
2022-03-22 09:34责任编辑张羽
中国建筑装饰装修 2022年5期



一家涵盖建筑及室内设计的事务所,在业界屡获殊荣,由意大利建筑师Filippo Gabbiani 和Andrea Destefanis 于2000 年联合创立于威尼斯。

Kokaistudios 专注于发展文化、商业、酒店及零售等方面的项目,更广泛涉及城市更新与文化遗产再造的项目,旨在为项目所在的城市增添蓬勃生机。


It is an award winning architecture and interior design firm founded in 2000 in Venice by Italian architects Filippo Gabbiani &Andrea Destefanis.

Primarily focused on developing cultural, corporate, commercial,hospitality & retail projects we have also worked extensively on urban regeneration projects involving the requalification of heritage locations.

Kokaistudios aims to develop projects that add positively to the built environment and social fabric of the cities and countries in which they are located.

Andrea Destefanis

出生于意大利都灵,早年间即对视觉艺术和舞台布景有浓厚的兴趣。完成了威尼斯建筑大学的学业后,Andrea 开始了同多个建筑事务所合作的职业生涯,参与了很多获奖的建筑和城市规划项目。受其对设计中不同领域的兴趣驱动,Andrea 成立了合作工作室,致力于研究计算机平面设计的创新方法。2000 年他与Filippo Gabbiani 共同成立了Kokaistudios 设计事务所。

Filippo Gabbiani

出生于意大利威尼斯,自幼展现出对艺术和设计的多重兴趣。在完成了威尼斯建筑大学的学业后,出于对不同学科和多元文化的好奇心,Filippo 先后闯荡欧洲数国及美国,曾与多家世界顶级的建筑、室内及工业设计事务所合作。2000 年他与Andrea Destefanis 共同成立了Kokaistudios 设计事务所。


Born in Turin, Italy, Andrea Destefanis developed very early a strong interest for visual arts and scenography. After graduating from University of Architecture Venice, he started to cooperate with several architectural firms and developed award winning projects in architecture and city planning. Moved by his personal interest in different fields of design he founded a cooperative studio focused on research of innovative instrument of design in computer graphics before co-founding Kokaistudios together with Filippo Gabbiani.


Born in Venice, Italy, Filippo Gabbiani developed very early a multidisciplinary interest for art and design. Upon graduating from the University of Architecture Venice, he began work on a European Community sponsored research project on the usage of alternative energies in architecture and worked in several countries in Europe and in the U.S.A. cooperating with prestigious firms of architecture, interior and industrial design before meeting Andrea Destefanis with whom he founded Kokaistudios in 2000.


建筑面积:1 516 m2


客户:SHG Ventures


首席设计师: Filippo Gabbiani, Andrea Destefanis




摄影:AURA SKYPOOL Dubai, Juliet Dunne



撰文:Frances Arnold

媒体联络:Jacqueline Chiang

Location: Dubai, UAE

Floor area: 1,516 Square meters

Date of completion: Nov. 2021

Client: SHG Ventures

Interior Design: Kokaistudios

Chief Designers: Filippo Gabbiani, Andrea Destefanisc

Design Director: Ian Yu

Project Manager: Yao Yao

Design Team: Junyu Chen, Zheng Xu, Wei Tse Hsieh, Yuen-Wei Chen

Photography: AURA SKYPOOL Dubai, Juliet Dunne


Text: Frances Arnold

Media Contact: Jacqueline Chiang

1 整体鸟瞰夜景 general bird view at night

2 泳池露台仿佛悬浮在迪拜上空 floating deck over dubai city

3 露台向外延伸至水面 outdoor deck approaching into the pool

4 从AURA望向迪拜城的绝佳景观 superexcellent view from AURA to the Dubai City


AURA SKYPOOL 位于迪拜棕榈塔摩天大厦的49 至50 层,坐拥着世界上最高的360°无边际泳池,步入其中仿佛置身于一座悬浮空中的梦幻岛屿。飘逸的檐篷、葱郁的绿植、自然的元素……设计通过对细节与质感的雕琢为空间营造感官冲击与张力。

坐拥迪拜天际线的壮丽景观,AURA SKYPOOL 是世界上最高的360°无边际泳池,它的位置极其优越,占据朱美拉人造群岛的棕榈塔摩天大楼顶部。其室内设计则是从自然界中汲取了灵感,包括受岩石启发的雕塑墙体、再生木材和多元化的植物。这个破纪录性的项目于2021 年11 月开业,巩固了Kokaistudios 在高端旅行及度假胜地的国际声誉。AURA SKYPOOL 跨越了两层空间,包括豪华更衣室和光线充裕的酒廊,设计充分调动了对感官的整体影响力。

当进入空间,AURA SKYPOOL 的前厅就通过专用电梯将客人运送至距地面210 米的50 层,奠定了独特的尊贵调性。推开门后是一片城市绿洲,被想象成是“天空中的岛屿”。该空间的视觉中心是看起来如天然巨石一样、棱角分明的核心筒,外饰大理石粉涂料:空间原本的核心区设计颇有挑战和限制性,但几何性的装饰将其转变为标志性的焦点。这个3D 的立体形态成为中央酒吧的背景墙,而吧台的支撑结构由再生木制成,让人联想起被冲刷上岸的浮游物。精心拣选的混凝土地砖让人赤脚走在上面时有在沙滩上行走的体验感。

为了与休息室的岛屿主题保持一致,天花板上的窗帘设计也让人联想到沙滩上的帐篷小屋,同时也遮挡了迪拜酷暑的烈日炎炎。可完全开启的玻璃隔断贯穿整个空间,当微风吹动帘幕轻轻摇曳时,更为设计注入了活力。在如此依赖空调的城市中,自然通风让AURA 的休憩空间与众不同,同时也确保了客人的舒适感受。点缀于整体空间的绿植增强了场地的户外海滩氛围,并与家具柔和的绿色、燕麦色与青色色调相得益彰。


