
2022-06-08 05:34本刊试题研究中心
疯狂英语·爱英语 2022年6期


第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)



Featured summer programs

Juniper Young Writers Online

Make progress in your creative writing projects this summer with Juniper Young Writ-ers Online! Produce new writing, explore different genres, and learn revision strategies in craft sessions, workshops, and one?on?one meetings with creative writing instructors. Choose a 1? or 2?week session. With daily live meetings, participants have the opportunity to discuss their work and in?depth writing topics with their instructors and peers.

More information: 413?545?8988

Penn Summer High School Programs

The University of Pennsylvania delivers the challenge of an Ivy League curriculum to talented high school students seeking a pre?collegiate academic experience. Students explore dynamic subjects, engage with leading faculty, and build intellectual connections during accelerated two?, three?, or six?week programs.

More information: 301?405?7762

Center for Global Youth Leadership

Our Center for Global Youth Leadership inspires middle and high school students to be craftsmen of ideas and not simply consumers that marketers target. We aim to attract students from our community and abroad to unite around offering innovative and creative solutions to the most pressing challenges of their generation. Our unique student leaders work together in a group design that is problem?based, curiosity?driven, and fully experi-ential.

More information: 215?898?7326

California Actors Workshop

California Actors Workshop offers a concentrated summer training experience in the art and craft of acting. Young actors have the opportunity to learn the crucial skills of build-ing characters, playing objectives, and expressing interior emotions physically and vocally. Students discover not only how to express themselves individually but also how to work as a team, gaining valuable leadership skills while having fun and making friends.

More information: 510?548?6612

1. What can you do if you attend Penn Summer High School Programs?

A. Take part in various creative writing.

B. Learn some lessons for college students.

C. Gain valuable and useful leadership skills.

D. Make friends with students from your community and abroad.

2. Which number can provide access to the most direct instructions?38FEC368-C650-4D42-ADE6-5F0FBCBF81DF

A. 413?545?8988.

B. 301?405?7762.

C. 215?898?7326.

D. 510?548?6612.

3. What do Center for Global Youth Leadership and California Actors Workshop have in


A. They both encourage students to be more creative.

B. They both offer the opportunity to interact with instructors.

C. They both concentrate on inspiring students to be aggressive.

D. They both contribute to improving students' leadership skills.


I have a friend who found a wallet and through a series of amazing circumstances found the owner who was part of a migrant group from Jamaica who came to the United States to pick apples. The way she found him and what happened next were truly miracu-lous.

One day recently, Laurie Fenby, was shopping at a garage sale in Rochester, New York and as she was leaving, she found a wallet on the ground. She looked inside and found a Jamaican driver's license, some American cash and some Jamaican cash. She tried all the usual ways to locate the man, whose name was George.

She couldn't find him through Google or Facebook and then she asked for suggestions through Nextdoor, a community website. Laurie received a lot of ideas and responses—some of them not so positive. But one lady suggested that she contact a little store that is known to have many Jamaican migrant workers as clients. Laurie called the store and found that yes, indeed, there was someone named George who lost his wallet.

She suggested that the owner contact George and have him call her. When George contacted her, he was able to identify all the con-tents of the wallet and Laurie returned it.

But it didn't stop there. Laurie asked George, “What do you and the migrant workers need?” He said they needed some warm clothes. Laurie immediately contacted the next?door community and organized a clothing drive. She received lots of T?shirts, sweatshirts, shoes and other supplies.

Recently Laurie met George and the other migrant workers here in Rochester, and she joined them to pick apples together. They thanked Laurie and her friends—and none of this community?building or friendship would have happened if the wallet had stayed in George's pocket.

