
2014-09-02 03:36周忠凯余刚秦竹等
江苏农业科学 2014年7期

周忠凯 余刚 秦竹等

摘要:为了确定发酵床生猪养殖过程中氨气的排放率,选择彩钢瓦和大棚膜2种结构类型的半钟式发酵床猪舍,利用猪舍环境数据自动监测系统测定发酵床猪舍内氨气浓度,采用二氧化碳平衡法估算发酵床猪舍的通风量,并确定发酵床猪舍的氨气排放率。研究结果显示,测试期间彩钢瓦和大棚膜猪舍内氨气平均浓度分别为(5.8±1.3)、(6.2±20) mg/m3;2种类型猪舍内氨气浓度差异不显著,随着季节冬-春-夏的变化而逐渐降低,冬季猪舍内的平均氨气浓度显著高于春季、夏季,春季、夏季猪舍内的氨气浓度差异不显著;2种类型猪舍的氨气排放率分别为(6.7±2.0)、(7.4±05) g/(d·头),差异不显著,平均排放率为(7.1±0.3) g/(d·头);冬季排放率显著低于春季和夏季(P<0.05),春季与夏季发酵床猪舍氨气的排放率间差异不显著,分别为(7.5±0.2)、(8.9±0.6) g/(d·头)。


中图分类号: S815.9;X713 文献标志码: A 文章编号:1002-1302(2014)07-0210-03




通信作者:余刚,男,江西石城人,博士,研究员,主要从事养殖设施装备研究。Tel:(025)84390446;E-mail:yug55@163.com。氨气是一种重要的污染性气体,过量的氨气排放加速了大气中颗粒物的形成,造成生态系统的酸化和富营养化[1]。文献显示,我国每年畜牧养殖活动的氨气排放约 5.92 Tg[2-3],全球范围内生猪养殖过程中的氨气排放约占畜牧业氨气总排放的15%[4]。此外,氨气也是一种具有刺激性气味的气体,在畜禽生产过程中严重影响着动物的健康和福利[5],引起的临床症状包括咳嗽、打喷嚏、流涎、过度泪腺分泌以及食欲丧失等[6-7]。

目前,国内外对生猪生长过程氨气排放的研究主要集中在漏缝水泥地面和以稻草或秸秆为垫料的生猪养殖猪舍。研究显示,漏缝水泥地板猪舍排放率在4~14 g/(d·头)[8-10],垫料型猪舍(稻草或秸秆,下同)氨气排放率的范围在 8.7~22.7 g/(d·头)[11-14],垫料类型猪舍氨气的排放显著高于漏缝水泥地面猪舍。




试验选择彩钢瓦和大棚膜2种不同建筑材料的半钟楼式结构发酵床猪舍,彩钢瓦结构猪舍长×宽×高为30 m×9 m×3.0 m,大棚膜结构猪舍为30 m×9 m×3.5 m,详细结构见参考文献[15]。猪舍猪栏排列方式为单列式,北墙设有 1.2 m 宽过道,采用自然通风方式,大棚式发酵床猪舍通风由卷帘控制;彩钢瓦结构猪舍北侧有4个窗户,南侧通风口由卷帘控制,舍内安装高压喷雾降温设备。

发酵床体采用地下式,床体垫料厚度为80 cm,由锯木屑、稻壳、碎果树条等组成。每头生猪所占面积2.5~3.5 m2;育成育肥猪饲养时间为60日龄到180日龄,共计约120 d,进舍体质量平均20 kg,出栏体质量90~100 kg;生猪饲养采用自由采食方式,饮水采用鸭嘴式自动饮水系统。


为确定发酵床育肥猪舍内氨气浓度和排放率,于2012年1月6日—2012年9月3日期间对2种发酵床猪舍冬季、春季、夏季舍内氨气浓度进行了连续测定。氨气浓度测试和数据接收系统由江苏省农业科学院农业设施与装备研究所制造[15],氨气浓度碳传感器选用氨气传感器检测模块(上海菲克苏工具有限公司),浓度测量范围0~70 mg/m3,工作温度范围-20~50 ℃,工作湿度范围0~95%,测量精度±0.1 mg/m3。2种猪舍分别选取1个氨气测试点,室外选取1个测试点,测定的数值在猪舍内收集和显示,并通过无线传输设备传输到电脑,数据采集间隔为10 min。


测定氨气的排放率,需要测量猪舍内外氨气的浓度和畜禽舍的通风量。本试验通风量以及排放率的计算根据Dong等提供的方法[14,16-18],2种猪舍冬季、春季和夏季的通风量数据已经计算出[15],分别为:(1)彩钢瓦结构为642、3 877、5 137m3/h;(2)大棚膜结构为929、3 638、3 783 m3/h。



本研究中发酵床猪舍氨气平均排放率为7.1 g/(d·头),远低于文献中垫料型猪舍氨气8.7~22.7 g/(d·头)的排放率,而与漏缝地板水泥地面猪舍氨气排放率较为接近。综合分析认为,主要原因有以下2个因素:(1)由于发酵床普遍采用锯末和稻壳(体积比7 ∶3)为垫料,锯末多孔的结构和稻壳疏松的特性使得垫料床体透气性好,对氨气吸附性能增强;(2)在有氧条件下,经发酵床菌群的硝化或去硝化作用,使得粪便中氮元素的转移向多元化发展,铵离子可转化为硝态氮或有机氮,减少了氨气的挥发[23-24]。endprint


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[15]周忠凯,秦竹,余刚,等. 发酵床育肥猪舍内湿热环境与通风状况研究[J]. 江苏农业学报,2013,29(3):592-598.