泳池的位置高度要求在每个角落都设置防风板,以防止波浪翻过设施的外边缘。虽然游泳者可以很容易地在下方畅游,但对于私人功能,该设计有助于在视觉上划分室外区域。因此Kokaistudios 的设计还在泳池东侧加入了一个户外酒吧,为专属派对和 私享活动开辟了场地。

1 室内酒吧 indoor lounge

2 室外露台 outdoor terrace

如果说AURA 的50 层泳池和休息室概念为空中岛屿,那么位于49 层的辅助空间则被想象为在水下的洞穴,包括更衣室、员工区和零售区。上下两层的颜色、材质和形式主题一脉相承,通过镶嵌有LED 照明的黄铜楼梯相连。下层空间的设计核心是与50 层休息室相同的岩石状大理石粉饰面,而更衣室则设有喷砂蓝绿色玻璃门,这里没有日光照射,与上层阳光明媚的氛围形成鲜明对比,增强了洞穴的主题。

在设计AURA SKYPOOL 时,Kokaistudios 的目标是构建并将它融入到迪拜叹为观止的美景中。设计通过创造室内外之间的对话来实现这一点:人造岛屿与想象中的岛屿,水上清新明透的氛围与水下斑斓的世界。作为世界上最高的360°无边际泳池,这里已迅速成为迪拜的必游体验目的地之一。微妙的触感、自然微风浮动、飘逸的檐篷、水天相接般波光粼粼的湛蓝色……这些组合在一起,让人身处城市中央,却仿佛远离了热气和喧嚣,给人以独特而奢华的感受。

Spanning the 49th and 50th floor of Dubai’s commanding Palm Towers skyscraper,AURU SKYPOOL welcomes visitors to an imagined island in the sky, surrounded by the world’s highest 360° infinity pool. All fluttering canopies, lush greenery, and natural features,the design emphasizes detail and quality to deliver impact and drama.

Boasting spectacular views across the Dubai skyline, AURA SKYPOOL is the world's highest 360° infinity pool. Despite its ultra urban location at the top of the Palm Tower skyscraper on the manmade Jumeirah archipelago, the interior’s design takes cues from the natural world. That includes a rock formation-inspired sculptural wall, reclaimed wood, and plentiful plants. Opened in November 2021, the recordbreaking project strengthens Kokaistudios’international reputation for destination leisure venues which includes Shanghai’s legendary Bar Rouge. Spanning two floors to include deluxe changing rooms and a light-flooded lounge, the design plays on the senses to holistic, impactful effect.

From the outset, AURA SKYPOOL Lounge sets an exclusive tone thanks to dedicated elevators transporting guests to the building's 50th floor, 210 meters above the ground. Its doors open onto an urban oasis, imagined as ‘an island in the sky’. At its heart is an angular travertino plaster centerpiece,appearing as natural boulders: a geometric finish transforms the tower’s central core from a space-limiting challenge, to a signature focal point. This 3D object forms the backdrop of a central bar, and the counter which is made of reclaimed wood recalling flotsam washed up on the shore. Surrounding concrete floor tiles have been carefully selected for their tactile quality:experienced barefoot, they are reminiscent of walking on sand.

In keeping with the lounge’s island theme, ceiling drapes evoke beachside cabanas while window curtains act as a useful sunscreen in Dubai’s unforgiving heat. Both inject movement into the design as the fabric sways in a welcome breeze from fully openable glass partitions that wrap around the space. In a city so reliant on air-conditioning this natural ventilation sets AURA Lounge apart and ensures guest comfort. Throughout, plants and small trees reinforce the venue’s outdoor, beach-like atmosphere, and complement furnishing’s muted palette of greens, oatmeal, and teal.

Surrounding the central lounge like a shoreline is a wooden deck, replete with sun loungers and tables. From here, guests look across the mirror-like infinity pool that circumnavigates the tower to spectacular city and ocean vistas beyond. On two sides,networks of floating platforms jut into the water for an altogether more exclusive experience that is reminiscent of a private island.

3 49层的礼宾处及楼梯 reception and staircase on 49F

The pool’s height called for windbreaking partitions at each corner in order to prevent waves breaking over the facility’s outer edge. Although swimmers can pass easily underneath, for private functions the architecture helps visually separate and divide the outdoor area. With this in mind,Kokaistudios’ design also incorporates an outdoor bar along the pool’s eastern side,opening the venue for exclusive parties and private events.

4 卫生间 restroom

If AURA’s 50th-floor pool and lounge are conceptualized as an island in the sky,its auxiliary facilities are imagined as an atmospheric underwater cave. Located on level 49, functions include changing rooms,staff areas, and a retail kiosk. Physically connected by a brass-clad staircase inlaid with LED lighting, the floors are thematically linked through color, material, and form. At its core is the same angular, rock-like finish of the lounge above; while changing rooms feature sandblasted blue-green glass doors. An absence of daylight contrasts with the sun-bright atmosphere above, reinforcing the cave motif.

I n c reat i n g t h e AU RA S KY P O O L,Kokaistudios’ remit was to frame and contextualize the location’s breathtaking views. It achieves this through a design dialogue between outdoor and indoor;manmade islands versus imagined ones; above water and below. As the world's highest 360 °infinity pool, the destination has fast become one of Dubai’s must-visit experiences. At the same time, its combination of tactile features,natural breeze, fluttering canopies, and above all, glittering blue water that seems to meet the sky feels nothing short of exclusive, luxurious,and far removed from the heat and intensity of this unique urban center.