4. When did Laurie find the wallet?

A. When she was shopping.

B. When she was picking apples.

C. When she was leaving after shopping.

D. When she was asking for suggestions online.

5. Why did Laurie finally contact the little store?38FEC368-C650-4D42-ADE6-5F0FBCBF81DF

A. She was familiar with the owner.

B. She may find out the wallet's owner.

C. There were many warm?hearted people.

D. She wanted to know Jamaican migrant workers.

6. What does paragraph 5 mainly talk about?

A. The reason why Laurie helped George.

B. The process of finding out the truth.

C. Friendship between Laurie and George.

D. Other items Laurie provided for George.

7. What is the best title for this text?

A. Honesty can lead to miracles

B. Be kind to strangers around you

C. A friend in need is a friend indeed

D. Helping others helps oneself


If you mention “voice technology”, most people think of Alexa, Siri or Cortana. While personal artificial intelligence (AI) assistants are becoming increasingly popular in our ev-eryday lives, they are just one use of voice tech—and are primarily designed for adults.

Irish tech company SoapBox Labs wants that to change. The company has developed speech recognition technology designed specifically for children, and it's already in use across a range of applications, from toys to education apps.

Children's voices differ from those of adults. “Typically, they have a higher pitch (音高) or use different language or speech patterns, which regular voice technology cannot al-ways pick up on,” explains Patricia Scanlon, SoapBox's founder. “It's understandable that an industry that has spent decades working on technology and only focusing on adults runs into a fairly significant problem when they try to apply it to children.”

Rather than making slight changes to the available voice technology already on the market, SoapBox built its voice engine from scratch—focusing on children aged 2 to 12. The company says it created a data set to train its AI system, made up of thousands of hours of children's speech collected in real?world noisy environments—kitchens, class-rooms and cars—from kids of all ages, accents and dialects (方言), from a total of 192 countries.

This opens up a whole new market, for which there's a growing demand. More than 8 billion digital voice assistants are expected to be in use by 2024, up from 4 billion in 2020, and there is an increased focus on adapting the tech for children.

SoapBox, which is selling a technology rather than a product, has attracted more than 50 clients from around the world. The technology can help a child learn to read or learn a language. It acts as a helpful adult, reacting immediately to the child and giving them one?on?one time, and it can also help to record a child's progress and provide feedback (反馈) to a teacher or parents. The technology is also being used by toy developers and gaming companies that want to create voice?enabled toys that can chat to the child, or virtual reality experiences.38FEC368-C650-4D42-ADE6-5F0FBCBF81DF

8. What makes SoapBox different from Cortana?

A. Its use of voice tech. B. Its creative use of AI.

C. Its being aimed at children. D. Its wide range of applications.

9. What does Patricia Scanlon imply in paragraph 3?

A. A lot of effort has gone into developing SoapBox.

B. Voice technology has much room for development.

C. There has been a great demand for a system like SoapBox.

D. SoapBox understands adults' voices better than that of children's.

10. What did SoapBox use to build its voice engine?

A. Recordings of 192 dialects. B. Data from a previous system.

C. Speech from people of all ages. D. Re?recorded children's speech.

11. Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “clients” in the last para?graph?

A. Markets. B. Customers. C. AI assistants. D. Tech companies.


Almost everyone who has studied English has been warned about the way Brits love their manners. It is part of our national identity, as much as fish and chips or complaining about the weather. Recently I have been wondering where this comes from and I read on-line that we say “sorry” up to eight times a day, probably the same amount of times that any other person says “hello” or “how are you”. It is almost like a greeting to us! It was only when I was explaining how there are five steps of saying “thank you” when you buy something from a shop of a Mexican friend of mine that I realised how mad it sounded.

After some research, I have not been able to find any specific reasons why we are the way we are. I suppose for centuries manners of how we eat at the table and talk to other people have been the barriers between the lower and upper classes and represent your so-cial status. Britain has traditionally been a quite conservative and reserved country. There are many articles suggesting that this seemingly polite attitude of always saying “please” and “thank you” is quite false because it is impossible to always feel that you want to thank someone or say “please”.

