
2023-01-12 13:22廖晋一杜丽娟
农业工程学报 2022年16期

刘 巍,雷 波,廖晋一,杜丽娟


刘 巍1,2,雷 波1,2※,廖晋一3,杜丽娟1,2

(1. 中国水利水电科学研究院水利所,北京 100048;2. 中国水利水电科学研究院流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室,北京,100048;3. 安徽理工大学信息与测绘工程学院,淮南 232001)



0 引 言



1 研究区域与方法

1.1 研究区域概况

漳滏河灌区位于河北省邯郸市中部,地处半湿润半干旱区,呈西南高、东北低的地形趋势,由滏阳河分区和民有分区构成,总控制面积3.48×105hm2。主要种植冬小麦、棉花和玉米。年均蒸发量1 120 mm,年均降水量580 mm。灌区水源包括水库水、南水北调水和引黄水,其中,东武仕水库和岳城水库为灌区的首选水源,其水价低、管控方便;南水北调水和引黄水作为外调水源以缓解用水高峰时的缺水问题。为了便于灌区用水管理,综合考虑水源供水关系、渠系之间水力联系等因素,将漳滏河灌区划分17个子单元,分别为:滏阳河分区的F01、F02、F03、F04、F05、F06、F07和民有分区的M01、M02、M03、M04、M05、M06、M07、M08、M09、M10(图1a);其中,东武仕水库供水子单元包括:F01~F07,岳城水库供水子单元包括:M01~M10,南水北调供水子单元包括:F01~07、M01~M06、M08~M09,引黄供水子单元包括:M07、M10(图1b)。


1.2 研究思路


图2 研究技术路线图

1.3 需水量计算


式中为作物需水量,mm;K为土壤水分修正系数;K为基础作物系数;0为日参考蒸散量,mm;R为作物表面的净辐射量MJ/m2;为土壤热通量,MJ/(m2·d);Δ为饱和水汽压与温度的关系曲线斜率值,kPa/℃;是湿度计常数,kPa/℃;为日平均气温,℃;2为2 m高地面的日平均风速,m/s;e为空气饱和水汽压,kPa;e为实际水汽压,kPa/℃;K为FAO-56推荐的标准状况下的作物系数;min为日均最小相对湿度,%;为研究期作物麦的株高,m。

1.4 土壤水分修正系数反演与计算

1.4.1 土壤含水率反演

因地表光谱特征与土壤含水率之间存在密切联系,因此,可通过两者之间的关系建立基于地表光谱特征的土壤水分监测模型[24]。本研究利用植被冠层和裸地在近红外波段和红光波段的光谱特征,反演获取垂直干旱指数(Perpendicular Drought Index,PDI)[25-28],建立PDI与实测土壤含水率之间的关系模型,进而计算灌区的土壤含水率。公式如下:


1.4.2 土壤水分修正系数



1.5 优化配置模型


1.5.1 一阶段模型
















1.5.2 二阶段模型










1.6 方案设置


表1 不同水文情景信息表


Note: V is the storage capacity of the reservoir and P is the precipitation; The cumulative frequency division of V and P are 25%, 75%;VH, VM and VL represent high, medium and low reservoir water storage respectively. PH, PM and PL represent abundant, flat and dry precipitation respectively.

2 结果分析

2.1 土壤水分修正系数结果

遥感数据采用美国地质勘探局Sentinel -2A光学遥感影像(https://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/)。综合考虑作物主要生育期及遥感影像可利用度,选取2020年1月8日(冬小麦-越冬期)、4月27(冬小麦-快速发育期及生育中期;棉花-初始生长期)、6月8日(冬小麦成熟期;玉米-快速生长期;棉花-快速发育期)、8月4日(棉花-快速发育期、发育中期;棉花-生育中期)、9月9日(玉米-成熟期;棉花-成熟期)、11月13日(冬小麦-初始生育期、冻融期)的遥感数据。利用Sen2Cor插件对影像数据预处理,并通过ENVI软件反演PDI,利用公式(7)建立通过TDR实测获得的不同生育期32个耕层10 cm土壤样本的实际土壤含水率(体积含水率)和PDI的转换关系,得出土壤含水率模拟值与实测值之间的误差区间为(-0.029~0.032),模型误差较小。经计算得出不同生育期的土壤含水率(图 3),可以看出4月和6月2个生育期的土壤含水率高于其他生育期,8月和11月生育期的土壤含水率较低。


