Friends from Afar

2008-10-09 09:50LUOYUANJUN


AFTER the grand performance of the Beijing Olympic opening ceremony, athletes and sports officials from 204 countries and regions stepped into the stadium in a continuous stream that lasted some two hours.

Many excited athletes could be seen holding cameras to record their big moment, while others called friends and family on mobile phones to share their joy.

Spectators cheered loudly at the sight of international stars in the parade, and athletes could be seen taking pictures of famed sportspeople like Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal, Kobe Bryant and Dirk Nowitzki.

As the host nation, Chinas delegation was the last to march into the stadium, to rousing cheers from the audience. The 639 Chinese athletes were led by 7-foot-6 basketball star Yao Ming, proudly carrying his nations flag.

Every athlete stepped through paint, helping artistic director Zhang Yimou complete the vast painting scroll in the center of the stadium. Greek athletes were the first to leave footprints on the “paper.” By the time the Chinese entered, a rainbow of colors had formed before the spectators.