[16]Dong H,Zhu Z,Shang B,et al. Greenhouse gas emissions from swine barns of various production stages in suburban Beijing,China[J]. Atmospheric Environment,2007,41(11):2391-2399.

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[19]朱志平,康国虎,董红敏,等. 垫料型猪舍春夏育肥季节的氨气和温室气体状况测试[J]. 中国农业气象,2011,32(3):356-361.

[20]Blanes-Vidal V,Hansen M N,Pedersen S,et al. Emissions of ammonia,methane and nitrous oxide from pig houses and slurry:Effects of rooting material,animal activity and ventilation flow[J]. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment,2008,124(3/4):237-244.

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[23]Hellebrand H J,Kalk W D. Emission of methane,nitrous oxide,and ammonia fromdung windrows[J]. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems,2001,60(1/2/3):83-87.

[24]盛清凯,武英,赵红波,等. 发酵床养殖垫料组分的变化规律[J]. 西南农业学报,2010,23(5):1703-1705.endprint

[14]Dong H,Kang G,Zhu Z,et al. Ammonia,methane,and carbon dioxide concentrations and emissions of a hoop Grower-finisher swine barn[J]. Transactions of the ASABE,2009,52(5):1741-1747.

[15]周忠凯,秦竹,余刚,等. 发酵床育肥猪舍内湿热环境与通风状况研究[J]. 江苏农业学报,2013,29(3):592-598.

[16]Dong H,Zhu Z,Shang B,et al. Greenhouse gas emissions from swine barns of various production stages in suburban Beijing,China[J]. Atmospheric Environment,2007,41(11):2391-2399.

[17]Blanes V,Pedersen S. Ventilation flow in pig houses measured and calculated by carbon dioxide,moisture and heat balance equations[J]. Biosystems Engineering,2005,92(4):483-493.

[18]Amon B,Kryvoruchko V,Frhlich M,et al. Ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from a straw flow system for fattening pigs:housing and manure storage[J]. Livestock Science,2007,112(3):199-207.

[19]朱志平,康国虎,董红敏,等. 垫料型猪舍春夏育肥季节的氨气和温室气体状况测试[J]. 中国农业气象,2011,32(3):356-361.

[20]Blanes-Vidal V,Hansen M N,Pedersen S,et al. Emissions of ammonia,methane and nitrous oxide from pig houses and slurry:Effects of rooting material,animal activity and ventilation flow[J]. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment,2008,124(3/4):237-244.

[21]Haeussermann A,Hartung E,Gallmann E,et al. Influence of season,ventilation strategy,and slurry removal on methane emissions from pig houses[J]. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment,2006,112(2/3):115-121.

[22]Jeppsson K H. Diurnal variation in ammonia,Carbon dioxide and water vapour emission from an un-insulated,deep litter building for growing/finishing pigs[J]. Biosystems Engineering,2002,81(2):213-223.

[23]Hellebrand H J,Kalk W D. Emission of methane,nitrous oxide,and ammonia fromdung windrows[J]. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems,2001,60(1/2/3):83-87.

[24]盛清凯,武英,赵红波,等. 发酵床养殖垫料组分的变化规律[J]. 西南农业学报,2010,23(5):1703-1705.endprint

[14]Dong H,Kang G,Zhu Z,et al. Ammonia,methane,and carbon dioxide concentrations and emissions of a hoop Grower-finisher swine barn[J]. Transactions of the ASABE,2009,52(5):1741-1747.

[15]周忠凯,秦竹,余刚,等. 发酵床育肥猪舍内湿热环境与通风状况研究[J]. 江苏农业学报,2013,29(3):592-598.

[16]Dong H,Zhu Z,Shang B,et al. Greenhouse gas emissions from swine barns of various production stages in suburban Beijing,China[J]. Atmospheric Environment,2007,41(11):2391-2399.

[17]Blanes V,Pedersen S. Ventilation flow in pig houses measured and calculated by carbon dioxide,moisture and heat balance equations[J]. Biosystems Engineering,2005,92(4):483-493.

[18]Amon B,Kryvoruchko V,Frhlich M,et al. Ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from a straw flow system for fattening pigs:housing and manure storage[J]. Livestock Science,2007,112(3):199-207.

[19]朱志平,康国虎,董红敏,等. 垫料型猪舍春夏育肥季节的氨气和温室气体状况测试[J]. 中国农业气象,2011,32(3):356-361.

[20]Blanes-Vidal V,Hansen M N,Pedersen S,et al. Emissions of ammonia,methane and nitrous oxide from pig houses and slurry:Effects of rooting material,animal activity and ventilation flow[J]. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment,2008,124(3/4):237-244.

[21]Haeussermann A,Hartung E,Gallmann E,et al. Influence of season,ventilation strategy,and slurry removal on methane emissions from pig houses[J]. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment,2006,112(2/3):115-121.

[22]Jeppsson K H. Diurnal variation in ammonia,Carbon dioxide and water vapour emission from an un-insulated,deep litter building for growing/finishing pigs[J]. Biosystems Engineering,2002,81(2):213-223.

[23]Hellebrand H J,Kalk W D. Emission of methane,nitrous oxide,and ammonia fromdung windrows[J]. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems,2001,60(1/2/3):83-87.

[24]盛清凯,武英,赵红波,等. 发酵床养殖垫料组分的变化规律[J]. 西南农业学报,2010,23(5):1703-1705.endprint
