
2023-06-12 05:22丁国超施雪玲
农业工程学报 2023年7期

丁国超,施雪玲,胡 军


丁国超1,施雪玲1,胡 军2※

(1. 黑龙江八一农垦大学信息与电气工程学院,大庆 163319; 2. 黑龙江八一农垦大学工程学院,大庆 163319)

为提高好氧堆肥曝气供氧量的曝气效率以及预测精度,该研究利用遗传算法(genetic algorithm, GA)对标准反向传播(back propagation, BP)神经网络的初始权值和阈值进行优化,再利用克隆选择算法(clonal genetic algorithm, CGA)优化遗传算法中的变异算子并复制算子,加快获取最优参数的速度,构建基于CGA-BP神经网络的曝气供氧量预测模型。为验证CGA-BP模型的有效性,与BP模型、GA-BP模型预测结果进行对比。试验结果表明:克隆遗传算法优化BP神经网络能加快获得最优解,效率相比BP模型和GA-BP模型分别提高了75.36%、51.30%;在曝气供氧量预测模型中,CGA-BP模型具有更准确的预测效果,预测精度为99.65%,而BP模型与GA-BP模型预测精度分别为96.99%、99.26%;CGA-BP模型评价指标的均方误差、平均绝对误差、平均绝对百分误差分别为0.003 4、0.038 9和0.350 6,均小于BP神经网络和GA-BP神经网络模型评价指标的误差;利用CGA-BP好氧堆肥曝气供氧量预测模型对好氧堆肥发酵过程进行精准曝气,提高了3.22%的曝气控制效率。由此可知CGA-BP神经网络模型有更好的预测效果,可满足好氧堆肥在发酵过程中曝气供氧量的需求,提高曝气效率,为精准控制曝气提供更直接有效的方法。


0 引 言


国内外学者在精准控制曝气方面已进行了一些研究,既往大多利用曝气控制系统对曝气量进行控制。李升等[7]分析自动曝气系统运行情况,表明供氧量的控制精度稳定在1%左右,水中溶解氧的稳定程度超过0.9。沈军等[8]利用精确曝气系统研究污水池中的含氧量,通过参数控制,曝气池内的含氧量变化不超过±0.5 mg/L,水质达标率提升5%左右。唐维等[9]利用污水进出水的指标建立遗传算法优化BP神经网络模型,预测生化池的曝气量,测试样本数据预测误差在5%之内的比例达到98.67%。CHEN等[10]提出多变量最优控制模型,以曝气过程中的最小耗能作为目标函数,保证系统正常供氧量时实现最优控制,能耗降低20%左右。上述研究均是对污水进行曝气,与对好氧堆肥进行曝气的原料、方式有差异,好氧堆肥曝气量的研究大多是基于经验对堆肥定量定时进行曝气,按照一定通风速率间歇通气[11-12],曝气效率低。综上,曝气量作为影响堆肥发酵的重要因素,利用堆肥发酵过程中的多项指标与曝气量之间的关系建立曝气量预测模型,为能够有效指导堆肥顺利进行、提高曝气控制效率奠定基础。

本文从提高曝气效率出发,利用克隆选择算法(clonal genetic algorithm, CGA)的并行性、自适应性等优点,保持群体的多样性,搜索最优解的速度较快,并结合遗传算法优化BP(back propagation)神经网络初始权值和阈值[13-16],建立CGA-BP神经网络的曝气供氧量预测模型,以预测好氧堆肥发酵所需的曝气供氧量,缩短好氧堆肥发酵时间,为精准控制曝气提供有力的技术支撑。

1 材料与方法

1.1 试验装置


表1 堆肥原料初始理化参数

影响好氧堆肥发酵的因素主要包括堆体的温度、有机质含量、含水率、pH值、发氧浓度以及碳氮比等[17-19]。本文试验利用影响堆肥发酵的6个指标(温度、湿度、氧气浓度、室温、pH值和EC(electrical conductivity)值与曝气量的关系建立曝气量预测模型。各指标参数数据信息通过发酵罐内的不同类型传感器采集,好氧堆肥试验装置如图1所示,利用自主研发的控制器获取、传输并存储传感器数据。主要的传感器参数如表2所示,其中EP-200传感器是北京农林科学院根据DS18B20温度传感器与ECH2O土壤水分传感器自主研发的无线温湿度传感器。