Maybe it is for this reason that people are going one of two ways: they are incredibly polite and hold back on their feelings or not polite at all, and express their true feelings. Some Brits are fed up with pretending that they are always content and having to please people. Sometimes because we feel we have to be polite, we are prevented from saying what we truly think. Some people feel that the hard truth is the best way to be polite. Do you think it is better to not hurt people's feelings and be polite or to let people know the truth? I know in some countries if someone is considered to be doing their job, the clients think that they do not need to be thanked.38FEC368-C650-4D42-ADE6-5F0FBCBF81DF

12. What does the author think of the British way of saying “thank you”?

A. It's normal. B. It's formal. C. It's exciting. D. It's surprising.

13. What does the author want to find out?

A. Why the British care about their manners so much.

B. Why the British like to complain about the weather.

C. Why the British are fond of fish and chips so much.

D. Why the British have five steps of saying “thank you”.

14. What does the author think manners have stood for for centuries?

A. Attitudes. B. Politeness.

C. Social status. D. Wealth and health.

15. Why are the British unwilling to say what they think?

A. They want to show their social status.

B. They think that they have to be polite.

C. They don't want to let people know the truth.

D. They just don't want to express their true feelings.

第二節 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)


If you have an addiction, you're not alone. One in three of us are addicted to something. Addiction is defined as not having control over doing, taking or using something to the point where it could be harmful to you.16But it's possible to be addicted to anything, including work, the Internet, and shopping.

17In the case of substance abuse (for example, drugs and alcohol), an addiction can have serious psychological and physical effects. Some studies suggest addiction is genetic, but environmental factors, such as being around other people with addictions, are also thought to increase the risk. An addiction can be a way of blocking out difficult issues. Unemployment and poverty can cause addiction, along with stress, including emotional or professional pressure.

18In the case of drugs, alcohol and nicotine, these substances affect the way you feel, both physically and mentally. These feelings can be enjoyable and create a powerful urge to use the substances again. This can develop into a habit that becomes very hard to stop. Being addicted to something means that not having it causes withdrawal symptoms, or a “come down”. Because this can be unpleasant, it can feel easier to carry on having or doing what you crave.19

Addiction is a treatable condition.20You could see the doctor for advice or contact an organisation that specializes in helping people with addictions.

A. So the cycle continues.

B. There are lots of ways you can seek help.38FEC368-C650-4D42-ADE6-5F0FBCBF81DF

C. There are lots of reasons why addictions begin.

D. Addiction is most commonly associated with drugs, alcohol and nicotine.

E. Shopping becomes an addiction when you buy things you don't need or want.

F. If you have an addiction you are looking to overcome, then please do get in touch.

G. The pressure of managing an addiction can damage your studies, work life and rela?tionships.

第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


When I was younger, I always knew my parents had trouble with money. We would go to yard sales all the time, buy everyday21at second?hand stores and22and eat at a soup kitchen 4 nights a week.

One day, a new man walked into the soup kitchen and asked me what my name was. As I told him my name was Angela, my mom started getting to work. After that, I couldn't find the23man. My mom thought I was24 , saying there was no one with me when she came to give me my stuff.

Later that night in the car, my mom was25 . She told me the rent of our apartment had gone up and my grandma had died. She didn't know how to pay for the26and the rent. Once we got into the apartment building, she asked me to27the mail box.

I went and found an envelope, and when I reached in, I28a second one that was thick, but I couldn't29what was in it. I brought the envelopes to my mom.

She opened the first one and30found our first super expensive rent bill. She then walked into her room, saying she couldn't31to open the other one. I looked at the huge envelope and saw this: “Dear Angela and Family. Love, Your32 .” I brought it to my mom with my hands33and asked her to open it. She opened it, tears appearing in her eyes. She emptied the contents onto the34 .

There on the bed were countless checks, all addressed to my mom. I had a35that I knew who had sent it, but I didn't want to tell my mom. It was from my friend from the soup kitchen.

