Pretty Pixie1 Cuts

2014-12-21 12:06BettyLiu
英语学习(上半月) 2014年5期

Betty Liu

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Last November, Jennifer Lawrence, who starred in the popular filmsThe Hunger GamesandX-Men First Class,made a shocking fashion debut on Facebook.2. 去年11月,热映电影《饥饿游戏》、《X战警:第一战》的主演詹妮弗·劳伦斯,以令人惊叹的姿态首次登陆脸书。 Jennifer Lawrence:詹妮弗·劳伦斯,美国电影和电视女演员,2012年奥斯卡影后得主;debut: 初次登台,首次登场。The star uploaded a picture on Facebook of herself with a simple white tank top, blazer jacket, gold chain necklace, and a cropped pixiestyle haircut.3. tank top: 背心式上衣,紧身背心装;blazer: 运动上衣,轻便短上衣。Judging from the mirthful4. mirthful: 欢快的,高兴的。expression on her face,Lawrence understood the impact her new haircut would have on her fan base. Within a few days, the photo gathered over 50,000 likes on Facebook. Lawrence is now part of a large wave of stars who have been chopping off5. chop off: 砍掉,剪去。their hair and announcing it on social media sites. The pixie cut—a short, edgy hair-style has been taking the fashion world by storm.

First, it was Miley Cyrus6. Miley Cyrus: 麦莉·赛勒斯,美国女演员及创作歌手。, who used Twitter to show off her newly cropped hair back in August of 2012. The short hairstyle was meant to help shed her good-girl image and establish herself as a mature celebrity. In August of 2012 pop-singer Beyoncé7. Beyoncé: 碧昂丝,美国格莱美奖获奖R&B歌手、作词人、唱片制作人。followed the trend and lost her iconic look of wild hair and opted for a shorter look as well. She showed off her new hairstyle on Instagram8. Instagram: 照片分享,一款从iPhone上移植过来的图片分享软体,拥有极高的人气。,gaining over 797,000 Insta-likes on her pictures. Before the rage of social media, other actresses made a big splash the traditional way as well.9. rage: 风行,流行;make a big splash:引起轰动。In 2012, Anne Hathaway shed her long brown locks as part of her role as Cosset in the 2012 movie adaptation of Victor Hugo’s




ILes Miserables.10. Anne Hathaway: 安妮·海瑟薇,美国电影、舞台剧女演员,参演作品有《公主日记》、《尼古拉斯·尼克贝》等;Cosset: 珂赛特,《悲惨世界》中的角色;Victor Hugo: 维克多·雨果,法国浪漫主义作家的代表人物,是19世纪前期积极浪漫主义文学运动的领袖,法国文学史上卓越的作家;Les Miserables:《悲惨世界》,维克多·雨果于1862年发表的一部长篇小说,是19世纪最著名的小说之一。She made her debut at the premiere ofThe Dark Knight Rises, shocking all of her fans.11. premiere: 首映;The Dark Knight Rises:《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》,由导演克里斯托弗·诺兰执导的蝙蝠侠三部曲之最后一部。Another shocking transformation was when Emma Watson, star of the iconic “Harry Potter“ movies, cut off her bushy brown hair for a sleek pixie cut.12. Emma Watson: 艾玛·沃特森,英国女演员和模特儿,因扮演《哈利·波特》系列电影中的赫敏而成名;bushy: 浓密的。

The pixie cut has been a popular hairstyle since Audrey Hepburn launched the style to fame in the 1953 movie,Roman Holiday. In the movie,Hepburn plays the crown princess of an unknown country. While making a trip around Europe, she becomes frustrated by her restrictive life and decides to run away and explore Rome. On her adventure, she cuts her hair at a local barbershop, thereby symbolizing her newfound freedom.

While Hepburn might have been the one to popularize the trend,getting a short haircut has much further historical roots in America. In the 1920’s, flapper girls began chopping off their hair as a form of de fiance.13. flapper: 20世纪20年代着装举止前卫的年轻女郎;de fiance: 蔑视,违抗。These girls were considered society’s rebels when they cut their hair,rolled up their skirts, and participated in unladylike behavior as part of the feminist movement. Over the years, getting a short haircut has become representative of change, rebellion, and freedom.

Besides making a statement, getting a pixie cut can also be very practical. Long hair can be a nuisance14. nuisance: 令人讨厌的事物。at time. For one, shorter hair is easier to wash and take care of. In another extreme example, long hair can be a hazard. Before Beyoncé cut her hair, her long locks were caught in a fan during a performance in Montreal15. Montreal: 蒙特利尔,加拿大第二大城市。, Canada. Lawrence cited similar reasons for wanting to cut her hair. Some may denounce16. denounce: 谴责,公然攻击。the pixie cut as boyish,but done right it can be cute and feminine like the pixie for which this style is named after. This hairstyle can be very flattering for a variety of people.However, one thing to note is that a pixie cut will highlight your facial features because this hairstyle doesn’t leave much to hide behind.

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