
2013-05-28 06:43
阅读与作文(英语高中版) 2013年5期

Being a single mother isnt the best job in the world. Last night when I saw my sons report card, I saw all my dreams going down the drain[下水道]. My eyes ran across the words scrawled[潦草地写] by the teacher in bright red:“Slow learner. Needs to improve,” “Much behind the other students in math,” “Fails to interact[互动] with other students.” I could see all my plans for a bright career for my son as a doctor or an engineer vanishing into thin air[完全消失]. I had thrown all my hopes and lifes ambition[抱负] behind his future success, and he couldnt even make it through sixth grade. I lost my temper and yelled, and my son stared sullenly[阴沉地] back at me. What exasperated[激怒] me the most was that he never uttered[发出] a single word, never gave me any reason.

Later, while I was running the duster[掸子] across the desk, my eyes suddenly fell on a piece of crumpled[弄皱的] paper. I could recognize my sons handwriting on it:


I wonder if you will ever really understand me. I understand your anger at my grades today, but, Mama, I try, I really do. I think there must be something wrong with me. However much I try, I never manage to get it right. I wanna make you happy, Mama. I want you to be as proud of me as Johns mom is when he tops the class, or Sherrys ma is when she bags the first prize in singing. I wish I were the kind of son you could be proud of.

But sadly, I am not.

But, Mama, when you say I will never be a “good” person, I dont know what you mean. Is it only good grades that make a person good or bad? Miss Robinson says that I have beauty of heart, but I wonder why you never notice it. I wonder how many times you noticed me helping an old neighbor cross the street, or slipping my weeks pocket money to the old beggar down the street who has no clothes for winter. I walked to school for a week because of that, as the money included my bus fare[费用] too. I thought I was doing something to be proud of, but when I came running home to tell you about it, you just curtly[敷衍地] nodded your head and told me to go do my homework. I guess what I did wasnt something very great.

Mama, I love you and wish you could be proud of me. Proud of what I am. Proud of the little things I achieve. I have no one other than you, and I want to make you happy. But I guess I am not good enough for that. Watering grandpas garden every week and buying groceries[杂货] for grandma isnt as important as doing math. But, Mama, I wish you could understand; they are so old and frail[虚弱的], I couldnt resist offering to help them a bit.

I just wish you would understand and be proud of me… I wonder how often you noticed me giving up my seat in the train to an elderly lady…

I couldnt read the last lines of the note as my eyes had filled with unshed tears. It wasnt my son who was a failure, it was me. I took out a piece of paper and wrote:

I am sorry about yesterday. I am proud of you. Anyone would be. You have a heart two sizes larger than anyone else I know. I just hope you understand I love you more than anything, and that moms make mistakes too. I just hope you understand…










我只希望你能理解我,为我感到骄傲…… 我在列车上经常给老太太让座,不知道你有没有看到……




