
2014-06-28 06:54罗洪奔
财经理论与实践 2014年2期


摘 要:提出了一种基于灰色ARIMA的金融时间序列智能混合预测模型。首先建立金融时间序列灰色预测模型,并采用PSO算法对灰色模型的三个参数进行优化;利用ARIMA算法对预测模型的残差进行分析,同时采用遗传算法对ARIMA的系数进行优化;最后用ARIMA的残差预测结果对灰色预测模型进行补偿。结果表明,以较好的精度拟合一段时期内MA<107的时间序列,预测误差控制在5%以上,与单纯的灰色预测算法和神经网络算法相比,在平均绝对误差、均方根误差和趋势准确率三项评价指标上,具有明显优势。

关键词: 金融时间序列;灰色预测;ARIMA;PSO;遗传算法

中图分类号:TP273+.23 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1003-7217(2014)02-0027-08

一、引 言

金融市场属典型的复杂系统,呈现出较强的非线性和时变性特征[1]。其内部因素和位置变量之间的关系很难用准确的数学公式加以描述, 难以建立完整的动力方程。因此,研究针对金融时间序列的分析和预测方法,具有十分重要的意义。

近年来,智能算法被越来越多地应用于金融时间序列的预测中,如神经网络、支持向量机等算法。这类方法一定程度上能解决市场非线性、非平稳性和高信噪比等问题, 但由于训练速度慢,学习过程误差容易陷入局部极小点,很难保证学习精度。另外,这类方法只能保证在有限样本的情况下经验风险最小,而预测精度难以保证,泛化能力不高,应用范围受到了一定限制。





图1 预测算法原理图




从表1的结果可以看出,对50个交易日的预测数据进行分析,本文提出的组合预测算法在. RMSE、MAPE和F. 三项指标远小于其他两种预测算法,表明灰色ARIMA算法能够学习和跟踪股市变化情况,具有很好拟合能力。灰色ARIMA算法在50次趋势预测中,正确趋势45次,准确率为90%,对未来具有很好的判断能力,从而说明灰色ARIMA算法对上证综合指数的趋势有很好的跟踪能力。





[1]倪丽萍, 倪志伟. 一种基于趋势分形维数的股指时间序列相似性分析方法[J]. 系统工程理论与实践,2012,21(9):76-78.

[2]毛丽, 左青松, 刘冠麟. 车用三效催化转化器剩余寿命的非等间隔灰色预测[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2012, 16(4): 59-61.

[3]周国雄, 吴 敏. 基于改进的灰色预测的模糊神经网络预测[J]. 系统仿真学报,2010,22(10):68-71.

[4]魏徳敏,文星宇. 基于混合PSO算法的桁架动力响应优化[J]. 振动与冲击, 2011, 22(5): 92-95.

[5]黄安强, 肖进, 汪寿阳. 一个基于集成情境知识的组合预测方法[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 2011, (1):123-127.

[6]A. Azaron, C. Perkgoz, M. Sakawa. A genetic algorithm approach for the timecost tradeoff in PERT networks[J]. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2005, 168 (2): 1317-1339.

[7]李松, 刘力军, 解永乐. 遗传算法优化BP神经网络的短时交通流混沌预测[J]. 控制与决策, 2011, 26(5): 76-81.


An Intelligent Hybrid Prediction for Financial Time Series Based on the GreyARIMA

LUO Hongben1,2

. (1.School of Business,Central South University, Changsha, Hunan 410083,China;

2.Office of Scientific R&D Hunan University,Changsha,Hunan 410082,China).

Abstract:An Intelligent hybrid financial time series forecasting model is proposed based on a grey ARIMA. First, the financial times series grey forecasting model is constructed, and at the same time three parameters were optimized using PSO algorithm. The grey forecasting model residuals are then analyzed with ARIMA, and the coefficients for the ARIMA model are optimized with a genetic algorithm. Finally, the predicative results of the ARIMA model are used to compensate the grey forcasting model.The empirical results show that the algorithm proposed in this paper can have better fitting precision for a period of MA<107 time series data with the prediction error controlled within 5%; compared with the grey prediction algorithm and the neural network algorithm, the algorithm has obvious advantages in terms of the mean absolute error, root mean square error and the trend prediction.

Key words:Financial Time Series; Grey Prediction; ARIMA; PSO; Genetic Algorithm

[5]黄安强, 肖进, 汪寿阳. 一个基于集成情境知识的组合预测方法[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 2011, (1):123-127.

[6]A. Azaron, C. Perkgoz, M. Sakawa. A genetic algorithm approach for the timecost tradeoff in PERT networks[J]. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2005, 168 (2): 1317-1339.

[7]李松, 刘力军, 解永乐. 遗传算法优化BP神经网络的短时交通流混沌预测[J]. 控制与决策, 2011, 26(5): 76-81.


An Intelligent Hybrid Prediction for Financial Time Series Based on the GreyARIMA

LUO Hongben1,2

. (1.School of Business,Central South University, Changsha, Hunan 410083,China;

2.Office of Scientific R&D Hunan University,Changsha,Hunan 410082,China).

Abstract:An Intelligent hybrid financial time series forecasting model is proposed based on a grey ARIMA. First, the financial times series grey forecasting model is constructed, and at the same time three parameters were optimized using PSO algorithm. The grey forecasting model residuals are then analyzed with ARIMA, and the coefficients for the ARIMA model are optimized with a genetic algorithm. Finally, the predicative results of the ARIMA model are used to compensate the grey forcasting model.The empirical results show that the algorithm proposed in this paper can have better fitting precision for a period of MA<107 time series data with the prediction error controlled within 5%; compared with the grey prediction algorithm and the neural network algorithm, the algorithm has obvious advantages in terms of the mean absolute error, root mean square error and the trend prediction.

Key words:Financial Time Series; Grey Prediction; ARIMA; PSO; Genetic Algorithm

[5]黄安强, 肖进, 汪寿阳. 一个基于集成情境知识的组合预测方法[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 2011, (1):123-127.

[6]A. Azaron, C. Perkgoz, M. Sakawa. A genetic algorithm approach for the timecost tradeoff in PERT networks[J]. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2005, 168 (2): 1317-1339.

[7]李松, 刘力军, 解永乐. 遗传算法优化BP神经网络的短时交通流混沌预测[J]. 控制与决策, 2011, 26(5): 76-81.


An Intelligent Hybrid Prediction for Financial Time Series Based on the GreyARIMA

LUO Hongben1,2

. (1.School of Business,Central South University, Changsha, Hunan 410083,China;

2.Office of Scientific R&D Hunan University,Changsha,Hunan 410082,China).

Abstract:An Intelligent hybrid financial time series forecasting model is proposed based on a grey ARIMA. First, the financial times series grey forecasting model is constructed, and at the same time three parameters were optimized using PSO algorithm. The grey forecasting model residuals are then analyzed with ARIMA, and the coefficients for the ARIMA model are optimized with a genetic algorithm. Finally, the predicative results of the ARIMA model are used to compensate the grey forcasting model.The empirical results show that the algorithm proposed in this paper can have better fitting precision for a period of MA<107 time series data with the prediction error controlled within 5%; compared with the grey prediction algorithm and the neural network algorithm, the algorithm has obvious advantages in terms of the mean absolute error, root mean square error and the trend prediction.

Key words:Financial Time Series; Grey Prediction; ARIMA; PSO; Genetic Algorithm
