
2016-03-21 12:41周清波吴文斌陈仲新唐华俊农业部农业信息技术重点实验室中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所北京0008华中师范大学城市与环境科学学院武汉430079
农业工程学报 2016年3期

刘 轲,周清波※,吴文斌,2,陈仲新,唐华俊(.农业部农业信息技术重点实验室/中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京 0008;2.华中师范大学城市与环境科学学院,武汉 430079)


(1.农业部农业信息技术重点实验室/中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京 100081;2.华中师范大学城市与环境科学学院,武汉 430079)

摘要:近年来,高光谱遥感数据广泛应用于农作物叶面积指数(LAI)反演。与常用的多光谱遥感数据相比,高光谱数据能否提高农作物LAI反演的精度和稳定性还存在争议。针对这一问题,该研究利用实测冬小麦冠层高光谱反射率数据,构造了不同光谱分辨率和波段组合的5种光谱数据。基于ACRM(a two-layer canopy reflectance model)模型、2套参数化方案及上述5种光谱数据,对冬小麦LAI进行反演,分析光谱分辨率、高光谱数据波段选择、模型参数不确定性3方面因素对LAI反演精度与稳定性的影响。研究结果表明:当波段选择适宜、模型参数不确定性较小且光谱数据分辨率较高时,LAI反演精度与稳定性更高,提高光谱分辨率对LAI反演精度的改进作用随光谱分辨率的升高而降低;反之,当高光谱数据波段选择不当或者模型参数不确定性较大时,提高光谱数据的分辨率并未提高LAI反演精度。该研究解释了“高光谱遥感数据能否提高植被参数反演精度”问题,为进一步发挥高光谱数据在农作物LAI反演中的潜力提供了科学参考。


刘轲,周清波,吴文斌,陈仲新,唐华俊. 基于多光谱与高光谱遥感数据的冬小麦叶面积指数反演比较[J]. 农业工程学报,2016,32(3):155-162.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.03.022http://www.tcsae.org

Liu Ke, Zhou Qingbo, Wu Wenbin, Chen Zhongxin, Tang Huajun. Comparison between multispectral and hyperspectral remote sensing for LAI estimation[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(3): 155-162. (in Chinese with English abstract)doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.03.022http://www.tcsae.org

0 引 言

叶面积指数(LAI)反映了农作物生理生化过程和生产力状况。获取农作物LAI及其动态变化信息对农作物长势监测和产量估测等应用具有重要意义[1-3]。遥感技术能够经济、高效、无损地估测农作物LAI,成为了目前获取大尺度农作物LAI的主要技术手段。高光谱数据尤其能够刻画地物光谱细节,支持波形分析技术,因此,在农作物LAI遥感反演研究中得到了广泛的应用[4-6]。较之多光谱数据,高光谱数据能否提高农作物LAI反演的精度与稳定性仍存在学术争议。部分研究表明高光谱数据有助于提高LAI反演精度[7-10],也有研究得出与之相反的结论[11-13],例如李小文等[13]通过Li-Strahler模型参数敏感性分析认为:结构参数与波谱无关,波段数量增加并不能提供更多关于结构参数的信息。总结前人研究可以发现,因为当时的客观条件和主流LAI反演方法,这些高光谱-宽波段的对比研究存在很多不足[7],例如:早期常用的AVIRIS(airborne visible infrared imaging spectrometer)传感器信噪比低[12];仅依赖冠层反射率模型模拟光谱而非实测光谱[11-12];基于植被指数(vegetation indices,VIs)开展LAI反演而未采用更能体现高光谱数据优势的光谱特征参量,如红边参量等[7,11,14]。因此,如何合理利用高光谱数据提高LAI反演精度与稳定性仍是亟待研究的重要科学问题。


本研究利用ACRM(a two-layer canopy reflectance model)冠层反射率模型和基于查找表(look-up table,LUT)的反演方法开展LAI反演研究。基于2个时相的冬小麦冠层反射率高光谱实测数据构造了不同光谱分辨率和波段组合的5种反射率数据,制订了ACRM模型的2套参数化方案。基于此,开展LAI反演试验,探索了遥感数据光谱分辨率、波段选择方案、物理模型参数不确定性3方面因素对LAI反演的影响,揭示了发挥高光谱数据优势的必要条件,以期为合理利用高光谱数据反演作物LAI提供科学参考。

1 田间测量与数据准备


研究区域位于河北省衡水深州市,地处华北平原,是中国典型的冬小麦种植区。田间测量分别于2014年4 月29日和5月21日进行,此时正值冬小麦拔节期和抽穗期,在反演试验中分别记为T1和T2,共测量了5块冬小麦田块,为了体现测量的代表性,不同田块种植的品种不同,各试验田块见表1。

