
  • Education agents in China and InternationalStudent Recruitment
    唐欣雨 西安医学院 陕西西安 710021To stand out from the increasing Chinese applicants, some parents and students choose to rely on the help of educational agents. In June 2014, Chinese government innovated the commercial registration of educat

    新生代 2019年15期2019-11-13

  • 我的西安印象

    小天使·一年级语数英综合 2019年9期2019-11-10

  • Discussion about Varieties of Modern English
    付 星 (西安财经学院公共外语教学部 陕西西安 710100)1.IntroductionThe twentieth century has seen the establishment of English as a world language, and the influence of English as an international language has extended to most other parts of the world.

    大众文艺 2011年21期2011-08-15