
2015-02-18 07:45孙蒙王卫民王洵何建坤
地球物理学报 2015年6期

孙蒙, 王卫民, 王洵, 何建坤

大陆碰撞与高原隆升重点实验室,中国科学院青藏高原研究所, 北京 100101


孙蒙, 王卫民*, 王洵, 何建坤

大陆碰撞与高原隆升重点实验室,中国科学院青藏高原研究所, 北京 100101

2013年7月22日,在甘肃岷县漳县交界处发生MS6.6地震,地震震中位置靠近临潭—宕昌断裂.本文通过构建有限断层模型,利用国家强震动台网中心提供的12条强地面运动三分量资料,通过波形反演方法来研究这次地震的震源破裂过程.结果显示这次地震是发生在甘东南地区岷县—宕昌断裂带东段附近的一次MW6.1级逆冲兼具左旋走滑破裂事件,最大滑动量约为80 cm.发震断层走向及滑动性质与岷县—宕昌断裂吻合,推断本次地震与东昆仑断裂向北的扩展和推挤密切相关,是岷县—宕昌断裂进一步活动的结果.

岷县—漳县地震; 强地面运动; 模拟退火方法; 震源破裂过程

1 引言





2 资料和研究方法


图1 甘东南地区的地质构造图黑色震源球为本次地震发生前十年内所发地震的震源机制解,红色震源球为本次甘肃岷县—漳县地震的震源机制解;红色等值线所围成的区域为中国地震局公布的本次地震的烈度分布情况;绿色箭头为区域应力的方向;黑色三角形为本文所用强震台站.Fig.1 Geological condition map of the east-south of Gansu Black focal spheres are the focal mechanism of earthquakes occurred in the last 10 years before 2013 MS6.6 Minxian-Zhangxian earthquake, red focal sphere is the focal mechanism of the Minxian-Zhangxian MS6.6 earthquake; the red area is the seismic intensity distribution of this earthquake; green arrows stand for the regional stress; black triangles are the near-source stations.


注:1)中国地震局地球物理研究所(IGPCEA,http://www.cea-igp.ac.cn/tpxw/267408.shtml);2)中国地震局地质研究所(IGCEA,http://www.eq-igl.ac.cn/admin/upload/files/20130722Dingxi.pdf);3)Global CMT webpage(http://www.globalcmt.org/CMTsearch.html);4)USGS NEIC(http://www.isc.ac.uk/iscbulletin/search/catalogue/);5)中国地震局兰州地震研究所(陈继锋等,2013).

图2 岷县—漳县MS6.6地震震源机制解采用下半球投影,同时给出了点源模型的P波垂向位移理论图(红线)与资料(黑线)的拟合情况.图形下方给出了两组节面解(左下,λ,δ,θ,h分别表示错动倾角、节面倾角、节面走向、震源深度)和点源模型的震源时间函数(右下).Fig.2 Focal mechanism of the Minxian-Zhangxian MS6.6 earthquake Lower-hemisphere projection is used here. The observed P wave records (black line) and the synthetic seismogram (red line) based on the simple point model are compared. The parameters of two possible fault planes are listed also, with λ, δ, θ, h indicating the rake angle, dip angle, strike direction and source depth respectively, the obtained source time function are plotted.

本文选取了国家强震动台网中心提供的12条强地面运动三分量记录(Hartzell and Heaton, 1983)并对数据进行预处理,即将加速度记录进行一次积分并进行带通滤波(频段0.02~0.4 Hz),获得去除高频成分的速度记录用于反演计算.数据预处理后,根据地质资料和震源机制解构建有限断层模型(姚振兴和纪晨,1997),反演发震断层面上的滑动分布.对于有限断层的破裂过程反演,发震断层的走向、倾向和滑动角是需要提前给定的.本文利用IRIS提供的12条近场P波波形记录的初动作为极性约束,利用30条远场地震记录进行点源反演求得其震源机制解,如图2所示.由表1可见,不同机构和学者得到的本次地震震源机制解两个节面的走向、倾角和滑动角相差不大,但深度相差比较大,震源机制解表明岷县漳县地震的断层活动具有逆冲兼具左旋走滑的性质.其中走向为300.2°的节面Ⅱ与区域内已知断层的走向一致(图1),且将节面Ⅱ假设为实际破裂面时反演得到的波形拟合效果比节面I假设为实际破裂面时更佳,故本文认为走向为300.2°的节面Ⅱ为实际破裂面.通过测试震源深度变化对波形拟合度的影响,发现震源深度在6~10 km时波形拟合度明显优于深度大于10 km的情况.综合各机构及本文的研究结果,我们取7 km为本次地震的震源深度.采用快速地震破裂持续时间测定方法(Lomax et al., 2007),利用获得的远场波形记录估算出岷县地震主震震源时间过程的持续时间,结果显示这次地震事件的断层破裂持续时间约为8 s.