表1 试验样地Table 1 Sample plots

大致沿田块对角线均匀布设5~6个样本点,研究区共设28个样本点。每个样本点为长50 cm、宽4垄(约150 cm)的样方,在样方中进行测量。利用FieldSpec 4 光谱仪(美国ASD 公司生产)测量冠层光谱,探头视场角为10°,垂直向下,距小麦冠层顶部高度约1 m,光谱测量范围350~2 500 nm,光谱分辨率1 nm。为减少计算量,将光谱分辨率重采样为5 nm,并采用Gao[17]提出的基于移动窗内局部均值与局部方差的方法计算各波段的信噪比,结果表明感兴趣波段445~1 200 nm信噪比均大于50,可直接用于反演。采用LAI-2200冠层分析仪(美国LI-COR公司生产)测量LAI。在每个样本点分别选取5和10株冬小麦叶片样本各一份,使用LI-3000便携式叶面积仪(美国LI-COR公司生产)现场测量各样本的总叶面积,并秤量叶鲜质量后冷藏送至实验室。5株冬小麦的叶片样本用于测量叶片叶绿素含量Cab;10株冬小麦的叶片样本烘干至恒质量,秤量叶片干质量,根据叶片干、湿质量求得冬小麦叶片干物质含量Cm、含水量Cw和比叶重(leaf specific weight,SLW)。利用各样本的总叶面积,将Cab、SLW、Cw单位换算为g/m2,以符合ACRM模型的预定义[18]。


为探索遥感数据光谱分辨率对冬小麦LAI反演的影响,并排除不同数据源信噪比、传感器特性等干扰因素,本研究基于实测冬小麦冠层高光谱反射率,利用Landsat 5 TM传感器光谱响应函数合成TM多光谱数据红(R)、绿(G)、蓝(B)、近红外(NIR)波段[7,12,19],公式如下

式中ρm为模拟TM多光谱反射率;ρh,λ为λ波长的高光谱反射率;RSRλ为对应波长的TM光谱响应函数,从美国地质调查局(United States Geological Survey,USGS)网站下载[20];Lλ为太阳直射辐射亮度,由MODTRAN (moderate resolution atmospheric transmission)模型模拟得到。MODTRAN大气模型选择“中纬度夏季(MODEL=2,CARD 1)”,气溶胶模式设为“乡村气溶胶模式(IHAZE=1,CARD 2)”,其他参数取值参考相关研究[21],限于篇幅不再赘述。

2 研究方法






合理确定自由变量对于查找表反演精度有很明显的影响。本研究采用EFAST(extended Fourier amplitude sensitivity test)方法[33]分析了ACRM模型11个主要参数[26,34]在各波段的敏感性。EFAST方法考虑了参数间的交互作用,因而比常用的局部敏感性分析方法更全面、客观[34]。设待分析参数的取值在其允许范围内均匀分布,随机抽取5 000组参数取值组合,代入ACRM模型,生成模拟反射率数据集。将参数取值组合与模拟反射率数据集输入SimLab软件,现EFAST敏感性分析。由分析结果(图1)可知,在可见光-近红外(VNIR)范围内,有8个参数全局敏感性指数大于0.1,分别是LAI、叶绿素含量Cab、SLW、平均叶倾角θm、土壤反射率参数rsl1、叶肉结构参数N、Ångstrom浊度系数β、马尔可夫群聚参数Sz。

图1 ACRM模型输入参数敏感性分析Fig.1 Sensitivity analysis of variables in ACRM model



表2 ACRM模型参数取值范围Table 2 Ranges of input variables for ACRM model

本研究中自由变量取值范围较宽(见表2),模拟了实际应用中缺乏先验知识的通常情况。热点参数SL参数化为LAI的函数[35]。叶片表面蜡质折射指数n、叶片干物质含量Cm、椭圆叶片角分布参数eL对VNIR范围内反射率贡献低,固定为各自期望值[26]。叶片棕色素含量Cbp仅对衰老叶片的反射率影响显著。本研究中,绿色叶片占绝对优势,故Cbp设为0[36]。β表征大气总体浑浊状况,与波长无关。本研究依据MODIS气溶胶产品(MOD/MYD04)获取470、660 nm处的气溶胶光学厚度τ,根据Iqbal[37]的算法求得β。太阳天顶角θsza根据各样本点田间光谱观测时刻和田块经纬度,基于美国俄勒冈大学太阳辐射监测实验室提供的Solar Position Calculator计算生成。


