
2013-10-22 01:55
阅读与作文(英语初中版) 2013年10期

Most people forget what theyve just learnt within 12 and 24 hours. If you are reading this article now, chances are that tomorrow youll not even remember it. Our brain works like a big search engine, when you insert a new piece of information, it goes on a big stack called short term memory. When you want to remember that information, your brain will try to search inside that stack for the information you requested. This process happens asynchrony thats why you often remember a title of a song after many hours from your first attempt.

If you are trying to recall something after a long time (it can be even 1 hour for useless information), your brain will have an hard time finding it, as its more likely you have forget it. Knowing this, we can try to understand why we forget what weve learnt just a few hours ago. When a new piece of information enters your brain, it is stored as a volatile information, because your brain doesnt know if its useful or not. For example you dont need to remember every car youve seen in your daily commute to work.

But what happens when you try to recall something youve previously learnt? Most times you simply cant. If I would tell you now that to find the sum of the number from 1 to n you have to calculate (n+1) × n / 2, chances are that within one hour itll be already hard for you to recall the correct formula, although its pretty easy. This happens because (if you are not good at math) your brain does not find similar information already stored in your brain, so its hard for it to reinforce that information alone. And by now youve probably forget it. As youve just read, the major difficult for your brain is to reinforce and create consistency, and the best way to help your brain doing it is by recalling what youve just learnt multiple times. What does this mean in practice?

Knowing this, you can probably understand why your life doesnt change even after reading the best how to book youve ever read. Even if I was telling you the perfect formula for solving all your problems, and that formula would make perfect sense to you, you would forget it after a few hours, and your life would remain the same. Unless, of course, you deliberately reinforce your new knowledge and make it part of your life (also known as taking action).

How do you keep track of new stuff?

Depending on the nature of the information youve just acquired, there are many ways to keep track of what youve learnt. If you want to master a new technique on your sport, the best way is to repeat it as many times as possible until it becomes second nature for you. If you are following a history class at school, it may be a good idea to create a mind map with the fundamental concepts and dates, and repeat it every day.

Enter the learning log

Given that I spend most of my learning time in front of a monitor, or reading a book, what I needed was something where I can store information very quickly. I used to have a personal wiki, but it didnt quite work for me. Instead I am now using a learning log, which is something extremely simple that can be done both in your computer and also in a simple notebook. The idea is to create a new entry every time you learn something new (assuming you want to remember it). If you are doing this on paper, you can just write the date on the top of your sheet and then make an incremental bullet list. If you are doing this in your computer, you can do the same thing, but you also need to keep track of your files in an efficient way where its easy for you to switch from one day to another. With this simple method, it will be extremely easy to keep track of the new concepts you want to grasp. And if your system is not available at any time, you can make a note elsewhere, and merge it with your original file at the end of the day.

How often should you recall?

How often you need to recall depends on the mole of information youve stored and how important it is for you. As a general rule you should recall at the end of the day, after 24 hours, after 1 week, after 1 month, after 6 months, and after one year. This should be simple to do if your system is in order, as on a typical day you only have to recall 6 files. I tend to do a quick review at the end of the week for old files, but thats a personal choice and you have to try what works for yourself. If theres something that I absolutely want to master and remember well, I copy it on new days until necessary.

Will your brain ever become full?

If you are worried that your brain will become full one day with a method like this, you have to know that its basically impossible to happen. So dont worry and enjoy learning new stuff.

What to do now?

If what youve just read makes sense to you, the best thing you can do now is creating your learning log. It doesnt need to be perfect, as long as you get started you can always improve it.



但当你试图回忆起你以前学过的某些东西时会怎么样呢?大多数时候你会想不起来。如果我现在告诉你计算1到n的总和可以如此计算:(n+1) × n / 2,很有可能哪怕不超过一小时,但要你再回忆起正确的公式都会很难,虽然它其实很简单。这是因为(如果你数学不太好)你的大脑没有找到已存储的类似信息,所以对它来说很难单独强化这条信息,所以到现在你很有可能已经忘记这公式了。正像你刚刚读到的,大脑的主要困难是强化和创造信息的相容性,所以把刚刚学到的东西多回忆几次是帮助大脑解决这个问题的最好方法。












