
2013-12-11 08:20
阅读与作文(英语高中版) 2013年12期


A few days ago, he was just Colonel Yang; ___1___ people knew his name or recognized his face. But last Thursday he came back to the earth ___2___ a 21-hour trip to space, Yang Leiwei smile was seen across the world ___3___ the magic words: “Chinas first spaceman.”

The___4___ astronaut was sent into space at 9:00a.m. last Wednesday by Chinas Shenzhou V spacecraft, ___5___ orbited the earth 14 times. He landed safely at 6:23 a.m. the next day, ___6___ China the third country to successfully send a person into ___7___, after the former Soviet Union and the US.

Yang was satisfied with his job. “I have seen many landing ___8___ before on video, and I think ___9___ was one of the most successful.” He said on a special plane to Beijing after landing.

___10___ into an ordinary family in Liaoning Province, he became a pilot in the Chinese Air Force in 1987, spending 1,350 ___11___ in the air. He ___12___ the Chinese space programme 11 years later.

While in space, Yang recorded everything he saw ___13___ showing Chinas national flag and the United Nations flag to the people ___14___ on TV at home. He also ate a meal of diced chicken and fried rice, before taking a 3-hour nap. The whole project went according to plan, but space exploration is not as ___15___ as it seems.

___16___ who saw the destruction[毁灭] of the US space shuttle Columbia in February this year will know the Yang ___17___ a great risk.

He experienced extremely high temperatures, while the gravitational forces on taking-off and landing were ___18___ enough to force tears from his eyes.

He has ___19___ five years training to become a space man. The Chinese people Yang is now a hero. One visitor to a Xinhua news agency online forum said: “Yangs ___20___ is a giant leap forward for China.”

1. A. a few B. a little C. little D. few

2. A. after B. before C. as D. when

3. A. beyond B. over C. on D. above

4. A. 38-years-old B. 38-year-old C. 38-year-olds D. 38-years-old

5. A. that B. which C. who D. it

6. A. making B. keeping C. letting D. having

7. A. spaces B. a space C. the space D. space

8. A. scenes B. views C. sights D. scenery

9. A. ours B. we C. our D. us

10. A. Grown B. Brought C. Supported D. Born

11. A. hours B. minutes C. days D. weeks

12. A. took part in B. joined C. joined in D. attended

13. A. as well as B. as well C. also D. and

14. A. noticing B. watching C. seeing D. observing

15. A. easy B. difficult C. good D. bad

16. A. Someone B. Everyone C. Anyone D. One

17. A. took B. tried C. went D. got

18. A. strong B. weak C. hard D. light

19. A. cost B. spent C. took D. paid

20. A. trip B. journey C. travel D. sail


Londons River Thames has twenty-seven bridges. Tower Bridge, the first bridge over the Thames as you travel towards London from the sea, is the ___1___ of them all.

The thing that is surprising about ___2___ is that it opens in the middle. It does this to let the big ships ___3___ to the Pool of London. If you are ___4___ enough to see the bridge with its two opening arms high in the air, you will never forget it.

Tower Bridge is more than one hundred years old. It was built in the ___5___. By 1850, everyone ___6___ that a bridge across the Thames near the Tower London which is almost a thousand years old was most necessary. But the ___7___ argued about the new bridge for about ___8___ thirty years. The argue lasted so long because of two problems. The new bridge must look like the Tower of London—everyone said so. It ___9___ not look like a modern bridge. But because of the tall ships it was ___10___ to have a modern design.

At last, two ___11___ designers had the idea of an opening bridge. And they made it look like the Tower, so everyone was ___12___. It was a wonderful success. There was so much traffic on the river ___13___ the bridge opened at least twelve times a day. A hundred years ago, the River Thames was Londons ___14___ road.

Today big ___15___ dont come so far up the Thames. Tower Bridge opens perhaps only twice a week, ___16___ the same wonderful machinery is still working. It can still lift the two ___17___ opening arms—each 1,000 tons—___18___ seventy meters for the ships to go through. And they can still open and close the ___19___ in one-and-a-half minutes.

Things are changing now at Tower Bridge, but ___20___ happens in its exciting future, Tower Bridge will always mean London.

1. A. widest B. highest C. newest D. most famous

2. A. London B. the bridges C. Tower Bridge D. the river

3. A. through B. over C. under D. below

4. A. tall B. glad C. afraid D. lucky

5. A. 1890 B. 1890s C. 1890 D. 1890s

6. A. agreed B. suggested C. told D. hoped

7. A. travelers B. Londoners C. builders D. designers

8. A. another B. other C. rest D. else

9. A. dare B. need C. used D. must

10. A. possible B. impossible C. necessary D. important

11. A. clever B. foolish C. careless D. troublesome

12. A. satisfied B. angry C. surprised D. disappointed

13. A. where B. when C. that D. which

14. A. busiest B. richest C. widest D. best

15. A. cars B. ships C. buses D. trucks

16. A. or B. but C. and D. then

17. A. long B. heavy C. shining D. wonderful

18. A. keeping B. leaving C. making D. saving

19. A. bridge B. river C. tower D. ship

20. A. what B. however C. whatever D. whichever


It is always interesting to visit another country, especially for those who have never traveled abroad. Foreign ___1___ can be educational for anyone ___2___ he is interested enough to make preparations beforehand. Learning the ___3___ of a new country would be ___4___ for the traveler, but the benefits[好处] of such an effort would become clear at once ___5___ his arrival. It may not seem ___6___ to him when he comfortably stays at home, but knowing ___7___ to order a meal or rent a room is ___8___ for the newcomer in a strange place. Without ___9___ the language, it is very difficult for the stranger to ___10___ the people of the new ___11___ and their customs. Of course, in our small world, ___12___ is often possible to ___13___ someone who understands our own language, ___14___ but this is only second-best for the traveler. To be sure, he can ___15___ places and things without the ___16___ of a language, but places and things are not the ___17___ of any country. To get the greatest benefit ___18___ a trip to another country, it is ___19___ important for the visitor to have an understanding of the ___20___.

1. A. travel B. country C. language D. people

2. A. unless B. if C. although D. so

3. A. knowledge B. language C. speech D. words

4. A. usual B. easy C. difficult D. interesting

5. A. after B. before C. for D. at

6. A. difficult B. strange C. wonderful D. important

7. A. why B. who C. how D. when

8. A. necessary B. unimportant C. useless D. funny

9. A. hearing B. knowing C. saving D. reading

10. A. recognize B. find C. understand D. believe

11. A. family B. country C. city D. village

12. A. where B. which C. that D. it

13. A. find B. look for C. select D. know

14. A. therefore B. however C. but D. although

15. A. look at B. see C. know D. reach

16. A. use B. speaking C. writing D. learning

17. A. mind B. head C. heart D. matter

18. A. from B. in C. at D. to

19. A. much B. indeed C. also D. finally

20. A. language B. position C. size D. citizen