H 住宅

2021-07-12 03:49JoaquínMosquera
世界建筑导报 2021年3期



设计单位:BOJAUS 建筑师事务所

场地面积:1 000 平方米

建筑面积:400 平方米

摄影:Joaquín Mosquera




Site Area:1,000 m²

Building Area:400 m²

Photography:Joaquín Mosquera

H 住宅位于一片典型的马德里近郊社区中。那里每户的土地有限,因此房屋之间距离通常都很近。在这种情况下,我们面对的挑战在于将隐私性与大面积的采光窗相结合,使室内外区域形成连续空间,同时最大限度享受阳光照射。


H 住宅的体块可以看作是与当地法规协调后的结果:最大占地比,建筑边界限制,与地块的对位关系,最大高度,等等。在满足这些规定后,我们在这个建筑体块内掏空门廊和露台,以满足容积率要求。建筑最终如同一个纯粹的长方体(20x9x9 米),被各种空腔穿透而形成内部空间。

H 住宅的主要空间是一个内部天井。除了通过楼梯连接各楼层外,它还是组织所有房间关系的重要元素。小空间,浴室,壁橱,储藏室,厕所等辅助用房沿北面对齐布置。它们形成了一堵厚实的立面,也减少了对于其它生活空间的影响。同时,这种布局还减少了主梁的长度,从而简化了房屋结构并有助于主空间的自由组织。从纵剖面可以看出,这些小空间都通过天井和空隙形成视觉互联。


H 住宅的设计并非目的,它是满足家庭功能与能源需求的工具。与沿北面布置的辅助功能用房相同,各个卧室的衣柜始终紧贴立面安放,充分利用其绝热性。天井,玄关和门廊可以控制自然光,避免阳光直射入室内。因此尽管H 住宅内部充盈自然光,却不会感到耀眼或炎热。此外,在屋顶隔热板的帮助下,空调和地暖系统可以以最小能耗发挥作用。

Hose H is located in a typical suburban area near Madrid,where the houses in small individual plots are often too close to each other.In this situation the challenge was to combine certain degree of privacy with the desire of opening big windows and merging interior and exterior in a continuous space flood by natural light.

The proximity of the houses that surround the plot lead us to develop a system of voids,deep windows and patios which would allow these large openings without neglecting the equally important need of privacy.

The volume is the result of the strict application oflocal urban regulations:maximum occupation,perimeter definition,alignments,maximum height...Then,we subtract the voids,porches and patios,to this maximum volume in order to accomplish the FAR (floor area ratio).The result is a pure simple prism (20x9x9 meters) drilled by big hollow voids which generate the interior space.

The main space in H House is an interior patio which,apart from connecting the diverse levels by the stair,organizes all the different rooms.The small pieces,bathrooms,closets,storage,toilet...are aligned in the north facade,building a thick wall with a high level of isolation.At the same time this layout reduces the length of the main beams simplifying the structure of the house and assisting the free organization of the principal spaces.All of them are related to each other visually through patios and voids,as it can be observed in the longitudinal section.

The program planned by the client was the typical on a traditional house of this characteristics.Nevertheless the conception of the different spaces demanded by the client and the relationship between them aspire to a freer layout where a more open and ambiguous functional scheme could be developed. the structural layout defines a cross banded scheme of fixed dimensions where the main spaces,living,kitchen,main bedroom,studio,secondary bedrooms group...are equivalent and interchangeable depending on the user´s needs.

剖面及平面图 Section & Plan

立面图 Elevation

Design has been understood not as a goal,but as a tool at the service of the functional and energy needs of the home.As with the rooms located on the north façade,the bedroom closets are always located on the façade,taking advantage of their great insulation capacity.The patios,porches and hallways also serve to ensure privacy,to control the incidence of direct sunlight.In this way,although natural light floods the interior of the house,the direct incidence of the sun is completely controlled.In addition,the water-air air conditioning system and the underfloor heating,aided by the contribution of thermal panels on the roof,help to guarantee thermal comfort with minimal energy consumption.

实体模型 Entity model

The Watcher