3 有限断层破裂过程模型

3.1 有限断层震源模型的构建

本文构造了一个长(沿走向)为34 km,宽(沿倾向)为14.4 km的矩形平面来模拟岷县地震的发震断层,为详细描述发震断层各个位置的滑动情况,我们将该有限断层剖分为2 km×1.6 km的153(17×9)个子断层.经矫正各子面元相应的时间延迟后,叠加每个子面元的理论地震图,从而获得有限断层的理论地震图.利用强地面震动的实际观测记录,进行波形反演得到每个子面元的震源参数(包括上升时间τ、错矩D、滑动角λ和破裂传播速度v),进而获得本次地震的破裂传播过程.其中震源时间函数采用的是开始和结束时间各不相同的非对称余弦函数(Ji et al., 2003).

3.2 反演结果

我们利用频率波数域法(Zhu and Rivera, 2002; 纪晨和姚振兴,1995)计算近场的格林函数,用模拟退火方法(王卫民等,2005a)在时间域进行破裂过程反演(王卫民等,2005a,2005b).速度模型采用的是王周元等(1996)对甘肃地区速度结构非均匀分布的研究结果.反演中,将滑动振幅限定于0.0~100.0 cm之间;滑动角限定于40°~120°之间;破裂传播速度限定于2.1~2.9 km·s-1之间.此外,利用断层面各子面元滑动量的微分平均值,作为模型光滑约束.同时,我们利用近场得到的震源参数计算远场理论地震图,与远场实际观测资料对比来验证模型的正确性和约束地震矩M0,从而确定了本次地震的滑动分布和破裂过程.

结果模型的理论地震图与实际观测三分量记录拟合情况如图3所示.由图可以看到,基于单平面有限断层震源模型计算得到的理论位移与观测资料能较好地吻合.由反演得到的断层面上的滑动分布情况(图4)看出,本次地震的断层面上的破裂比较集中,地表没有发生破裂,破裂主要集中在震源附近,最大滑动量约为80 cm.其中震源东南侧破裂程度大,北西侧破裂程度较小,滑动性质为逆冲,兼具左旋走滑.图5为发震断层滑动分布地表投影示意图.图6为反演得到的震源参数模型正演计算远场理论地震图和实际观测资料的对比.由该图可以看到,远场理论地震图和实际观测波形可以比较好地拟合,从而进一步验证近场反演结果的可靠性和合理性.

3.3 地震震源破裂过程


图7为本次地震断层面上不同时刻的滑动分布示意图.从破裂过程来看,地震在前2 s的破裂传播速度很快,破裂主要沿断层面倾向向浅部传播.2 s时,震源附近东南侧发生集中的高破裂滑动,平均滑动量约为60 cm. 4 s时,震源附近的破裂程度已基本固定,最大滑动量约为80 cm.5 s开始,断层面两侧开始发生轻微破裂.8 s以后整个断层面的破裂基本结束.

图3 有限断层模型的强地面运动资料拟合强地面运动三分量理论速度(红线)与实际观测波形资料(黑线)的拟合情况,每条记录的左上表示台站名,左下分别表示震中距和方位角,右表示振幅比.Fig.3 Comparison of the observed near field strong motion records with the synthetic waveforms Comparison of observed (black) and synthetic waveforms (red) for strong motion records are shown in the panel, the azimuth, epicentral distance, amplitude ratio and station name are also indicated.

图4 利用强地面运动三分量资料反演得到的地震断层面上的滑动分布图中分别给出了有限断层模型的地表投影(左上)和三维示意图(右上).Fig.4 Slip distribution on the fault invert using near field strong motion three component records Surface projection of fault model (up-left) and 3D view of the fault model (up-right) are shown.

图6 强地面运动资料反演结果计算得到的远场理论位移图与实测位移图对比P波垂向和SH波切向实测位移图(红线)与理论位移图(黑线)的对比,并给出每个记录的方位角(左上)、震中距(左下)、振幅比(上)和台站名(右).Fig.6 Comparison of the observed records with the synthetic waveforms calculated by using source parameters inversed by near field strong motion records Comparison of observed (red) and synthetic waveforms (black) for P vertical components, and SH components are shown in the panel, the azimuth, epicentral distance, amplitude ratio and station name are also indicated.

