外国驻渝领事官员参加“共植少年林 同创碳中和”自然生态专题教育实践活动

2021-08-09 02:49
重庆与世界 2021年5期




On April 13, the Foreign Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People's Government, together with the Chongqing Municipal Committee of Culture and Tourism, the Chongqing Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau and the Chongqing Municipal Education Commission, jointly organized the "Joining Hands in Planting Young Forest for Carbon Neutrality" Education Workshop on Nature and Ecology in Balian Temple Ecological Park of Banan District. Nobuyuki Watanabe, Japanese Consul General in Chongqing, Anteneh Tariku, Consul General of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopian in Chongqing, Hong Pani, Consul of Royal Cambodia Consulate General in Chongqing and other consul officials in Chongqing were invited to attend this event. Tang Wen, deputy director general of the Foreign Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People's Government, the relevant leaders of various organization units and Banan District attended the event.

Over 200 primary school students from Chongqing Jiangbeixincun Guoao Primary School, Shengjingtianxia Primary School and Xiaojiagou Primary School planted "Youth's Forests" together with consular officials and carried out research and practice activities. A specific measure to strive for achieving carbon neutrality by 2060 and accelerate the promotion of green and low-carbon development, the event also guides and helps children to add their understanding of plant growth in the green protection campaign, set up environmental awareness and care for the ecological environment from a young age.

Consular officials have said that this event is of great significance to cultivate children's environmental protection awareness of caring for the earth and living a low-carbon life.
