共赴冰雪之约 共享中华文化

2022-02-24 00:00
文化交流 2022年2期






Enjoy the Chinese Culture, Together for a Shared Future

The Olympic Games are a grand gathering of sports and culture. The world’s memory of each edition of the Olympic Games lives on not only because of their enduring spirit, but also because of the unique impressions that have been left on spectators of the culture of the host country.

When we look back at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, we can still vividly remember the “Chinese Seal” (the official emblem), the “Lucky Clouds” (the official torch), the “Chinese scroll painting” performance on the opening ceremony and many more elements and symbols that have represented the Chinese culture and the Olympic charm. Fourteen years have passed in a blink, and now the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games have arrived as expected.

Coincidentally, the 2022 Beijing Olympic Games are held during the Chinese New Year. The most important cultural connotations of the festival — reunion, sharing and celebration — and “Together for a Shared Future”, the official motto of the 2022 Beijing Olympic, are China’s sincere invitation to other countries and show the Chinese people’s yearning for a better future. It is of far-reaching significance to exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations around the world.

As Confucius said, “It is always a pleasure to have friends coming from afar.” The Chinese people have long been known for their hospitability, which has been reflected in every piece of detail in the Games. Indeed, every concept, design, construction and arrangement has incorporated elements from the Chinese culture. From Winter Dream, the official emblem, to the Changxin Palace Lantern storing the Olympic flame, from the Shougang Big Air, the freestyle skiing and snowboard ramp inspired by the “Flying Apsaras”, to the “Flying Snow Dragon” slide in the National Sliding Center … the essence of Chinese culture and traditions has been artistically integrated into the graciousness of the Chinese people.

As we ring in the Chinese New Year, we believe that every friendly guest — whether participants of the Games or spectators watching from home — will be able to “bring in the warmth of the spring breeze”.

The true sportsmanship 真正的体育精神