图1 好氧堆肥试验装置结构简图

表2 温湿度、氧气浓度性能参数

1.2 数据来源及处理

1.2.1 数据来源及测定

试验选取的数据来源于2019年1月4日-22日的1号反应器数据。从堆肥发酵开始,每间隔2 h利用EP-200温湿度传感器以及O2S-FR-T2-18X氧气传感器分别采集一次数据,并在3个不同高度的取样口进行取样,均匀混合后取出等量样品180 g进行实验室化验分析,pH值与EC值分别采用按照国标土壤pH的测定(NY/T 1377-2007)和电导法测定。

1.2.2 数据预处理




1.3 曝气供氧量预测模型的建立

1.3.1 BP神经网络



运行程序,在样本集和训练次数相同的情况下,计算得出不同隐含层节点数的均方误差,如表3所示。从表3对比均方误差可知,均方误差最小,为0.000 447,对应的隐含层节点数为14。因此文中神经网络模型隐含层节点数设为14。


1.3.2 GA-BP神经网络


表3 不同隐含层节点数对应的均方误差

图2 BP神经网络模型结构图






表4 不同种群规模、迭代次数算法误差比较



遗传算法收敛时达到的精度和系统的性能会受到迭代次数的影响,需要平衡算法的精度和执行效率。利用适应度函数控制迭代次数,当迭代次数达到30时,算法已收敛(表4)。由表4中不同迭代次数的算法误差比较可知,设置迭代次数为30,此时算法误差最小为0.003 694。



表5 不同交叉概率的算法误差比较

根据表5对比不同交叉概率所得算法误差可得,当交叉概率为0.8时,算法误差较小,为0.013 289。


遗传算法的局部搜索能力会因设置变异概率的大小而变化。变异概率较大时,能够产生较多的新个体,但也可能改变较好的模式结构导致近似于随即搜索算法的性能[15];若变异概率取值太小,会抑制产生新的个体和抑制早熟现象的能力。一般限定在0.000 1~0.1之间以有效维持群体的多样性[23],试验中需要产生较多新个体搜索最优解,变异概率设置值最大时的算法模式结构并未被破坏,因此,试验的变异概率设置为0.1。

1.3.3 CGA-BP神经网络好氧堆肥的曝气供氧量预测模型的建立



图3 基于CGA-BP神经网络的流程图

表6 CGA-BP神经网络模型参数设置

1.4 模型评价指标

2 结果与分析

2.1 模型预测结果




2.2 模型误差对比


此外,将3种好氧堆肥的曝气供氧量预测模型的评价指标进行对比,结果见表7。CGA-BP模型的MAE值、MAPE值和MSE值分别为0.038 9、0.350 6、0.003 4,相比其他2个模型的性能指标也都有很大提升。GA-BP神经网络模型的MAE值、MAPE值和MSE值与BP模型相比,分别提高了29.49%、30.16%和53.25%,CGA-BP模型的MAE值、MAPE值和MSE值比GA-BP模型分别提高了53.16%、52.56%和74.43%。在搜索最优解的速度上,CGA-BP模型的效率也更高,比BP模型和GA-BP模型分别提高了75.36%、51.30%。

图4 BP、GA-BP和CGA-BP模型预测值和真实值比较

图5 BP、GA-BP和CGA-BP神经网络预测模型误差

表7 BP、GA-BP和CGA-BP模型评价指标对比



2.3 试验验证

选取北京市密云区海华沼气厂2019年2月2组堆肥数据进行分析。在整个好氧堆肥发酵过程中,一组数据根据CGA-BP模型预测的曝气量进行控制曝气,另一组数据直接利用实际值曝气作为对照组,并将CGA-BP模型预测曝气量和实际曝气量进行对比分析。两组好氧堆肥反应均完成后,对照组曝气量总共为3 366.67 m3/h,预测模型曝气量为3 257.82 m3/h,利用CGA-BP模型预测曝气量提高了约3.22%的曝气控制效率,并且根据CGA-BP模型预测曝气供氧量对堆肥进行精准曝气试验,比对照组提前6 h结束发酵过程,缩短了好氧堆肥发酵的时间,达到了节能减排的效果。


