The helmet with over a hundred horns

2015-10-21 19:41阳妍华
第二课堂(课外活动版) 2015年3期


Olav Brutolsen was the most terrible of all the vikings (海盗). With just his bare hands he could beat a tiger in a matter of seconds. To make sure people knew just who he was, his helmet and cloak (披风) were equipped with his prizes. On his helmet were over a hundred horns, and on his cloak were a thousand expensive stones; one stone for each enemy he had beaten.

In his city everyone would make way for him as he went by, but one day, a boy, who was reading as he walked, ran into Olav. Olav was very angry. He asked him for a fight to the death. The skinny boy had no choice; all he could do was take on one requirement:

“I cant see very well, and I dont know you, so Ill need you to keep your helmet and cloak on during the fight so I can make you out.”

Olav laughed a hearty laugh and agreed to the boys stupid condition. The boy was able to move quickly and easily, and he only just managed to run away quickly from Olavs catches. The same happened each time Olav fought, and as the fight went on it became easier for the boy to keep away.

Many onlookers thought the boy must be some kind of wizard (男巫), but the boy, who was a medical student by the name of Virtensen, showed to everyone how Olavs pride and ostentation (賣弄) had been enough to make him fall under the heavy of his helmet and cloak. When Olav came to, he faced his failure. From that day he got rid of the useless things on his helmet and cloak, and returned to simple clothing. Now wherever he walked he was just like anyone else. Everywhere, except when he walked on the battlefield, where he came to be recognised not for his many horns, but for his unmatched fight.

1. Why were the vikings helmet and cloak equipped with his prizes?

2. What did the viking ask the boy for one day?

3. Why was the viking not able to destroy the boy?

4. Why did the viking fail in the end?


1. Because he wanted to make sure people knew just who he was.

2. He asked him for a fight to the death.

3. Because the boy was able to move quickly and easily.

4. Because he carried too many useless things on his helmet and cloak.