参照相关研究[9,28,38],本研究以VNIR波长范围(445~1 065 nm)的冠层反射率反演LAI,尝试了5种不同光谱分辨率和波段组合的光谱数据,分别记为B1~B5,见表3。其中B1为模拟TM多光谱数据;B2、B3分别为VNIR范围内所有波段、TM敏感波段的高光谱数据;B4为用于LAI反演的高光谱优选波段数据。为进一步考察光谱分辨率对LAI高光谱反演的影响,以B4选定波段为中心波长,求其附近±10 nm范围内各波段的平均反射率,合成光谱分辨率20 nm的多光谱数据,记为B5。

表3 LAI反演各光谱数据Table 3 Spectral data applied for LAI retrieval

高光谱波段选择的步骤如下:1)基于逐步回归的数据降维。为避免“维数灾难”,参与反演的波段应尽量正交,且充分保持原始数据中有用的信息。由图1可知,LAI 是NIR、红谷范围内最敏感参数;Cab是除红谷外的可见光范围内的最敏感参数。因此,在全部28个实测样本点中随机选取6个样本点,分别以选定样本点的LAI、Cab实测值为自变量,各波段高光谱反射率为因变量进行逐步回归,逐步回归结果即为高光谱数据中反映LAI或Cab变化的相对独立的波段,见表4。从中选择NIR、红谷范围内与LAI最相关,以及除红谷外的可见光范围内与Cab最相关的波段,实现数据降维[15]。2)选取光谱模拟误差最小的波段。当模型输入参数取值尽可能准确(代入参数实测值或最优估计值)时,模拟光谱与实测光谱间仍然存在误差,本研究称之为“光谱模拟误差”。该误差与波段相关,包含物理模型的模拟误差和不可避免的模型参数取值不当导致的误差两部分,反映了客观因素造成的反演误差。为了估计并排除光谱模拟误差对LAI高光谱反演的影响,本研究随机抽取6个样本点,将其参数实测值或最优估计值代入ACRM模型,得到各样本点的最优模拟光谱。逐样本点、逐波段计算最优模拟光谱与实测光谱的距离,得到该样本点的光谱模拟误差。然后,按波段求所选6个样本点光谱模拟误差的均值,得到各波段的平均光谱模拟误差,见图2。以此为基础,排除逐步回归结果中光谱模拟误差较大的波段,按照光谱模拟误差最小的原则修正余下的波段,最终确定LAI高光谱反演较优波段为B4。

表4 基于逐步回归法的LAI、叶绿素含量Cab敏感波段选择Table 4 Bands selected for LAI and Chlorophyll content Cabby stepwise regression

图2 光谱模拟误差Fig.2 Errors of spectral simulation







3 结果与分析





对比基于多光谱数据(B1和B5)与高光谱数据(B3 和B4)的反演结果可知:1)ACRM模型参数不确定性较小(参数化方案S2)时,基于高光谱优选波段数据的反演结果(T1/T2-S2-B4)最优,基于光谱分辨率20 nm的模拟多光谱数据的反演结果(T1/T2-S2-B5)次之,基于模拟TM多光谱数据的反演结果(T1/T2-S2-B1)再次之。此时,提高数据光谱分辨率对反演精度的改善作用随光谱分辨率的升高而逐渐减小。以拔节期为例,试验T1-S2-B4(图3d)的RMSE比T1-S2-B5(图3e)仅减小0.037;而T1-S2-B5的RMSE较之T1-S2-B1(图3a)减小了0.207,改进更显著。LAI高光谱反演最优结果T1-S2-B4与模拟TM多光谱数据反演结果T1-S2-B1相比,表征反演稳定性的R2虽无增加,但RMSE、MRE明显减小,且散点图的线性回归线更接近于1:1线,表明系统误差明显减小。基于抽穗期数据(T2)的反演试验也反映出大致相同的趋势。2)ACRM模型参数不确定性较大(参数化方案S1)时,基于模拟TM多光谱数据(B1)、光谱分辨率20 nm的多光谱数据(B5)与高光谱优选波段数据(B4)三者的反演结果差异很小。例如,反演试验T2-S1-B4(图3p)较之T2-S1-B1(图3n),前者R2虽然从0.0757升至0.2162,但反映误差水平的RMSE反而增加了0.02。


图3 基于不同光谱数据和不同参数方案的拔节期和抽穗期LAI反演结果Fig.3 LAI retrieval results at jointing stage and heading stage based on remote sensing data with different spectral resolution and different schemes of parameterization