3 结 论



2)在好氧堆肥曝气供氧量预测模型中,CGA-BP模型的预测结果更佳,预测精度达到99.65%,比BP模型、GA-BP模型的预测精度分别提高2.66、0.39个百分点。CGA-BP模型的均方误差、平均绝对误差、平均绝对百分误差分别为0.003 4、0.038 9和0.350 6,均小于BP神经网络和GA-BP神经网络模型评价指标的误差。


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Prediction model of the aeration oxygen supply for aerobic composting using CGA-BP neural network

DING Guochao1, SHI Xueling1, HU Jun2※


Aerobic compost has been commonly used to efficiently dispose of resources recycling and environmental protection in modern agriculture. Among them, aeration can be one of the most important environmental factors to affect composting fermentation. It is necessary for a feasible network model to accurately control the oxygen supply of aeration. This study aims to improve the aeration efficiency and prediction accuracy of aerobic composting aeration. In-depth learning was selected to train a network model, in order to predict the oxygen supply of aeration during aerobic composting fermentation in this experiment. Raw materials were taken as cow dung, cow dung biogas residue, chicken manure, and corn straw in the Haihua Biogas Plant in Miyun District, Beijing, China. The corn straw was crushed by 1-2 cm in grain size. The cow dung, cow dung biogas residue, and chicken manure were uniformly mixed with the crushed corn straw for composting and fermentation. The sensor was used in the composting fermentation tank to collect the parameter data during aerobic fermentation. 268 groups of data were selected as the sample data, 218 groups of data were randomly selected as the input data, and 50 groups of data were selected as the test data. Clonal genetic algorithm (CGA) was used to predict the standard back propagation (BP) neural network model for the aeration oxygen supply, whereas, the 6-14-1 three-layer network structure was used as the basic structure of the prediction model. The input parameters were the temperature, humidity, oxygen concentration, room temperature, pH value, and electrical conductivity (EC). The mean square error (MSE) of the number of hidden layer nodes was determined to be 14 after training and calculation. The output data was aeration. This article establishes BP neural network model for predicting aeration oxygen supply. Then the genetic algorithm (GA) and clonal selection algorithm were used to improve the prediction accuracy of the model. The experiment shows that the CGA-BP neural network model has the best prediction effect on aeration oxygen supply. 1) The CGA-BP neural network model accelerated the obtaining of the optimal solution, with an efficiency improvement of 75.36% and 51.30% compared to the BP model and GA-BP model, respectively. 2) In the prediction model of aeration oxygen supply, the CGA-BP model had a more accurate prediction effect, with a prediction accuracy of 99.65%. The prediction accuracy of aeration oxygen supply was 96.99% and the prediction accuracy of the GA-BP neural network model reached 99.26%. A comparison was made to evaluate the errors of BP, GA-BP and CGA-BP neural models. The model evaluation showed that the best performance was found in the CGA-BP neural network model with the smallest error, as shown by the mean absolute error (MAE), mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) and mean square error (MSE). 3) The improved CGA-BP neural network model can be predicted the aeration oxygen supply of aerobic composting, increasing the aeration control efficiency by 3.22%. The improved model can be expected to accurately predict the aeration oxygen supply of aerobic compost. The finding can provide a strong reference for accurate data for the next aeration.

model; trial; genetic algorithms; aerobic composting; aerated oxygen supply; BP neural networks; CGA-BP neural networks







TP183; TP389.1; S210.6



丁国超,施雪玲,胡军. 基于CGA-BP神经网络的好氧堆肥曝气供氧量预测模型[J]. 农业工程学报,2023,39(7):211-217. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202211088 http://www.tcsae.org

DING Guochao, SHI Xueling, HU Jun. Prediction model of the aeration oxygen supply for aerobic composting using CGA-BP neural network[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2023, 39(7): 211-217. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202211088 http://www.tcsae.org
