罗斯 · 玛丽眼中的和美家园

2022-07-28 05:11罗斯玛丽
文化交流 2022年7期

文 /罗斯·玛丽

1993年出生的ADIKIN ROSE MARY(中文名:罗斯·玛丽),是一位来自非洲乌干达的外籍新娘。8年前,她经人介绍来到美丽的浙江遂昌农村结婚生子,以她的踏实勤劳质朴创造着美好生活。目前,罗斯·玛丽已经成为拥有1055多万粉丝的抖音达人,抖音账号“Rose”得到超1.3亿的点赞。越来越多的人通过她拍摄的短视频,了解中国普通农民的多彩乡村生活。以下是罗斯·玛丽讲述她在中国的故事。

1.作者和闺蜜雷一起分享自制手撕牛肉干。 2.作者在县外办人员的陪同下接种疫苗。 3.作者帮村里采摘羊肚菌。1.Rose shares sliced beef jerky with one of her best friends. 2.Rose is vaccinated. 3.Rose helps villagers pick mushrooms.








作者的抖音视频。Rose’s Douyin videos.


丽水遂昌叶村村新貌。The new look of Yecun village in Suichang county, Lishui city.


作者和丈夫一起采摘茶叶。Rose picks tea leaves with her husband.



Common Prosperity and My Home in China

By Adikin Rose Mary

My home in China is in Suichang county, Zhejiang province.Known as the “Forest Sea of Southern Zhejiang” and the “Green Sea of” (south of the Yangtze River), this is where Tang Xianzu (1550-1616), a world-renowned playwright and China’s Shakespeare, served as a county magistrate more than 400 years ago and wrote the immortal masterpiece the.Like most other villages in the county, the Yecun village, Jinzhu township — where my home is located, is picturesque and idyllic,with mountains and terraced fields in the distance, and brooks and tea plantations nearby. Rural dwellings sit orderly in the village,but most importantly, the villagers are industrious, honest and kind, always making me feel at home. I have long fallen in love with the place.

1.作者和闺蜜们相聚一起做猪肚鸡。 2.作者邀请村里阿姨们一起吃元宵。1.Rose makes pork belly chicken with her bosom friends. 2.Rose invites elderly ladies in the village to eat glutinous rice balls.

Oftentimes I can’t help but think back to 2014, when, in my early 20s, I was working as a furniture salesman for a Chinesefunded company in Uganda. To better communicate with my Chinese colleagues and clients, I began to learn to speak Chinese and met a girl from Zhejiang in my company. It was through this matchmaker that I met her cousin and now husband, Wu Jianyun.Although geographically separated by thousands of miles, Wu and I gradually became familiar with each other through the internet and developed romantic feelings for each other. Eventually, I decided to come to China, to the rural area of Zhejiang province.

Yecun village lies about two kilometers away from the Jinzhu township government seat and nearly 50 kilometers away from downtown Suichang. When I first arrived, I was immediately struck by the efforts that the local government and people spent on improving the transportation network and the environment and on living a better life. At that time, several projects aimed at building major roads and have Jinzhu township better connected with the outside were in full swing, and the village committee took advantage of the situation to launch a series of plans to make Yecun village in to a “beautiful village”. Many villagers were also actively engaged in the tea and camellia oil industry. These developments gave me a lot of “pressure”: as an African “daughter-in-law”, not only would I adapt to the life in China’s countryside,but also through my own efforts to live a “well-off life” advocated by the Chinese people!

My family back then was not rich, to say the very least, and with the birth of my son Wu Zi’an, we needed to cope with more.Only one month after Zi’an was born, my husband went out to work. I became one of the “left-behind women” in the countryside,who had to work in the fields, do housework, and feed and look after their children. Without the “shelter” of my husband, I felt somewhat uneasy about whether I could blend into the big family of the villager life. Faced with a still unfamiliar environment,who should I turn to for help when I have difficulties? Would the neighbors accept me? Would the children in the village bully Zi’an because he is different from them? As it turned out, my worries were totally unnecessary.

As an old Chinese saying goes, “a close neighbor is better than a distant relative”. The elder sister who lives next door often sent me fresh vegetables which she planted. The elder brother of another neighboring family helped me repair chicken coop. Luo Mei and Yingzi often came to listen to me talking about everyday life and they became my best girlfriends. My husband’s cousins would often come to my house to help me with my fieldwork.With the help of the Women’s Federation and the village committee, our dry toilet has been transformed into a clean,clean, environmentally friendly flush toilet. The officials from the county’s foreign affairs office even accompanied us foreigners to the designated hospitals for COVID-19 vaccination.

My cheerful and lively personality and good-neighborly attitude have certainly helped, but more importantly, it is the kindness and unity that have been engraved in the bones of the Chinese people.

I have always been grateful to be in Suichang, with such wonderful neighbors and fellow villagers. I’ve trying everything to integrate into China’s rural life. During the busy farming season, I would get up early to help my neighbors pick and sell tea, and learn to negotiate prices with buyers. On the Double Ninth Festival, I would make rice cakes, and bring them to the village elders together with Zi’an. On the Dragon Boat Festival,my husband and I gather fresh reed leaves and wrap a large basket of soft and sweet(sticky rice dumplings) to share with neighbors, relatives and friends.

Before I know it, I have been in China for eight years. In this period, I have learnt to speak Fluent Mandarin with a Zhejiang accent. In particular, I learned to cook from my husband, who was once a chef. I have only been back to Africa once. My parents and siblings miss me very much. So I started to shoot short videos of my daily life to share with my relatives. When they watch them,they all know that I’m happily married.

On the other hand, to my pleasant surprise, my videos have attracted a lot of attention and likes on Douyin. “African daughterin-law”, “rural life” and “Chinese food”. The combination has spread happiness to many people. Netizens affectionately call my life with my husband as “A Rural Love Story between China and Africa”.

The support of my fans has made me the food vlogger I am.During the process, I registered a Douyin account “Rose”, and my husband came back from his work and became the “leading actor”in my short videos. Our house (one living room, two bedrooms, a kitchen and yard outside) became filming set. Although the setting is a little simple, we strive to show the real and down-to-earth rural life. I think this is the biggest reason why “Rose” is recognized by people.

To have the best videos, my husband and I try to do our best.We not only combine our daily experience, carefully studying the cooking methods and processes of various kinds of food, but also go to the fields to find the most fresh and most characteristic local vegetables. For example, we go to the mountains to dig bamboo shoots, before drying them and cooking a pot of dried bamboo shoots braised meat. We go to the fields to find turnip for stewed ribs. We pick a basket of pumpkins and sweet potato leaves and cook up fresh and nutritious vegetable dishes.

“The husband is humorous and the wife is considerate and respectful. This is what a couple should be like.” Whenever I see these comments from my fans, I feel so happy.

Without the care of my fellow villagers and the support of my fans, I could not have realized the richer value of my life in such a way. I will continue to repay the love to my fans and to my new hometown. The vast rural areas of Suichang county are endowed with beautiful natural sceneries, a rich farming culture, abundant food products, and enthusiastic villagers and farmers. All of them are marching towards the goal of “common prosperity”. The government is also encouraging farmers to grow more green agricultural products, build a more beautiful and tidy countryside, and a better rural e-commerce service system for rural revitalization. My husband and I will continue to immerse ourselves in China’s rural culture and tell more stories about Suichang’s local customs, agricultural delicacies and economic development to the world.

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