Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines

2014-08-26 07:40
时代英语·高一 2014年6期


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)



1. At what time will the speakers get there for the sports meeting?

A. 7:45. B. 8:00. C. 8:45.

2. Why is the woman studying English?

A. She wants to find a good job. B. It is useful for her job.

C. She needs to make some American friends.

3.What can we learn about that man ?

A. He is handsome. B. He eats a lot every day.

C. He looks healthy.

4. How does the woman feel?

A. Helpless. B. Angry. C. Worried.

5. What do the speaker buy tickets for?

A. A concert. B. A movie. C. A game.




6. How does the woman prefer to keep in touch with her family and friends in Italy?

A. By e-mail. B. By phone. C. By letter.

7. What does the man mostly talk about online?

A. Art. B. Sports. C. Music.

8. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. Mostly the man uses the Net to get information about the things he is interested in.

B. The woman thinks it is no good talking with the man.

C. The man surfs the Net all the time.


9. What do both of the speakers want to do in the coming New Year?

A. Save some money. B. Work harder. C. Lose weight.

10. What did Henry do last year?

A. He joined a health club. B. He stopped smoking.

C. He got a good job.

11.Who is Jeff most probably?

A. The speakers friend. B. The womans friend.

C. The mans friend.


12. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Husband and wife. B. Householder and housekeeper.

C. Tourist and guide.

13. What should be thought about according to the man?

A. How to travel. B. When to take a holiday.

C. Where to go during the holidays.

14. What does the woman want to do during the holiday?

A. Help the man get some information. B. Make a path in the garden.

C. Go to a quiet and beautiful place.


15. What did the woman mainly ask the man?

A. Food and drink. B. Work and rest. C. Exercise and sleep.

16. What did the man drink before going to bed?

A. Tea. B. Milk. C. Coffee.

17. What is the womans job?

A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. A salesperson.


18. What will the people do tomorrow morning?

A. Have a meeting. B. Watch a performance. C. Go sightseeing.

19. Why did the chairman have to change todays plan?

A. The first speaker got food poisoning. B. Diana wants to speak first.

C. The people want to have a coffee break in advance.

20. Where will the discussion be held?

A. In room 201. B. In the Youth Action Theater.

C. In the meeting hall.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

21. The Beijing Space Control Centre said the flight was ___ complete success and NASA wishes ___ China continuing

success with its space flight.

A. /; / B. the; the C. a; / D. /; the

22. Now that I ___ this first visit, I hope I can come more times.

A. made B. had made

C. have made D. will make

23. — You dont ___ aliens, do you?

— Well, I didnt. But now I ___ what the newspaper says.

A. believe; believe B. believe in; believe in

C. believe; believe in D. believe in; believe

24. — Li Hua went to Europe yesterday.

— ___ I saw her just now on the campus.

A. Im not so sure. B. Its a crazy idea.

C. You must be joking! D. I completely disagree!

25. — Why didnt you try your best to get on the bus?

— I tried to, but ___ I could, it started moving.

A. after B. before C. when D. until

26. Waiting for a plane to ___ from an airport can often takes as long as the trip itself.

A. take up B. take on

C. take down D. take off

27. Popular newspapers in Britain concentrate ___ news and events ___ famous people.

A. on; on B. about; about

C. on; about D. about; on

28. Everybody around the neighborhood thinks the pretty little girl will ___ a good professional actress.

A. turn B. become C. get D. grow

29. Shirley, a real book lover, often brings home many books to read ___ the library.

A. by B. in C. for D. from

30. — ___ David saw aliens on the moon was October 16th, 2003.

— You cant be serious!

A. The first time B. For the first time

C. At the first time D. The first time of

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

I had a friend who visited me from out of town and I wanted to show him the CN Tower. It was one of the tallest structures on the earth. So I thought it would offer a(n) 31 sight.

We were standing in line for 45minutes to enjoy the 32 up to the watch point. When we got there, we went around the 33 of the tower and saw the hard wire fence 34 to the structure serving as a barrier(屏障). We went back inside to look for the glass floor that provided a direct view 35 . As soon as both of us 36 , we stopped before walking onto it. We found that our legs began to 37 . I stopped for a minute considering the step, taking several seconds to 38 the edge before moving.

And then I had a thought in my mind: “It is far 39 compared to any other floor in this building. There is no real danger to me— its 40 an illusion(错觉). Look at all the people standing on it, and think about those who have stood on it before.” I began to 41 that step onto the glass floor. I didnt look down — 42 not for a few minutes.

I walked on the 43 and looked around and thought about how 44 the experience was. I even found myself jumping up and down. There was no 45 , and it was certainly an illusion.

I considered how many things in our lives we 46 and exactly how many of them are actually illusions. I thought about all the things we 47 ourselves from doing because we have 48 ourselves to think theres risk. I thought about all the things that I still have yet to do that appeared 49 . I was glad to discover that although fear isnt a stranger to me, my desire to live a life without 50 has a much stronger pull.