a. 1月a. Januaryb. 4月b.Aprilc. 6月c.June

d. 8月d. Auguste. 9月e. Septemberf. 11月f. November

2.2 灌区需水量计算结果


图4 土壤水分修正系数分布图

表2 不同生育期灌区需水量统计结果

2.3 优化配置结果分析


2.3.1 一阶段模型结果分析


表3 优化配置模型主要输入参数及变量

图5 不同情景多水源配水量统计图


2.3.2 二阶段模型结果分析

通过1.5.2节中二阶段模型计算出不同情景灌区最大经济效益分别为:265 053.2万元(VH-PH)、271 386.6万元(VH-PM)、264 238.3万元(VH-PL)、265 053.2万元(VM-PH)、271 116.9万元(VM-PM)、276 027.2万元(VM-PL)、264 219.1万元(VL-PH)和270 847.1万元(VL-PM)、276 000.0万元(VL-PL);灌区收益最大的情景为VH-PM,最小为VL-PH情景。为分析漳滏河灌区经济效益受不同水源的影响程度,将灌区经济效益与总配水量、水库配水量、南水北调配水量、引黄配水量、降水量及总缺水量进行相关分析(表5)。从表5看出灌区经济效益南水北调配水量呈显著负相关。灌区经济效益与供水成本和水价有关,成本及水价越低,灌区经济效益越大[32],由于南水北调水源的水价相对较高,因此,模型在水库配水不足的情况下,优先选择水价低、单位面积配水量大的引黄水源,以达到灌区经济效益最大的目标,这与2.3.1小节的结论相吻合。此外,总配水量与降水量、引黄配水量,以及水库配水量与引黄配水量、引黄配水量与降水量之间的相关系数均在0.99以上,相关性显著。某水源的配水量增加会导致总配水量的增加;而降水量与各水量呈显著负相关,降水充足的情况下,相应的各子单位的配水量随之减少,可见灌区多水源形成配水系统内部联动紧密[31]。

表5 灌区经济效益与各水量间相关分析


Note: ** Indicates significant at 0.01 level; * Indicates significant at 0.05 level.

3 结论与建议







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Spatial-temporal optimal allocation of distributed multi-water sources in irrigation areas

Liu Wei1,2, Lei Bo1,2※, Liao Jinyi3, Du Lijuan1,2

(1.,,100048,; 2.,,100048,;3.,,232001,)

This research aims to fully consider the spatial and temporal distribution in the process of water supply and demand. A case study was selected as the Zhangfuhe irrigation area, Handan City, Hebei Province, China. The soil moisture and its correction coefficients were also calculated at different growth stages using remote sensing inversion. The demand for each unit was then evaluated in the study area. An optimal allocation model of multi-water sources was established in the irrigation area, particularly with the allocation objectives of the minimum water shortage for the reservoir and the maximum benefit in the irrigation area. The temporal and spatial distribution of water allocation was obtained for the different water sources under nine scenarios, including the high water storage and high precipitation (VH-PH), high water storage and low precipitation (VH-PM), high water storage value and low precipitation value (VH-PL), water storage median and precipitation abundance (VM-PH), water storage median and downgrade value (VM-PM), median impoundment and withered precipitation (VM-PL), low water storage and high precipitation (VL-PH), low water storage and low precipitation (VL-PM), low water storage and low precipitation (VL-PL). The results showed that there was high soil moisture in April and June of the growth period in the irrigation area, and relatively low in August and November. The soil moisture correction coefficient in the Fuyang River district was outstandingly higher than that in the Minyou district. The annual water demand of the irrigation area was 1.133×109m3. Specifically, the water demands in May and December were the maximum and minimum of the whole year, accounting for 25.3% and 1.2%, respectively. The water demand peak of crops was from April to August. Among them, the ratio of cumulative water demand in the five months to the total water demand in the whole year was as high as 76.8 %. The soil moisture correction coefficient using remote sensing inversion was a better agreement with the actual situation. Among the external water sources, the water volume allocated from the south to the north was slightly higher than that of the Yellow River. But, the water volume allocated per unit area of the south to the north water transfer was significantly lower than that of the Yellow River. It infers that the Yellow River was preferentially selected as the external water source in the model. The allocation of water of the Minyou district was higher than that of the Fuyang River district in different scenarios, where the spatial distribution changed outstandingly. The allocation of water in the model better coincided with the practical situation. The economic benefits of the irrigation area were positively related to the precipitation and the total water shortage, while negatively related to the total allocation of water, the allocation of water of the reservoir, the water allocation of the south to the north water, and the allocation water of the Yellow River. Therefore, there was a significant correlation between the water sources, indicating the close internal linkage of the water system. The improved model can provide a new idea for the zoning management of irrigation water, considering the spatial and temporal distribution of multiple water sources and the variation of soil moisture at different growth stages of crops in the irrigation area.

spatial and temporal distribution; soil moisture; precipitation; irrigation area; multiple water sources; agricultural water resources; optimal allocation





刘巍,雷波,廖晋一,等. 灌区分布式多水源时空优化配置 [J]. 农业工程学报,2022,38(16):135-143.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.16.015 http://www.tcsae.org

Liu Wei, Lei Bo, Liao Jinyi, et al. Spatial-temporal optimal allocation of distributed multi-water sources in irrigation areas[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(16): 135-143. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.16.015 http://www.tcsae.org





