
2009-06-29 01:23
新东方英语·中学版 2009年3期

孙 莹

The 1990's were a big decade for fads. Some of them you might have felt were unimportant, annoying, or really cool. But whatever you thought, you most likely followed one of them at some time. I mean, come on, a decade is a long time to go without going with the flow. So, let's see a list of some of those old fads in order to refresh your memories of them.


Tamagotchis2) and

Virtual3) Pets

Tamagotchi was handheld virtual pets that you would feed, play with, bathe, etc., so it could grow into a larger version of the original creature you started out with. It seemed like you had to spend every other second pressing some buttons just to keep this little virtual creature alive. They came in different colors and designs. Soon other companies started to make their own virtual pets that featured cats, dogs, and other more common creatures than the alien-like tamagotchis.


This fad began with the TV show featuring a kid who encountered these strange creatures and started collecting them. There turned out to be hundreds of these creatures, which started a big fad. Then, the Pokemon trading cards started appearing and every other kid seemed to be battling with these cards. Soon, Pokemon were everywhere, from stuffed animals, to toys, to movies, and more. It was a worldwide craze. However, like all fads, it started to die down as the kids who were introduced to it grew up and grew out of this Pokemon fanatic phase.

Push Pops

Push Pops are lollipops4) that come in something which resembles a lipstick tube, but you can put your finger in it to push the lollipop up. They come in a range of different flavors. They're pretty convenient, still widely available, and still taste fairly good, but the fad itself has died down.

Boy Bands

Whether it was the Backstreet Boys, N'Sync, O-town, 98 Degrees or any others, millions of girls all over the world went crazy over them. Who could ignore the groups of good-looking guys with good voices, though? All the fans led to many boy bands producing platinum5) albums and raking in6) millions of dollars. After 2000, the boy bands started to split up for a while and members focused on their own solo careers, such as Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys and Justin Timblerlake of N'Sync. Others went into the acting business while others settled down. Some of the bands say that they are going to come back, but who knows if they'll still be as popular as they were in the 1990's.


On the opposite side of the pop/boy band music scene came the grunge scene. Grunge even became a way of fashion that included worn out, ripped8) jeans and flannel9) shirts. Grunge brought a more rebellious10) state to the world.


Although yo-yos are toys that have been around for many years, more advanced versions of the popular toy started coming about in the 1990's. These fancy yo-yos had special abilities to stay down longer than the usual yo-yo which made performing certain tricks with them far easier. Everyone learned different tricks from yo-yo books, videos, and friends. Aside from the people that made yo-yoing a hobby, this fad pretty much faded away.


电子宠物鸡是一种掌上虚拟宠物,你可以给它喂食,跟它玩游戏,给它洗澡等等,这样它就会长得比你最初喂养它们的时候更大一些。 好像每隔几秒你就得按几个按钮,这样才能维持这个虚拟小东西的生命。这些电子宠物鸡颜色各异,设计多样。很快,其他一些公司也开始生产电子宠物,外形有小猫、小狗,以及其他更为常见的一些生物,来代替看起来酷似外星生物的电子宠物鸡。












1. fad [fAd] n. (一时的)狂热;(穿着、行为、言谈等方面)一时的风尚

2. Tamagotchi n. 电子鸡(源自日语译音tah-muh-gah-chee)

3. virtual [5vE:tFuEl] adj. 虚的,虚拟的

4. lollipop [5lClIpCp] n. 棒棒糖

5. platinum [5plAtInEm] adj. (已售出100万张的)白金唱片奖的

6. rake in: <口> 捞进大笔钱

7. grunge [^rQndV] n.或称grunge rock,中文名称为垃圾摇滚、邋遢摇滚或油渍摇滚,是摇滚乐的一种风格。

Tamagotchis2) and

Virtual3) Pets

Tamagotchi was handheld virtual pets that you would feed, play with, bathe, etc., so it could grow into a larger version of the original creature you started out with. It seemed like you had to spend every other second pressing some buttons just to keep this little virtual creature alive. They came in different colors and designs. Soon other companies started to make their own virtual pets that featured cats, dogs, and other more common creatures than the alien-like tamagotchis.


