Challenges in a Voice-Acting Career

2023-02-28 04:39陈佳薇,贺莺
英语世界 2023年2期


Many articles online portray the life of voice acting as if actors are basking in their recording studio. It can be true to some extent—such as when a voice actor’s name is on the map1on the map〈习语〉出名。. And mostly it is false, as no business is dead easy2dead easy〈习语〉易如反掌。.

2Voice over job requires voice actors an ability to deliver a performance using only your vocal cords, a mastery of craft that requires a huge arsenal of talents, and a readiness and willingness to work at the drop of a hat3at the drop of a hat 不假思索地,毫不犹豫地。.

3Reality check4reality check 面对现实;反思现实。, let’s take a look behind the scenes of the amazing voices we hear over the radio.

It’s more than just sitting and speaking

4Let’s admit it, it’s usually the initial picture when we try to imagine how voice actors do their job—sitting in a booth for a couple of hours, effortlessly reciting the script to a microphone.Not to mention the burden of having to trudge off a casting agency just for an audition uncertain to lead into a paid job.






5Nowadays, to produce a dope5dope 非常好的。voiceover recording still take in countless errands and tools, and yes—some traveling for some cases, added to the process of narrating the script. From mastering the vocal direction, simulating the character,prepping the equipment, editing the recording, and submitting it to the client,to revisions that involve conversing with the client. A voice actor who has worked overnight for a 4000-word script might feel exhausted when it’s time to polish his work.

Voice actors are always on call

6Whether actors are at his home studio or out of town for some beach party,some of them are still contactable by clients. At worst, sometimes clients need an urgent revision so voice actors sometimes allow work during a vacation so they have an on-the-go recording equipment to work a project right off the bat6off the bat 立刻,马上。to help clients chase the deadline.

7When at home, least chances of delay could just be like waiting for the leaf blower guy to leave your street.

Voice actors can be put on standby—No Pay

8There are two scenarios for this.Mostly freelancers, voice actors’ status

5如今,要制作一段绝佳的配音,除了读剧本的程序之外,仍得完成无数杂事,运用大量工具,是的——有时还得出差。配音演员不仅要掌握声音要求、模仿角色、准备设备、编辑录音、提交录音给客户,还要和客户沟通修改录音。为了一份4000 字的剧本通宵达旦,到了要润色作品的时候,配音演员可能已经感到筋疲力尽了。






9Another case is when actors agree to reserve a day or two for a recording session. During that time, no one else can book them until they have been released from the project commitment. To add insult to the injury, there are clients who will reserve them like that and just let go of them if they are no longer needed.

Unless you are famous, your income has crutches

10If actors are non-celebrity, voice acting is not an easy profession to make an instant and steady living. An average voice actor takes many years of experience before they can have an annual income of at least $90,000. For starters,the lowest to get is $14,500 per year.

11Considering the expansion of the voice-over the market, competition is sky-high. The easier and more accessible things have become because of internet advent, the more people entered the industry, and the rest is history7the rest is history 后来的事是尽人皆知的。. It is rather more challenging today despite the help of technological advancement to extend your profile exposure.

It’s not true that voice actors’ face is not always shown

12A common misconception not just is called “avail” when they do not have a project to work on at the moment and of course, they are not paid for the avail days unlike corporate employees are.



10对籍籍无名的演员来说,配音并不是一份轻松、稳定、来钱快的职业。普通配音演员要积累数年工作经验,年收入才能达到9 万美元以上。新人的最低年收入只有14500 美元。





13For them to actually be able to hit a stellar voiceover performance, the engagement of the facial expressions and body language are 2 main ingredients.

14To clients whose voiceover genre is animation or video games, believe it or not, some of them install a kind of performer surveillance camera in recording studios to capture movement they can use as a reference to animate their characters. Voice actor’s natural gestures as they bring the characters into life play an important role in the visual aspect of the product.

Just like the clients, they stick around

15Voice actors also experience being put in hang, affecting their productivity,working pace, turnaround rate. Some clients send out private auditions in an online casting site to multiple talents of their pick and come back after a week or a couple of weeks. Voice actors then submit their audition and do nothing but wait for the client’s go signal to work on the official project.

16Clients also have their busy schedule and it creates a barrier to their realtime communication with the talent.Often when they get late feedback from their people, they chase the same talent to work on revisions. On the actor’s part, they have no choice but to extend their service to their client even if it’s out of their schedule.






Some actors are hired just for breathing

17Sean Kenin, who pops up onFamilyGuyas the cackling, hyper “Tiny Tom Cruise,” is known in the business as a mimic. He can approximate well-known performers right down to how they sound when they’re gasping for air.

18Kenin is a living proof that some voice actors can be possibly hired just for breathing, grunting, different shades of dog barks, wind breezes, laughing,and more.

19This is not a problem at all, but it can be a liability8liability 麻烦,累赘。to expanding an actor’s skill set and getting more opportunities and can damage voices.

Vocal fatigue strike amidst a big project

20Vocal or voice over fatigue is a little acceptable but not during an ongoing big voice over a project. It’s a total mess if the actor’s voice becomes hoarse when you’re halfway on finishing a long script.

21They are likely torn to throwing in the towel9throw in the towel〈习语〉源于拳击比赛,拳击手扔毛巾即表示认输。and informing the client about the trouble, or fighting tooth and nail10fight tooth and nail 竭尽全力。to do the impossible.








Replacing an injured microphone

22Having a damaged recording equipment is equally burdensome to losing an actor’s voice. Unless the actor is really planning ahead to upgrade their equipment, it’s costly and frustrating to invest in a new one because of an unwanted mishap11mishap 厄运;不幸事故。.



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