
2021-08-09 02:53龙晓
重庆与世界 2021年5期


松山智一 1976年出生于日本东京,现居纽约。多元文化的经历是松山智一艺术不可或缺的一部分,其作品同时具有古典与现代气息,兼具装饰性与概念性。他在东京、洛杉矶、纽约、迈阿密、中国香港等地创作过大型公共装置雕塑和壁画。其作品被旧金山亚洲艺术博物馆、洛杉矶郡立美术馆、阿拉伯联合酋长国王室等收藏。

真实与迷幻、冰冷与温暖、抽象与具体、现代都市与自然气息……很难想象这些矛盾的感受会来自同一个展览。而无论是成年人还是儿童,专业人士还是普通观众,都能被其作品深深吸引。这就是日本艺术家松山智一(Tomokazu Matsuyama)个展“自然可解”。3月初,该展览在龙美术馆(重庆馆)展出以来,吸引各界人士慕名前去欣赏。日本驻重庆总领事渡边信之应邀参观后,也被这位长期活跃在纽约的新晋日本艺术家的作品感动。









Reality and illusion, apathy and warmth, abstraction and concreteness, modern metropolis and breath of nature... It is hard to imagine that these contradictory feelings come from the same exhibition. Adults or children, professionals or ordinary visitors, visitors are invariably deeply drawn to these works. This is the individual exhibition "Accountable Nature" by Japanese artist Tomokazu Matsuyama. Since the exhibition was exhibited at the Long Museum (Chongqing Pavilion) in early March, it has attracted people from all walks of life to visit. After Consul-General Nobuyuki Watanabe of Japan in Chongqing was invited to visit, he was also moved by the works of this rising Japanese artist who has been long active in New York.

On April 24, the Consulate General of Japan in Chongqing held a "Tomokazu Matsuyamai: Accountable Nature" viewing session. Consul-General Nobuyuki Watanabe introduced during the session that through the works of Matsuyamai, he can experience another sense of freshness created by the author's perception of New York, the world's most cutting-edge art mecca with a blend of Japanese elements.

The exhibition "Tomokazu Matsuyama-- Accountable Nature" was first presented in Shanghai in November 2020. This time, its debut in Chongqing has added several new works with enriched contents. The exhibition showcases Matsuyama's unique irregular oil paintings and sculptures, reflecting the artist's broad and diverse aesthetic language. He captures the current social life and culture in his own unique way, and his creative ideas burst into different sparks in the magical city of Chongqing.

The theme of "Accountable Nature" is derived from the legal term "force majeure", which refers to natural disasters or emergencies that hinder social and economic operations. Tomokazu Matsuyama found that, nevertheless, even in times of turbulence, people still possess the strength to continue living with expectations for the future, and work hard to rebuild their lives.

At the entrance of the exhibition hall, a group of works named Wheels of Fortune and Double Crisis are stainless steel sculptures that Matsuyama tries to polish into a mirror surface in an overall manner, plus the "antlers" and "wheels" elements of the American low rider culture, the theme of "What does salvation actually mean?"has been intuitively presented. In ancient Japan, deer was a symbol of sacred objects, and the mirror was considered to be the place where the deities abided. The wheel, on the other hand, represents the industrial consumables of modern society. The combination of the two reflects the artist's thinking about people seeking spiritual purification while living a material life. It also expresses his identification with "mankind as a paradox", while "antlers" and "wheels" convey the idea of "becoming oneself".

Riders have been a key theme in Tomokazu Matsuyama's works for many years. In many historical paintings, riders are more often than not a cultural or political symbol. Matsuyama redefines it as a global language through the form of contemporary art, attempting to free these riders from the historical rhetoric background. In this way, viewers could feel the connection between the typical historical theme and the elusive era.

Tomokazu Matsuyama firmly believes that the key responsibility of an artist is to capture and express the current life. Nowadays, people use electronic devices to understand the status of the outside world and search for reality in the digitalized world, blurring and equivocating the boundaries that should exist in the first place. His paintings reflect such elusive boundaries in the contemporary era, such as those between nature and data, reality and virtuality. Through a unique technique, his works take on pastoral and utopian scenarios.

Understanding Tomokazu Matsuyama's paintings is similar to an editing process, and visual clues of similar elements will lure viewers to seek their anecdotes and generate new ideas and narratives. He disintegrates and ingeniously reconstructs a large amount of information that spans over time and space, so that things that couldn't co-exist in the past can co-exist now. At the same time, the images neither lack nor contain redundant elements, maintaining a delicate balance.

After viewing Tomokazu Matsuyama's works, one can't help asking one question: is the "reality" people lives in real, and what is "reality" at all? This may be what the artist wants to convey through his works. Let's take our time to find out answers in the colorful painting exhibition and moreover, in the fragments of our day-to-day lives.