This fad began with the TV show featuring a kid who encountered these strange creatures and started collecting them. There turned out to be hundreds of these creatures, which started a big fad. Then, the Pokemon trading cards started appearing and every other kid seemed to be battling with these cards. Soon, Pokemon were everywhere, from stuffed animals, to toys, to movies, and more. It was a worldwide craze. However, like all fads, it started to die down as the kids who were introduced to it grew up and grew out of this Pokemon fanatic phase.

Push Pops

Push Pops are lollipops4) that come in something which resembles a lipstick tube, but you can put your finger in it to push the lollipop up. They come in a range of different flavors. They're pretty convenient, still widely available, and still taste fairly good, but the fad itself has died down.

Boy Bands

Whether it was the Backstreet Boys, N'Sync, O-town, 98 Degrees or any others, millions of girls all over the world went crazy over them. Who could ignore the groups of good-looking guys with good voices, though? All the fans led to many boy bands producing platinum5) albums and raking in6) millions of dollars. After 2000, the boy bands started to split up for a while and members focused on their own solo careers, such as Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys and Justin Timblerlake of N'Sync. Others went into the acting business while others settled down. Some of the bands say that they are going to come back, but who knows if they'll still be as popular as they were in the 1990's.


On the opposite side of the pop/boy band music scene came the grunge scene. Grunge even became a way of fashion that included worn out, ripped8) jeans and flannel9) shirts. Grunge brought a more rebellious10) state to the world.


Although yo-yos are toys that have been around for many years, more advanced versions of the popular toy started coming about in the 1990's. These fancy yo-yos had special abilities to stay down longer than the usual yo-yo which made performing certain tricks with them far easier. Everyone learned different tricks from yo-yo books, videos, and friends. Aside from the people that made yo-yoing a hobby, this fad pretty much faded away.


电子宠物鸡是一种掌上虚拟宠物,你可以给它喂食,跟它玩游戏,给它洗澡等等,这样它就会长得比你最初喂养它们的时候更大一些。 好像每隔几秒你就得按几个按钮,这样才能维持这个虚拟小东西的生命。这些电子宠物鸡颜色各异,设计多样。很快,其他一些公司也开始生产电子宠物,外形有小猫、小狗,以及其他更为常见的一些生物,来代替看起来酷似外星生物的电子宠物鸡。












Thanks to the memorable Budweiser commercial, the famous "Waaasssuuuppp" phrase was introduced. It seemed like you couldn't make it through one day without hearing someone say this phrase. People would answer their phones with the saying or use it in e-mails and instant messages. They even found ways to sell the phrase, just by printing it on bumper stickers11) and various other products. Ever since the 1990's though, the "Waaasssuuuppp" has seemed to turn into a simple, "What's up?"


Anyone who was a student during the 1990's knows who Tinkywinky, Dipsy, Lala and Po are. Otherwise known as The Teletubbies, this TV show was aimed at young children but generated mass appeal12) around the world. The Teletubbies did not speak English but instead spoke in a gurgling13) baby language similar to its target audience. Like many of the popular TV shows during the 1990's, there was a lot of merchandise released off the back of the show.








Who could resist those cute, bean-filled animals? Beanie Babies were lots of fun; they came with their own tags containing their name, birthday, and a poem. The TY company, which originated in 1993, was the most popular for Beanie Babies. Then, other companies started to make their own and become part of this Beanie Baby craze. Even McDonalds and TY partnered up in order to provide mini Beanie Babies as the prize in Happy Meals. They're still around today, but they aren't as popular.

Although there are plenty of other fads from the 1990's, this list was made to show some of the more popular ones. It's fun to look back at some of the fads and make new opinions about them in the present day. Some we may look at as a great fad. Others we look at as a waste of time, but whatever way you look at them, you know that they were a part of your life. After a decade, you can keep all of your favorite things from those past ten years and look back on them in the next ten years. They bring back plenty of memories that, unlike fads, will never go away.


8. rip [rIp] v. 撕,撕破

9. flannel [5flAnEl] adj. 法兰绒制的;法兰绒似的

10. rebellious [rI5beljEs] adj. 反叛的;反抗的

11. bumper sticker: 美国人通常喜欢在汽车的尾箱或者保险杠上面贴几张花花绿绿的贴纸,上面大多印有或表明立场或耍耍小幽默的话语,有些印刷公司可以让顾客自己设计贴纸上的标语。

12. appeal [E5pi:l] n. 感染力,吸引力

13. gurgle [5^E:^l] v. 发咯咯声