1)本研究为高光谱数据能否提高LAI反演精度的学术争论提供了一个可能的解释。合理的波段选择与冠层反射率模型参数不确定性足够小是光谱分辨率较高的数据能够提高LAI反演精度与稳定性的必要条件。当上述条件满足时,应优先选择光谱分辨率较高的数据。除高光谱数据外,光谱分辨率相对较高且能区分LAI特征波段(如红谷、红边和NIR)的多光谱数据源(如MODIS、Landsat 8 OLI和WorldView 3)也有提高LAI反演精度的潜力,应在未来进一步加以探索。



4 结 论



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Comparison between multispectral and hyperspectral remote sensing for LAI estimation

Liu Ke1, Zhou Qingbo1※, Wu Wenbin1,2, Chen Zhongxin1, Tang Huajun1
(1. Key Laboratory of Agri-informatics, Ministry of Agriculture/Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China;2. College of Urban & Environmental Sciences, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China)

Abstract:Hyperspectral remote sensing has been commonly employed for crop LAI estimation in recent years. However, the advantages of hyperspectral data compared with multispectral data in LAI estimation remain debate. To compare multispectral and hyperspectral remote sensing for LAI estimation, five datasets with different spectral resolution, spectral coverage, and band selection were tested for retrieving LAI by inverting the ACRM (A Two-Layer Canopy Reflectance Model) model in this study. The study area is located in Shenzhou, Hebei Province, China. A field experiment was conducted during the jointing and heading stages of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) in 2014. In situ measurements were performed in five winter wheat cultivars. The canopy spectra and the biophysical variables (LAI, leaf chlorophyll content, and leaf specific weight etc.) were measured. The inversion technique based on a look-up table (LUT) is adopted with the following procedure. Firstly, for determining the free variables of the LUT, sensitivities of the ACRM variables were evaluated using the EFAST algorithm. Two schemes of parameterizations were designed, separately denoted as “S1” and “S2”. The scheme S1 had 7 variables, whose EFAST global sensitivity index was larger than 0.1, as free variables. The scheme S2 further was used to fixe leaf mesophyll structure and Markov clumping parameter to their best estimation. Secondly, to select the optimum hyperspectral bands for LAI estimation, stepwise regression was adopted to eliminate the multicollinearity in hyperspectral data. The results of stepwise regression were further adjusted to avoid errors in spectral simulation. Thirdly, five datasets, separately denoted as B1 to B5, were composed based on the in situ measured hyperspectral spectra and the result of band selection, including B1: the synthetic Landsat 5 TM data; B2: hyperspectral data (5 nm spectral resolution) of visible light and near inferred (VNIR, 445-1 065 nm); B3: hyperspectral data covering the sensitive bands of TM within VNIR (445-945 nm); B4: the selected hyperspectral bands for LAI estimation; B5: multispectral data of 20 nm spectral resolution, with their center wavelengths located at the selected hyperspectral bands. The accuracy and stability between LAI retrieval based on the two schemes of ACRM parameterization and using the five datasets were compared. The experiments showed that: first, within the range of VNIR, LAI estimation did not benefit from the wider spectral coverage of in situ measured hyperspectral data than the synthetic TM data.Second, if the bands participating in the inversion were properly selected and the uncertainty in the parameterization of the ACRM model was fairly low, remote sensing data of higher spectral resolution would generally result in a more accurate LAI estimation. In this case, the effects of spectral resolution to the inversion accuracy were not linear. With the increase of spectral resolution, the benefit from higher spectral resolution could decrease. For instance, B5 yielded significantly more accurate LAI estimations than B1; however, B4 performed merely slightly better than B5. Third, if the bands for retrieving LAI were not properly selected (for instance, using dataset B3), or the parameterization of ACRM model was fairly uncertain (for instance, using the scheme S1), remotely sensed data with higher spectral resolution could not result in more accurate LAI estimation. In conclusion, remotely sensed data with higher spectral resolution generally yielded more accurate LAI estimation only when the band selection was properly performed and the uncertainty of the parameters was fairly low.Otherwise, there was no significant difference between multispectral and hyperspectral data for crop LAI retrieval. This study provides information for the advantages of using hyperspectral data to estimate LAI. Moreover, this study reveals the great potential to enhance the accuracy of LAI estimation by using multispectral data with relevantly high spectral resolution, for instance, MODIS, Landsat 8 OLI and WorldView 3.

Keywords:vegetation; remote sensing; spectrum analysis; leaf area index; hyperspectral data; inversion; band selection









