in town. She had no idea    she was going to make friends in this new environment.

The first week of classes, something happened that Whitney’s life forever. In her English composition class, she was asked to share a little about herself. She  everyone where she came from and all of the other  details that students share in such . The final question for each student was always the same: “What is your  for this class?” Now, most of the students said it was to get a good , pass the class or something similar, but for some , Whitney said something entirely . She said that her goal was to make just one good friend.

While most of the students sat in silence, one student came to Whitney and  his hand and introduced himself. He asked if she would be his friend. The whole room was  —all eyes focused (聚焦) on Whitney and the hand extended just in front of her. She  and reached out to take his hand and a friendship was formed. It was a(n)  that lasted all through college. Whitney learned the  of asking for what she wanted, being honest and taking action.

1. A. but B. and C. so D. or

2. A. over B. with C. about D. in

3. A. besides B. instead C. though D. therefore

4. A. already B. just C. ever D. still

5. A. similar B. clever C. strange D. helpful

6. A. noticed B. knew C. expected D. minded

7. A. what B. when C. how D. that

8. A. controlled B. changed C. damaged D. upset

9. A. asked B. told C. answered D. reminded

10. A. funny B. ordinary C. usual D. formal

11. A. situations B. states C. conditions D. events

12. A. time B. story C. goal D. secret

13. A. friend B. chance C. grade D. job

14. A. sense B. way C. point D. reason

15. A. different B. interesting C. wrong D. exciting

16. A. put up B. lifted up C. took out D. held out

17. A. shocked B. silent C. active D. frightened

18. A. smiled B. stopped C. moved D. worried

19. A. doubt B. conclusion C. friendship D. impression

20. A. force B. balance C. power D. effort



The strength of TC Williams High School in Alexandria, Virginia is its diversity (多样性), says Shawn Lowe, a science teacher at the school. Her students are interested in doing science fair projects, but don’t have enough money to pursue them.

“Having equipment available allows every student to pursue their questions and carry out real science research, regardless of socioeconomic means,” she said.

Fortunately, a STEM Research Grant from the Society for Science & the Public has allowed Shawn to buy much-needed equipment. So far this year, she has supported 24 students as they completed projects to present at science fairs—three times the previous number of students.

“Without the grant, I would not have had the freedom to buy the equipment needed,” Shawn said. “The grant has directly influenced about 20 science fair projects that would otherwise not be available. It also provides opportunities this year for about 40 students, and will expand in the next few months as my students show what they are doing to elementary and middle school students, encouraging more students to carry out hands-on scientific inquiry,” Shawn said.

The STEM Research Grant also allowed Shawn to buy materials for a group of students to build a drone (無人机). “Without these materials, we would not have been able to build a drone, and wouldn’t have had a project. The influence has been huge. With these materials, we have been able to create a machine that will be able to fly automatically (自动地). We are proud of it,” the students explained.

The grant may have directly affected these young scientists while they study at TC Williams High School, but its impact in their lives won’t end there. Many will go on to study STEM subjects in college, including the students who built the drone and who plan on becoming engineers.

1. What difficulty do the students have in doing science fair projects?

A. They are short of money.

B. They lack professional guidance.

C. They don’t get the support of the school.

D. They don’t have confidence after many failures.

2. What does the underlined word “grant” in Paragraph 4 most probably mean?

A. Money. B. Interest.

C. Agreement. D. Equipment.

3. What does the underlined word “it” refer to in Paragraph 5?

A. The drone. B. The influence.

C. The project. D. The grant.

4. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?

A. How to become an engineer.

B. How to choose a suitable university.

C. The different choices of students after high school.

D. The great influence of doing science projects at school.


Be at Your Best!

What does your brain need to work well? Here are some things it needs.

Good food

Experts say that breakfast is much more important than any other meal.  So don’t miss breakfast—especially before an exam! But you need to eat a good breakfast—junk food won’t work.

A regular supply of energy

Your brain needs a regular supply of energy, so you need to eat carbohydrates (碳水化合物). They are found in bread, rice, pasta and beans.  They work more quickly than bread and rice, so they give you a short burst of energy, but afterwards you feel more tired.

A continuous supply of oxygen

Your brain needs oxygen, which it gets from exercise.  You also need a good supply of iron because iron helps your blood to carry oxygen round your body.


Not getting enough water will stop your brain from working well. And remember, water isn’t as expensive as sweet drinks!

Your brain needs several hours’ sleep, so it can “update” itself, just like a computer. Experts say that when you study for a test or exam, you should get some sleep as quickly as possible after you’ve finished studying. This helps you to remember what you’ve learnt.

A. A short break.

B. A good night’s sleep.

C. It works best in the morning.

D. Exercise improves your memory, too.

E. Water is much better than sweet drinks.

F. Your brain works better when you have eaten.

G. Chocolate, biscuits, and sweets are good for your brain.

1. ;               2.                3.                4.                5.




rust form react electricity facility aim

float liquid lecture contract boil flame

1. Be careful when using ____ equipment.

2. If you add too much ____ , the mixture will not be thick enough.

3. I saw some fallen leaves ____ in the river.

4. You’d better keep the iron away from the water to avoid ____ .

5. What was your mother’s ____ to the news?

6. The ____ were growing higher and higher.

7. Professor Wang will give us two ____ tomorrow morning.

8. Ice ____ at the temperature of 0℃.

9. It’s a very high office building with modern ____ .

10. Do you want a(n) ____ egg for breakfast?


1. 知道金属如何与不同物质反应是很重要的。(react with)

2. 将来人类能住到月球上吗?现在下结论还为时过早。(too… to)

3. 他为自己没有放弃而感到骄傲。(be proud of)

4. 他过去住在巴黎,但现在住在北京。(used to)

5. 你应该几点到那儿?(be supposed to)


In our life, we often regret what we did and which we couldn’t do. Actually, it doesn’t benefit us at all. As for most of us, we missed many chance to earn more money, to get a high position and to realize our dreams. We often regret that we don’t seize those opportunities, thus feel upset. Although we do know regretting the past is no benefit, but we still can’t help doing it.

To avoid the problem below, we need to pay more attention to what you are doing now, making us busier and having no time to recall the past. Moreover, we’d better set reasonably goals one by one. Only by doing so can we struggle for our future better.










Dear Tom,

Nobel Prize


Nobel, born on October 21, 1833 in Stockholm, invented the nitroglycerine high explosive in 1867. He was successively engaged in the detonation technology and the synthesis material research in Sweden, Germany, France, England and Italy. He obtained 355 invention patents in his life, winning a very big property. Nobel died in Italy on December 10, 1896.

According to Nobel’s will, part of his inheritance, altogether $9,200,000, were put in bank as a fund, with interest every year (approximately $200,000) for the people making prominent contribution to physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, literature as well as cause of peace. In 1968, the economy prize was set up.

Every year on December 10 Nobel prizes were issued. According to the convention, physics, chemistry and the economy prizes are issued by Sweden Imperial Academy of Science. The biology prize or the medicine prize were issued by the Rollin Medicine Surgery Research Institute in Stockholm. The literature prize is issued by the Sweden Literary Academy. The peace prize is issued by Norwegian Parliament. Each awarding unit is equipped with a Nobel committee which is made up of five people responsible for evaluation. Nobel’s candidates were recommended by the academies of science, universities and the previous prize-winner around the world. The Nobel prize consists of a gold medal, a certification and a bonus.