21. A. booksB. supplies C. activities D. methods

22. A. workB. sleep C. play D. read

23. A. familiarB. mean C. abandoned D. strange

24. A. crazyB. moved C. scared D. curious

25. A. shoutingB. weeping C. swearing D. exploring

26. A. funeralB. bill C. campaign D. debate

27. A. checkB. borrow C. prepare D. order

28. A. choseB. asked C. touched D. lifted

29. A. replyB. smell C. refuse D. tell38FEC368-C650-4D42-ADE6-5F0FBCBF81DF

30. A. happilyB. deliberately C. hopelessly D. terribly

31. A. failB. offer C. dare D. respond

32. A. FatherB. Teacher C. Aunt D. Friend

33. A. holdingB. shaking C. rising D. pointing

34. A. bedB. watch C. stage D. cheek

35. A. chanceB. success C. feeling D. decision

第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


Chinese translator Zhang Jing has earned a lot of fans on Chinese social media following her solid 36.________(perform) and accurate translation at the high?level China?US meeting in Alaska, 37.___________(lead) to applause for the Chinese diplomatic personnel taking part in the mission.

The highlight of Zhang's interpretation came 38.___________she smoothly translated several speeches by the Chinese delegation that were more than 10 minutes long fluently and accurately into English, 39.___________ earned her applause and respect from netizens.

A native of Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang Province, Zhang graduated 40.________Hangzhou Foreign Languages School in 2003 and then from China Foreign Affairs University, where she majored in English. She 41._________(recruit) by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2007.

According to 42.__________media interview with Zhang's high school teacher, Zhang had been capable of entering top Chinese universities like Peking University and Tsinghua University, but she 43.__________(choose) to go to China Foreign Affairs University to one day serve her country at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“Zhang Jing helped convey China's voice to the world through her specialty, and

44.________(compare) to the US translator, she performed far 45.____________(well). She also showed her power of Chinese women,” one netizen commented on Sina Weibo.

第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 (满分15分)

你校将举办英语演讲比赛,请你以“My dream job”为题写一篇演讲稿参赛。内容包括:

1. 你理想的工作;

2. 选择的理由。


1. 詞数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

My dream job

Good morning, everyone.


第二节 (满分25分)


“Number 7, Jobie Nymble, takes the lead,” cried the announcer. “Just one more hurdle (跨栏) and Jobie Nymble from Riverside Middle School takes first place in the girls' 100?meter hurdles!”

“County championships, here we come,” yelled Jobie, patting (轻拍) her worn green track spikes (钉鞋). They were her lucky shoes and she loved them. “Next Saturday, we're taking the gold home,” Jobie whispered to her spikes.

“Don't forget, guys,” said Marisol, one of her teammates. “My birthday party is next Friday at Hidden Park. You should all come.”

The day of Marisol's party came. Jobie put on her favorite clothes: her blue shorts, an old track T?shirt, and her lucky spikes. The party had begun when Jobie arrived at Hidden Park. She stopped by the track first, planning to do some running exercise. Even at that end of the park, music and the smell of grilled food filled the air.

Two of Jobie's teammates rushed toward her, breathless and barefoot. “Come on,” they shouted. “You have to try the slide.” Jobie's eyes shot at the party area. “Slide? What sli...?”

Suddenly, she saw it. The biggest inflatable (需充气的) slide she had ever seen was on the far side of the park. Smiling kids zoomed down the slide at an unspeakable speed.

Without thinking twice, Jobie threw off her spikes and ran fast toward the slide. Its ladder rose to the sky, but she reached the top in no time. She slid down, sped to the edge, and closed her eyes as she let go. Jobie couldn't get enough fun from the slide.

When it was time to go home finally, she unwillingly made her way back to the track where she'd left her shoes. As she eyed the area from a distance, panic set in. When Jobie picked up the pace, the closer she got, the faster her heart beat. When she reached the place where she'd left them, her heart stopped.

“They're gone!” she screamed. “My lucky spikes are gone.” Jobie's teammates helped her search the park. No lucky spikes. “So long, gold,” Jobie groaned (叹息).


Paragraph 1:

The next day, the best track teams in the county gathered at Hidden Park for the championships.


Paragraph 2:

Buhhhhh (比賽的信号声) went the starting signal.


