Why I Miss China

2015-12-10 11:25ByAmirahAhmad
英语学习(上半月) 2015年5期

By Amirah Ahmad

I miss China.

Last summer, I visited China for 6 weeks for an internship at Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (FLTRP)1. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press: 外语教学与研究出版社,是一家以外语出版为特色的大学出版社。. I wrote articles on a weekly basis, lived in a hutong, immersed myself in the local culture, and made everlasting friendships with the people who allowed me to enjoy my trip to China as much as I did.2. on a weekly basis: 每周;immerse in: 沉浸于;everlasting:永久的。

I was flipping through3. flip through: 浏览。pictures of my trip the other day, and I was surprised at how many colleagues and locals I had befriended. Stumbling upon4. stumble upon: 无意中发现。a picture of my colleagues in the technical department, I tested myself by trying to name them by the names I had appointed them since I couldn’t accurately pronounce their name in Chinese. I distinctly remember the day I gave them an easy“American” name, as I drew upon5. draw upon: 利用。the meaning of the Chinese name and their personality for inspiration. Some names were Cake, Trumpet6. trumpet: 喇叭。, and Dragon. They were silly, but they stuck7. stick: 长久留存。.

Not only Beijing, but I also miss Inner Mongolia. The grasslands were breathtaking; the landscape was so serene.8. serene: 宁静的。One of the pictures I found from my archives was a couple of people on horses, nonchalantly passing us as they trotted down a gravel pathway.9. 我在相册中看到这么一张照片,几个人骑着马沿着碎石小道一路小跑,从我们身旁漫不经心地经过。archive: 存档;nonchalantly: 若无其事地;trot:小跑;gravel: 碎石。Another one of the pictures was a picture of my family with a local family who ran a store with various Mongolian foods and clothing accessories10. accessory: 配饰。. The picture shows us embracing11. embrace: 拥抱。one another as if we’ve known each for years. We had only known each for 5 minutes!

China is an immense nation. Each province, each region, each town, each neighborhood encapsulate12. encapsulate: 概括。a different part of China that I admire. Take Beijing,China for example. In all of its modernity, it also possesses remnants13. remnant: 遗迹,古迹。of oldage Chinese practices. A five-minute walk from the mall, you’ll run into a group of old men playing checkers14. checkers: 跳棋。as they smoke cigars and chat until nightfall. Just a couple miles away from an international corporation lays remnants of a historic,ancient Buddhist temple15. Buddhist temple: 佛寺。.

Sick of the city?

Travel to Inner Mongolia to experience the wonders of the Mongols. I distinctly remember the day a native, from the small town we were visiting in Inner Mongolia,took my horse’s saddle as he started to gallop with his own horse.16. distinctly: 清楚地;saddle: 马鞍;gallop: 疾驰。The wind was so liberating as both of our horses pounded the Inner Mongolian ground.17. 当我们俩在内蒙古大草原上策马奔腾时,我们能感受到疾风的呼啸。liberating: 自由的;pound: 持续地沿着……行走。Just a couple hours later, I feasted on fresh lamb and I couldn’t help but thinking that I was interacting with and eating a meal provided by the ancestors of Genghis Khan.18. feast on: 尽情享用;Genghis Khan: 成吉思汗(1162—1227),蒙古帝国可汗,世界史上杰出的政治家、军事家。

There is so much the land offers. You can meet intellectuals or simple vendors of the local fruit and vegetable stand.19. vendor: 小贩;stand: 摊位。You can visit the city but also draw back and absorb the serene landscape.

It’s been almost a year since I’ve visited, but hopefully I return in the near future to re-experience the wonders as well as adventure and explore new things.

Until next time, China.



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