
  • 神奇的壁画
    中部揭幕的一幅新壁画不仅赏心悦目,还有另外一种神奇的功能。这种功能会是什么呢?A new mural unveiled in central Auckland not only delights the eyes, it also cleans the air.Made with special paint, it can absorb air pollutants like a plant, which is almost equal to 182 tr

    疯狂英语·新悦读 2021年9期2021-11-02

  • Marvelous mural 神奇的壁画
    中部揭幕的一幅新壁画不仅赏心悦目,还有另外一种神奇的功能。这种功能会是什么呢?A new mural unveiled in central Auckland not only delights the eyes, it also cleans the air. Made with special paint, it can absorb air pollutants like a plant, which is almost equal to 182 t

    疯狂英语·新阅版 2021年9期2021-10-30

  • 千年莫高窟
    rescoes(壁画). Dunhuang, as its exotic (奇异的) name suggests, represents a fascinating dream of the romance of the ancient Silk Road. As a city with fewer than 200,000 regular residents, Dunhuang attracted more than 13 million tourist

    疯狂英语·新读写 2021年3期2021-04-01

  • The Dunhuang murals are helping to revive travel on the old Silk Road
    rəl/ n. 壁画2. revitalise /'riːɪvaɪtəlaɪz/ v. 使复兴;使恢复生机(或元气)3. intact /ɪnɪtækt/ adj. 完整无缺的4. fragile /ɪfrædʒaɪl/ adj. 易损坏的;易碎的5. concentration /'kɒnsnɪtreɪʃn/ n. 浓度Critical ThinkingApart from the reasons mentioned in the text, why i

    疯狂英语·新悦读 2020年4期2020-06-18

  • 中国古代壁画

    小天使·六年级语数英综合 2019年6期2019-06-27

  • 壁画艺术的审美特征与环境功能

    现代装饰·理论 2016年8期2016-10-17