图7 岷县—漳县MS6.6地震震源破裂过程Fig.7 Rupture process of MS6.6 Minxian-Zhangxian earthquake

4 讨论

本次地震发生在中强地震频发的甘东南地区构造过渡转换带上,来自青藏块体东北向的挤压力在该区域的重分配比较复杂(卜玉菲等,2013),震中位置靠近临潭—宕昌断裂.临潭—宕昌断裂带由多条规模不等的次级断裂组成,不同断裂带上的应力分布不均匀,是这一地区中强地震频发的一个原因.该断裂带的形成受到早期西秦岭北缘断裂向两侧的扩展和如今青藏高原东北部东昆仑断裂向北扩展和推挤及向东运动的影响.本次地震发震断层的走向以及余震空间分布与临潭—宕昌断裂的走向吻合,倾向、倾角等也与临潭—宕昌断裂带东段的总体性质相似(葛伟鹏,2013;郑文俊等,2013),因此推断此次地震是临潭—宕昌断裂进一步活动的结果.本次MS6.6岷县漳县地震发震断层面上的滑动性质为逆冲兼具左旋走滑,这与该区域其他已存在断层的性质一致.GPS资料(Liang et al., 2013)显示,本次地震震中附近的地壳运动水平方向为正东,垂直方向向上.将GPS测得的地壳运动速度矢量投影到发震断层面后可看到震源区地壳运动方向与本文反演得到的断层面上逆冲兼具左旋走滑的滑动性质相符合.



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(本文编辑 何燕)

Rupture process of the Minxian-Zhangxian, Gansu,ChinaMS6.6 earthquake on 22 July 2013

SUN Meng, WANG Wei-Min*, WANG Xun, HE Jian-Kun


On July 22, 2013, a major earthquake (MS6.6) occurred on the boundary of Minxian and Zhangxian in Gansu province, with its epicenter near the Lintan-Dangchang fault. Based on the finite fault model constructed, the rupturing process of this earthquake was determined by the waveform method using 12 near source strong motion three-component records provided by China Earthquake Data Center.Strike, dip angle, and rake angle of seismogenic fault as well as focal depth are supposed to be known before the waveform inversion based on a finite fault model. The focal mechanism of the earthquake is obtained by a dislocation source model utilizing 30 far-field P vertical waveform records with uniform azimuth coverage and 12 near-field P-wave initial motions. Geometric parameters of the seismogenic fault plane and focal depth adopted in the inversion were determined by considering information such as results of different institutions and scholars, waveform fitting obtained by treating two nodal planes as fault planes, and strike of existing faults in this area. The strike is 300.2°, dip angle is 66°, slip angle is 47.7°, focal depth is 7 km. In the process of inverting rupture process of this earthquake using strong motion records, Green′s function was calculated byf-kintegration and source parameters over the fault,including slip amount, slip rake, rise time and rupture velocity,which were inverted by simulated annealing method. In order to check the accuracy of source parameters deduced by strong motion records, we use the deduced source parameters to calculate the far-field synthetic waveforms and then compare them with observed ones.Results show that slip over the seismogenic fault is centralized nearby the focal source, maximum slip is around 80 cm, and no slip on the surface of ground. This earthquake is dominated by over-thrust with sinistral strike-slip component, consistent with other faults in this area. The rupturing ended at 8 s. Seismic momentM0is 1.60×1025dyn·cm, moment magnitudeMWis 6.1.Considering the strike of the seismogenic fault and aftershocks′ distribution matches with Lintan-Dangchang fault, rake and dip of seismogenic fault are also similar to those of eastern part of Lintan-Dangchang fault, we deduce this earthquake was related with the north forward extrusion of the east Kunlun fault and resulted from the further activity of the Minxian-Dangchang fault.

Minxian-Zhangxian earthquake; Strong ground motion; Simulated annealing method; Rupture process


国家自然科学基金项目 (41174037)资助.

孙蒙,女,1991年生,在读硕士生,从事地震震源过程研究. E-mail: sunmeng@itpcas.ac.cn

*通讯作者 王卫民,男,1971年生,副研究员,从事地震学研究. E-mail: wangwm@itpcas.ac.cn




孙蒙, 王卫民, 王洵等. 2015. 2013年7月22日甘肃岷县—漳县MS6.6地震震源破裂过程.地球物理学报,58(6):1909-1918,

Sun M, Wang W M, Wang X, et al. 2015. Rupture process of the Minxian-Zhangxian, Gansu,ChinaMS6.6 earthquake on 22 July 2013.ChineseJ.Geophys. (in Chinese),58(6):1909-1918,doi:10.6038/cjg20150607.
