
2021-07-12 03:49AdolfoGosálvez
世界建筑导报 2021年3期



设计单位:HAND 建筑师事务所

场地面积:2 551 平方米

建筑面积:7 470 平方米

摄影:Adolfo Gosálvez

Client:Ministerio de Educación,Cultura y Deporte de Palma de Mallorca

Location:Palma de Mallorca,Spain

Architect:HAND Architecture

Site Area:2,551 m²

Building Area:7,470 m²

Photography: Adolfo Gosálvez

在西班牙帕尔马(Palma de Mallorca)的历史中心进行建造意味着需要寻找与这座城市独特性格相契合的方式。这里的街道被完整地保留,展示出一种均质和永恒的特性。交替开合的空间使街道在私人与公共领域之间变换。大大小小的庭院为市民提供了悠闲生活节奏,同时形成了通透的街道景观。


整理历史文献如同定位埋藏的宝藏一般。文献馆的作用是存放当地的档案记录,并对其进行保护,修复,以便查阅和研究。因此,在文献馆中需要设置一个公共使用区,同时精心设计一个 “盒子”,用于保管和收藏重要的文献记录。


The streets in Palma de Mallorca show homogeneous,timeless,carefully measured and preserved attributes.Its openings fluctuate between openings that exchange the private and the public.They move the courtyards,those seemingly casual centers,always generous,nothing immediate.The tones,stony and bright.The gift of the subtle transparencies that glimpse its walls.

Our mission was to transform an ancient building of the forties,lateral appendix of the old convent of San Francisco,into the new headquarters of the Archive of the Kingdom of Mallorca.Respecting the façade body to the main street,cataloged as part of the careful sequence of monumental historical fronts,we were allowed to demolish its entire interior volume,surrounded throughout its perimeter of a very fragmented building.An action as delicate as it is precise given the dense surrounding occupation.

Making an archive is locating a treasure.To lodge the documentary history of the place,which must be protected,guarded,to be consulted,studied.Therefore,areas intended for public use must be accommodated inside,but also,carefully,a carefully conditioned chest,container of the numerous document warehouses,must be arranged.

建筑平面变化 Architectural Plane Change

纵剖面图 Short Section

标准层平面 Typical Floor Plan

总平面图 Site Plan

Thus,in consequence,the internal distribution is given by the logical sequence of accesses and routes.From the main street,and adapting the historic three-level creak vertically,the areas of direct occupation of the public and staff are arranged.Cultural and meeting uses on the ground floor.The large consultation room in the first.And the areas dedicated to the work of the internal staff in the undercover.Next to the historic bay,on the inside,an annexed body is built,with five levels,which acts as an element of distribution and service,in which the communication centers are ordered,the facilities are channeled and the complementary units are located.In parallel,removed at the bottom of the plot,the volume of six levels of the deposits,more dense and tight,is erected,adjacent to the road access of the side street to enable the entry of documents,classification and treatment in its lower level.An extraordinarily well insulated and protected cubic volume,which is connected to the public use building by means of an aerial corridor of walkways.Finally,as part of the concatenation of functional pieces,between the body of deposits and the area open to the public,in the center,an outer space,a patio,a silence is released.A wide and surprising place that reflects the echo of the city's shape.

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