
  • 练一练
    一、请根据提示,写出表示“看”的词语。向远处看——(       )    向四周看——(       )仔细地看——(       )    向低处看——(       )亲眼看到——(       )    向高处看——(       )二、给下面的句子填上恰当的关联词。1.这种地板砖(     )坚固,(    )美观。2.(     )我们走到哪儿,(     )不会忘记培养我们的老师。3.(     )你答应了这件事,你(     )负责到底,

    小学阅读指南·低年级版 2022年3期2022-03-24

  • 一词拟人化
    mǔ指zhǐ。练一练 1.蝴蝶在花丛中飞。________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.荷花打着朵。________________________________________________________________________________________

    作文周刊·小学一年级版 2021年48期2021-01-04

  • 笔算乘法及应用
    要用560元。练一练:1.用1000元买4台电风扇,每台235元,钱够用吗?为什么?解:4台电风扇一共要用:235×4=940(元)因为1000元>940元,所以,够用。答:用1000 元买4 台电风扇,每台235 元,够用。因为买4 台仅用了940 元,带去的1000 元多于用去的940元,所以够用。2.用1000 元买4 台电风扇,每台251元,钱够用吗?为什么?解:4 台电风扇一共要用:251×4=1004(元)因为1000元<1004元,所以,不够

    小学生学习指导(中年级) 2019年10期2019-10-08

  • 听力练一练
    听力练一练参加完小朋友的生日派对,我们再来体验一下长辈的生日派对吧。by 璇玑1. 听录音,对的写T,错的写F。a. Today is grandpa’s birthday. ( )b. Aunt Mary brought some vegetables. ( )c. Uncle Tom had three sons. ( )d. At 11:30, grandma blew out the candles. ( )2. 听录音,从四个选项中选择最佳答案。

    疯狂英语·新读写 2017年9期2017-09-25

  • 听力练一练
    听力练一练LISTENING同学们夏天会买冰淇淋吃吗?我们一起来听录音做做练习,巩固一下与冰淇淋相关的英文表达吧。by 璇玑1. 听录音,正确的填T,错误的填F。a. I don’t like ice cream. ( ) b. There is much ice cream at home. ( ) c. The ice cream feels good in my mouth. ( ) d. I eat ice cream only in summer

    疯狂英语·新读写 2017年7期2017-08-08

  • 练一练
    一、 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. They (have) their dinner at six on Sunday.2. My father (watch) TV every evening.3. I (write) to my teacher every month.4. His brother (not work) in this factory.5. Mary (read) English every morning?6. your brothe

    阅读(快乐英语高年级) 2017年4期2017-05-30

  • 高考易混时态巧辨析
    aking?【练一练】 ① I____ping-pong quite well, but I havent had time to play since the new year. A. will play B. have played C. played D. play ② —Is this raincoat yours? —No, mine____behind the door. A. hangs B. is hung C. hung D

    中学生英语高效课堂探究 2008年10期2008-11-19

  • “火眼金睛”练一练
    刘继先(A)[have sth. done/do/doing]1.There is something wrong with the brake of my new car, and I'll haveto have itA.to checkB.checkedC.to be checkedD.being checked2._______What do you have in you mind for the National Day, Mr.Li?____

    中学英语之友·高一版 2008年1期2008-03-20