31. A. expressive B. impressive C. frightening D. beneficial

32. A. bus B. ladder C. car D. elevator

33. A. outside B. top C. center D. surface

34. A. connected B. surrounded C. attracted D. added

35. A. around B. up C. down D. out

36. A. understood B. approached C. talked D. returned

37. A. wave B. move C. tremble D. fall

38. A. look over B. think over C. look up D. think about

39. A. tighter B. taller C. shorter D. stronger

40. A. partly B. simply C. greatly D. similarly

41. A. take B. choose C. decide D. pick

42. A. at most B. at least C. at last D. at best

43. A. fence B. floor C. edge D. tower

44. A. grateful B. useful C. wonderful D. helpful

45. A. death B. warning C. trouble D. danger

46. A. handle B. forget C. fear D. pass

47. A. block B. protect C. help D. separate

48. A. forced B. advised C. developed D. led

49. A. amazing B. worrying C. exciting D. interesting

50. A. cost B. doubt C. regret D. defence

第三部分 阅读理解(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

When I lived in Spain, some Spanish friends of mine decided to visit England by car. Before they left, they asked me for advice about how to find accommodation(住所). I suggested that they should stay at ‘bed and breakfast houses, because this kind of accommodation gives a foreign visitor a good chance to speak English with the family. My friends listened to my advice, but they came back with some funny stories.

“We didnt stay at bed and breakfast houses,” they said, “because we found that most families were away on holiday.”

I thought this was strange. Finally I understood what had happened. My friends spoke little English, and they thought ‘VACANCIES meant ‘holidays, because the Spanish word for “holidays” is “vacaciones”. So they did not go to house where the sign outside said “VACANCLES”, which in English means there are free rooms. Then my friends went to house where the sign said “NO VACANCLES”, because they thought this meant the people who owned the house were not away on holiday. But they found that these houses were all full. As a result, they stayed at hotels!

We laughed about this and about mistakes my friends made in reading other signs. In Spanish, the word “DIVERSION” means fun. In English, it means that workmen are repairing the road, and that you must take a different road. When my friends saw the word “DIVERSION” on a road sign, they thought they were going to have fun. Instead, the road ended in a large hole.

English people have problems too when they learn foreign languages. Once in Paris, when someone offered me some more coffee, I said “Thank you” in French. I meant that I would like some more. However, to my surprise the coffee pot was taken away! Later I found out that “Thank you” in French means “No, thank you.”

51. The authors Spanish friends wanted advice about ___ .

A. learning English B. going to England by car

C. driving their car in England D. finding places to stay in England

52.Why did the author suggest that they stay at “bed and breakfast” houses?

A. They would be able to practise their English.

B. It would be much cheaper than staying in hotels.

C. It would be convenient for them to have dinner.

D. There would be no problem about finding accommodation.

53. “NO VACANCIES” in English means “___ ”.

A. no free rooms B. free rooms C. not away on holiday D. holidays

54. If you see a road sign “Diversion”, you will ___ .

A. fall into a hole B. have to take a different road

C. have a lot of fun and enjoy yourself D. find that the road is blocked by crowds of people

55. Why was the author surprised when the coffee pot was taken away?

A. He hadnt finished drinking coffee. B. He was never misunderstood.

C. He meant that he didnt want any more. D. He was expecting another cup of coffee.

第四部分 写作(共三节,满分50分)

第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)



After the stealing of fire,Zeus became increasingly unkind to men. One day he ordered his son Hephaestus to build an image of a beautiful maiden out of clay(泥土). He then asked the gods and goddesses to award her with different kinds of gifts. Among others, Athena clothed her in an attractive coat and Hermes gave her the power of telling lies. A charming young lady, she was the first woman that ever lived. Zeus called her Pandora. Because she had received from each of the gods and goddesses a gift. The gift was harmful to men.

Zeus decided to send her down to men as a present. So Hermes, the messenger, brought her to Epimetheus, brother of Prometheus. The greatness of her beauty touched the hearts of all who looked upon her, and Epimetheus happily received her into his house. He had quite forgotten Prometheus warning: never accept anything from Zeus. The couple lived a happy life for some time. Then trouble came on to the human world.

When he was busy with teaching men the art of living,Prometheus had left a big cask(木桶)in the care of Epimetheus. He had warned his brother not to open the lid. Pandora was a curious woman. She had been feeling very disappointed that her husband did not allow her to take a look at the contents of the cask. One day, when Epimetheus was out, she lifted the lid and out it came unrest and war, plague and sickness, theft and violence, grief and sorrow, and all the other evils. The human world was hence to experience these evils. Only hope stayed within the mouth of the jar and never flew out. So men always have hope within their hearts.

56. Whats Prometheus warning according to Paragraph 2? (within 5 words)

57. Why did Epimetheus forget about Prometheus warning? (within 7 words)

58. What had Prometheus left to Epimetheus? (within 3 words)

59. What did Prometheus warn Epimetheus not to do according to Paragraph 3? (within 10 words)

60. What was left in the cask at last? (1 word )

第二节 短文改错(满分15分)

George was a clever journalist, working for newspaper. He liked arguing. Sometimes the people he argued about were as clever as he was, and often they were not. He didnt mind argue with stupid people because he knew they can never really understand what he was saying. And that he often found what they said was very amused. At the end of one argument, the arguer said anything that George always remembered and that always amused George. It was, “Well, sir, you should never forget there are always three answers of every question: your answer, my answer, and the correctly answer. Do you think so?”

第三节 书面表达(满分25分)

以“Reading Newspapers Is A Good Habit”为题写一篇120词左右的短文。

内容提示:1. 报纸的特点:内容多样,便于携带;2. 读报的好处:丰富生活,增长见识;3. 你的看法。

参考词汇:传媒 media

Reading Newspapers Is A Good Habit
